Jihad is a form of love for Islam. But unfortunately, today, many people misinterpret the meaning of jihad in Islam.…
Money is the primary thing people are looking for today. Because with money, we can prosper ourselves, even at some…
Mutual respect among religious people is one of the traits that must be held by a Muslim. It is because…
Truthfulness is an act that does not break the law of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala or we often heard it…
Loving treasure is the nature of man. Therefore, some people try to reach the treasures by all means, regardless of…
Before knowing about The Benefits of Dua Kanzul Arsh, let's us read this following dua first : "Bismillahir Rahmaanirrohiim, Laa ilaha…
Ramadhan is the ninth month in Islamic calendar. It is one of the most waited month by Muslim in all…
The word will is derived from Arabic, namely wahshaitu ash-syaia, uushiihi, meaning aushaltuhu (I convey something) which means that a…
Humans are social creatures who have many needs including the need for love and affection. To fulfill this need, Islam…
In a marriage, several new relationships arise and widespread kinship. This is in accordance with the purpose of marriage in…