Judging a person only from his outward appearance is unfair because someone’s appearance does not always determine the personality and the quality of his faith (see also how to improve…
Nia Widya
Debt or Al-Qardh means cut or in the other words, it is giving the treasure to others where it will be used properly and later it will be returned to…
Drinking while sitting becomes one of eating and drinking adab that is advised in Islam. Drinking is one of body’s needs and human always do it in their daily activity.…
When we are sick, of course we need someone to take care us. So our disease can heal quickly. Islam is very appreciative the task of health, because this task…
There is an insight in the society that the law of cutting hair and nail during menstruation is prohibited because a woman who is in the condition of menstruation is…
There is no human in this world who wants to be hurt and betrayed. All human want to get happiness, love and peace within themselves. For that, every human should…
The law of Ramadan fasting is obligatory For Muslim including men and women. It is different with another sunnah fasting like Arafah fasting, fasting on Monday and Thursday, Rajab fasting,…
Muslim’s obligation to other Muslims has been explained specifically in Islam. Indeed Muslims are brothers. If one of them is hurt, the other gets sick, too. So, we have to…
In Islam, There are several prohibited days of fasting. Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam and as a Muslim, fasting is obligatory. But, Performing fasting must be done with…
The virtues of sadaqah in Ramadhan becomes one of the best months to multiply charity and get a lot of rewards. There are many charity that can be done this…