Islamic Rules

10 Rules of Drinking Civet Coffee in Islam – It’s Halal!

Coffee is one of the most bestselling commodity in the world. It has different taste, according to where it was produced. Civet coffee named as the most expensive coffee which also produce in small amount worldwide. Indonesia known as the producer of the coffee, with only 400 kg a year.

What makes civet coffee unique and different is it was extracted from the dungs of civets. The civets were given coffee beans to be eaten, then the beans were processed inside the civet’s stomach and was gotten out along with the dung.

This cause arguments among Muslims whether it’s halal or not. Here are the explanation about rules of drinking civet coffee in Islam. As many Muslims are coffee addict, this information must be very useful for them.

  1. Civet Coffee is Not Haram for Muslims

Civet coffee was extracted from the feces of civets, which makes it arguably haram. Feces is najs, so it was suggested unclean. However, civet coffee is not haram for Muslims. After the beans were washed several times, it will become clean thus it’s halal.

Besides, coffee beans that were extracted from civet is going through cleansing steps before roasted. During the process, all the impurity are washed away. Also read Rules of Drinking Water in Islam

  1. Civet Coffee Doesn’t Absorb Impurity

Coffee beans that are extracted from civet doesn’t absorb the impurity in its stomach. But when it comes out, the beans stay in solid form as they were before eaten. Thus the beans didn’t absorb any impurities in the civet’s stomach, otherwise it dissolved.

The fact that the coffee beans didn’t change after being eaten by civet means it’s just the same as before. It doesn’t contain anything impure from the animal.

  1. Impurity Can be Washed Off

As impurity doesn’t absorbed in the beans, it indeed can be attached at the outside. However, any impurity attached on the beans can be washed off. Once it did, the coffee become pure once more.

After the washing process, it can be proceeded to be roasted and served as coffee. But it has to be assured that the coffee beans has completely pure. Also read Rules of Eating Food in Islam


  1. If the Coffee Beans is Swollen, It’s Haram

It has been explained above that as long as the coffee beans didn’t change its form, it’s halal to be consumed. But if the coffee has swollen, it shouldn’t be eaten. When the coffee beans are swollen, they have absorbed materials—whether it’s pure or impure from the civet’s stomach.

It becomes too risky to be consumed, since if a Muslim eats something impure it’s the same as committing sins.

  1. The Purity of the Coffee Beans Should be Tested

To know whether civet coffee beans are halal or not, it should be examined and tested carefully. As it was processed inside the civet’s stomach, the coffee beans could absorb impurity from the enzymes secreted in it.

If this is the case, the beans do not remain solid as they were—they can either swollen or vulnerable—thus it’s not permissible to be eaten. Coffee that made from it is haram. Also read Reasons Why Eating Etiquette From Prophet Are Good For Health

  1. If the Coffee Beans Still Could Grow, Then It’s Halal

There are one suggested way to prove that coffee beans come out of civet’s feces is still halal. Try to plant the beans and see if it can grow. Coffee beans that remains in good conditions and did not contaminated with impure material will grow.

This was taken from the story of one shahabah below:

An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Our companions (may Allah have mercy on them) said: If an animal eats some grains and they come out of its stomach in sound condition, then if they remain solid, in that if they were to be planted they would grow, then they are pure (taahir).


  1. Civet Coffee Has Been Declared Halal

Indonesia is the largest civet coffee producer in the world. The coffee grows in many places in the country, thus it’s pretty easy to find and drink civet coffee. But as a Muslim majority country, civet coffee has once become an issue too.

It was doubted as halal since it comes out of animal’s dung. After some discussion, Indonesia’s top Islamic body has declared that civet coffee is halal. It has proven to be processed in a hygienic way which removes all the impurity attached on the outside. Also read Most Destructive Sins in Islam

  1. Civet Coffee Processed in Halal Way

Civet coffee can be consumed and dubbed halal after going through purifying process. While civet coffee is halal because its form is still solid, but it has to be washed several time to make sure there is no impurity attached.

Once it cleaned and pure, Muslims can drink the civet coffee. So making sure that the civet coffee were processed in the right way is important, otherwise it’s haram.

  1. Not Only Drinking, Selling It is Also Halal

Muslims are not only allowed to drink civet coffee. They can also produce and sell it to earn money. Every activities involves the civet coffee is not haram, as long as it was processed according to Sharia. Also read Importance of Foods in Islam

  1. Muslims May Enjoy Drinking Civet Coffee

The fact that civet coffee has declared halal by Islamic scholars is a good news for most Muslims, especially them who enjoys drinking coffee. Coffee has been a part of modern people, in which they can’t live without a cup of coffee in the morning.

So those are the explanation about rules of drinking civet coffee in Islam. As it has declared halal, Muslims can now enjoy the unique taste of coffee. Civet coffee is a must taste since beside it’s the most expensive coffee, it’s also quite rare in the world.

Indah Ariviani

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