4 Ways to Know Yourself Before Knowing Allah and Its Verses

5 years ago

In Islam, every Muslim must know Allah SWT the Creator. However, before we know Allah SWT, it is better to…

8 Ways to Make Your Heart Calm in Facing Problems and Its Verses

5 years ago

There is not a single creature that does not get problems in his life, especially human. Even the Prophet has…

6 Manners of Sacrifice in Islam for Muslims and Its Verses

5 years ago

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said: فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ. "Then establish prayer because of your God and sacrifice." (QS. Al-Kauthar: 2)…

8 Ways to Believe in the Prophets and Its Verses

5 years ago

Believing in the Prophets is the fourth pillar of faith in Islam. As obedient Muslims, we must do various deeds…

7 Rules of Sacrifice in Islam That Must Be Obeyed and Its Verses

5 years ago

Udhiyah is a livestock animal that is slaughtered on Eid al-Adha and Tashreeq day in order to get closer to…

8 Characteristics of Hypocrite Women in Islam That Must Be Avoided

5 years ago

In Islam, a woman's position is very noble that there is a surah named An-Nisa. However, actually, not all women…

The Law of Parents Who Hurt Their Children’s Hearts in Islam and Its Verses

5 years ago

Heaven lies under the feet of mothers. That proverb is not only a proverb, however it is the form of…

10 Characteristics of Unbelievers in Islam That Muslims Must Know

5 years ago

We often hear the word unbeliever from the Qur'an. In Islam itself, unbeliever has the meaning of denying Allah's grace.…

Things That Are Forbidden in Buying and Selling and Its Verses

5 years ago

Buying and selling is a matter that is familiar for Muslims. This often becomes the part of the way to…

Things That Are Sunnah When Slaughtering Sacrificial Animals and Its Verses

5 years ago

Eid al-Adha is a big day for Muslims all around the world. This sacrifice day that is commemorated every 10th…