
A Brief History of the Battle of Trench (Khandaq)

The Battle of The Trench is one of the most famous wars in Islamic history. You can also read the history about Battle of Uhud dan the wisdom of it The war illustrates how smart a friend of the Prophet from Persia, Salman Al Farisi.

Salman Al Farisi became a friend who proposed a strategy to build a trench to prevent the Quraysh infidels who were allied with Jews.

What is the story of the Battle of The Trench like? Here are some reviews for you.

Before the Battle of The Trench

Based on the records of the Ulama’, the Battle of The Trench took place in Shawwal in the year 5 of Hijriyah. There are also those who argue that the Battle of The Trench took place in the 4th year of Hijriyah.

The trigger for the Battle of The Trench itself was the grudge held by the Jews against the Messenger of Allāh in the Bani Nadhir War.

Bani Nadhir and Bani Wa’il, who at that time were the main figures in building allies with the Quraysh infidels. The figures of Bani Nadhir and Bani Wa’il referred to are Sallam bin abil Huqaiq, Hayyi bin Akhtab, Kinanah bin abil Huqaiq, Hauzah bin Qais al-Wa’iliy and Abu Ammar al-Wa’iliy.

The Bani Nadhir and Bani Wa’il officials tried to persuade the Quraysh infidels to join them. They promised to continue together with the Quraysh infidels and said that the religion of the Quraysh infidels was better than Islam.

Not only the Quraysh, the Banu Nadhir and the Banu Wa’il also persuaded the Banu Gathafan to join them. Bani Nadhir and Bani Wa’il promised the harvest of Khaibar dates to Bani Gathafan for a full year. As a result, a large army of infidels was formed.

Salman Al Farisi’s Bright Idea for Muslims

According to Dr. Akram Dhiya Al-Umuri in Sahih Sirah Nabawiyah, the number of troops among the Quraysh infidels reached 10,000 people. Meanwhile, the number of Muslim troops is only 3000.

This is very far from the number of unbelievers who are a coalition between the Quraysh, the Banu Nadhir, the Banu Wa’il, and the Banu Gathafan. This number of troops like Battle of Badr and you have to know the importance of Battle of Badr.

After getting the news, Rasulullah SAW immediately held a meeting with all Muslims at that time. The Messenger of Allah, who did not want to endanger the Muslims in Medina, had not yet found the right solution to fight a very large army of infidels.

In the meeting, Salman Al-Farisi, a friend of the Prophet who came from Persia, gave a very bright idea. Salman Al-Farisi suggested that the Muslims dig a trench to the north of Medina which was the only open net that the enemy could pass if he wanted to enter the city of Medina.

Rasulullah and his companions immediately agreed to the brilliant idea of ​​Salman Al-Farisi. The construction of the trench was soon started by all Muslims. Construction of a trench that has a length of 5,544 meters, a width of 4.62 meters, and in 3,234 meters takes 6-24 days.

The Attack of the Infidels Against Muslims

The unbelievers’ horsemen began to attack the Muslims who were in Medina. However, the infidels had to struggle to penetrate the trench that had been built by the Muslims.

It was during this breakthrough, Ali bin Abi Talib ambushed the cavalry. Amr bin Abdul Wud who was the leader of the force was killed.

After Amr bin Abdul Wud was killed, other horsemen from Bani Makhzum also tried to penetrate the trench. However, they were mired and killed by the Prophet’s cousin, Ali bin Abi Talib. Ali bin Abi Talib was indeed a hero at that time.

After 15 days of siege and attack, divisions had begun to emerge among the infidels. Jews from Banu Nadhir and Banu Quraizhah refused to fight on the Sabbath because they had to worship.

However, the Quraysh infidels urged them to continue to fight. Coalition which was originally a large number began to break down.

In addition, camps built by infidels were hit by very strong winds. In fact, they also could not light a campfire to warm themselves. Their tents also collapsed due to very strong winds.

As a result of the divisions and natural disasters they experienced, Abu Sufyan as the leader of the Quraysh infidels invited all the troops to retreat and return to Mecca.

Meanwhile, the Banu Gathafan who saw the Quraysh infidels surrendered participated in returning to their own country.

Enemy forces that were dispersed were used by Muslims to retrieve the supplies left by the Quraysh infidels. All these provisions also became spoils of war for Muslims. Finally, a large army of infidels was able to be driven back and failed to attack the Muslims.

Wisdom of the Battle of the Trench

Many lessons can be taken from the history of the legendary Battle of The Trench. Anything? The following lessons can be taken:

1. In solving problems that are oriented towards the common interest, Muslims are required to consult each other. This deliberation is carried out so that the best decisions for everyone can be formed.

2. Muslims must have a lot of knowledge in various ways. This wisdom can be drawn from the knowledge of the Salm Al-Farisi war. The Messenger of Allah and his friends who had the ability to think highly were able to understand that the strategy was the best strategy that could be used. But, we have to have the manner of knowledge seeker in Islam. So, we can do a worship with knowledge.

3. Muslims must unite in dealing with the problems of the Ummah. Unity among Muslims can be the most powerful weapon to deal with problems of any size.

This can be seen from the cooperation of Muslims in building trenches and carrying out strategies when the unbelievers’ cavalry began to attack.

That was a little about the history of the Battle of The Trench and the wisdom that can be drawn from the Battle of The Trench. Hopefully we can become Muslims who always imitate all the morals and knowledge possessed by the Messenger of Allah and his companions.

So, we as modern Muslims can find the best way to make Muslims advance and return to glory like they used to be. And, we can get the best way to be a strong believer.

That’s the first article from us. Hopefully useful and see you in our next history article. Jazakumullah khairan katsiiran.

Muhammad Zaki

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