
14 Effects of Sins in Islam

Islam is a religion that always encourage their adherents to live in a good way, avoid any circumstances that lead them to astray including committing sins. Our guidance of book the Holy Quran always though us as Muslims to avoid any acts and even prohibited thoughts which will lead us into sins. Read also about concept of moral teaching in Islam.

There are many examples of bad deed that results in sins for human. Be it murder, slender, adultery, drinking alcohol, theft, magic, usury, seditious to our parents and others. But why Allah SWT strictly mentioned all kind of this bad deed in Quran repeatedly, and specifically telling Muslims that it could produce sins and the wrath from Allah SWT. It must be a correlation between sins and the effects of sins in Islam.

Here we would like to discuss about those effects (sins) towards human. And the reason of why sins could give us a great danger both in the word and the hereafter.

The Effects of Sins in Islam

1. It will lead Muslims to hellish hell

All kind of activities that against the will of Allah SWT and did not follow or even in contrast with the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad will only lead us to Hell. As mentioned in the following verse,

“And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, surely the Fire of Hell awaits him, therein he will abide in perpetuity.”

(QS. Al-Jinn-23)

2. Sins will obstruct knowledge

Science or knowledge are blessing from Allah SWT. It equals to light that put by His allowance, people who commit sins and evil deed will be obstructed from this blessing such as the people of ignorance. They have no guidance and life just like a lowly creature.

3. Sins obviously will bring bad deeds to human

If we commit sins, we will be equal to satan’s ally, which only lead us into bad deeds to another bad deeds. Faith and obedience are two things that bring us closer to Allah SWT, it is also a light for us to pass the darkest things in this world. When people commit sins, their light will fade away, this will only bring them to confusion and darkness in their heart. Bid’ah, digression, and a destructive case are the results. Read also about surah for forgiveness of major sins.


4. We will be complicated in terms of sustenance

“And when they have (nearly) fulfilled their term, either retain them according to acceptable terms or part with them according to acceptable terms. And bring to witness two just men from among you and establish the testimony for (the acceptance of) Allah .

That is instructed to whoever should believe in Allah and the Last day. And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out.
And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a (decreed) extent.”

QS. At-Talaq : 2-3

As mentioned in the hadith above that Allah SWT has set each of us with the amount of sustenance. If we made sins this will only made us more difficult in achieving it.

5. Our heart become numb and dull

Sins believe it or not will made human’s heart become numb and dull. We’ve seen so many people of experience this feeling inside their heart. First you might find that it is difficult to commit sins, but after doing it once, unconsciously you will repeat it again. Until one time you find yourself feeling dull, and your heart is hardened by sins. No more worrying of commiting any sins will made us unlawful person in result. Also read about ways on how to repent in Islam for major sins.

6. Allah SWT will solve our problems

“….And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him of his matter ease. That is the command of Allah, which He has send down to you, and whoever fears Allah – He will remove for him his misdeeds and make great for him his reward.”

QS. At-Talaq : 4-5

If we believe in Allah SWT have faith on Him and always do what we should do as human as mentioned in Quran and Hadith. Then Allah will help us in any kind of problems. But in contrast if we commit sins which only draw away Allah from us, His help will never reach us in any of our problems both in the world and the hereafter.

7. It will deny the provision from Allah

As Rasulullah said in the following hadith,

“Nothing extends one’s life span but righteousness nothing averts the divine decree but supplication, and nothing deprives a man of provision but the sin that he commits.”

Narrated by Ibn Majah

Clear that sustenance and provision will be driven away or even denied by Allah if Muslims commit sins.

8. Sins will deprive our worship

It is believed that as the act of satan, sins will cut off access to worship for Muslims. Another worship and its reward also will be cut out if we commit sins.

9. The cruelty of sins is it will breed another sins until we can not repay it or drown by it.

10. It will weaken our courage and willpower.

A person who commits sins like cheating obviously have no courage inside their heart. Sins is like a cancer or other disease which little by little will corrupted our willpower, when we taste the ease of cheating for example, we will cut our way of struggle and skip it by cheating. That will be a serious problem.

11. Sins also weaken our body.

Drinking alcohol as well as consuming drugs will break and weaken our body. As alcohol and drugs only cause a bad effect towards our body especially if we consume it excessively.


12. We will be rewarded by humiliation and lowliness

Honor is a piece of treasure that lies in each human. If you lose it because you commit sins like murder or stealing, it will only cause a humiliation. Not only you, but your family will bear it.

13. Sins bring up corruption

Such as the corruption of nature, waters, air, plants, animals, and so forth. And we have been the witness all this time. We should also know that there are list of unforgivable sins in Islam.

14. Sins will drive away Muslims from the protection, love, and care of Allah SWT.

And that’s all the effects of sins in Islam, which very important for Muslims especially as a great reminder for us to avoid it. Once simple mistake will lead into another mistake in terms of sins.

Yeni Lisiana

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