Good Deed

11 Importance to Appreciate Your Spouse that Muslims Should Know

A marriage relationship is very sacred, each part (spouse) meet by the destiny created by Allah SWT. Marriage is a way for human to avoid immorality and adultery. As man and woman created by Allah SWT each has their own role and meaning. And they created to be part of each other, that is way marriage is important for all human including Muslims.

As the verse below said the purpose of marriage,

“You shall encourage those of you who are single to get married. They may marry the righteous among your male and female servants, if they are poor. God will enrich them from His grace. God is bounteous, knower.”

QS. An-Nur : 32

Here we would like to tell you on the importance to appreciate your spouse, since for each of you spouse is a soul mate. Maybe we need to learn tips to deal with preasure after marriage in Islam.

1. They are our source of joy

As the verse below,

“And they say, ‘Our Lord, let our spouses and children be a source of joy for us, and keep us in the forefront of the righteous.”

QS. Al-Furqan : 74

Means that our spouse and children is our joy in this world. If they are our joy then shouldn’t we have respected and appreciate them? If we appreciate gold or diamond, then of course they are more precious than that.

2. They are our own reflection

Do you know that your spouse is actually you or your own reflection? if you hurt them and dishonor them, it is equal to hurting and dishonoring your ownself. You may want to read about terms of marriage in Islam.

Your spouse is your garment, if you appreciate them and treat them well it will give you great impact. People will see you in honor and respect and they and vice versa.

“They (your wives) are a clothing (covering) for you and you too are a clothing (covering) for them.”

QS. Al-Baqarah : 187

Logically, we must be embarrassed if we wear ragged clothes or even naked right?

3. Allah will give you reward

Your spouse is also your field of reward. If you do good to them Allah SWT will give you many rewards. Doing good things towards other is very noble especially to our spouse or partners.

4. Appreciate them to avoid sins

Swearing at your wife is like cursing your mother and vice versa. To respect your husband and wife is a command from Allah SWT and if we against it then it’s same as we committing sins. You may want to read about things that nullify marriage in Islam.

“Were I to command anybody to fall in prostration to anybody, I would have commanded the wife to fall in prostration to her husband.”

Narrated by At-Tirmidhi


5. You will spend your entire time with them

It is importance to appreciate your spouse since you will spend your time day to day with them till both of you growing old. Your children maybe trying to be close with you, but when time came, they will become an adult and spend their own times with their own children and spouse.

When that time come your partner will be only your spouse. If you don’t appreciate them then you might be regretted it in the future.

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.

QS. Ar-Rum : 21

6. They will help you in your lower point

When you are failed and falling down or feeling depressed remember that your spouse is the one who always support you. They always give their hands to help you from you lower point to survive and fight back. It is an obligation for us to appreciate them and honor them, while if you have time and opportunity, you must make them happy.

7. Your children needs both of their parents

Remember when you’ve married and have children,they will make both of their parents as role models. Please consider if you hurt your spouse or treat them bad, it will affected your children in the future.

They need a good example of how parents should behave and spread love. Since children will only imitate their closest persons or example. You may want to read about effects of late marriage in Islam.

8. A good and blessed marriage will lead us to paradise

Marriage is a way to gather rewards from Allah SWT. A good marriage will be blessed by Allah SWT and will be our chance to obtain paradise. As the Prophet said in the following hadith,

“There is no foundation that has been built in Islam more loved by Allah SWT than marriage.”

The hadith is a proved evidence of how great importance Allah SWT and Rasulullah have placed on marriage. Marriage is the foundation of love for human in the world. It build by human by honesty, sincerity and faith towards other including respect.

9. Appreciate them and Allah will grant you His grace

Allah SWT will give you His grace if you can appreciate your spouse and if you look back to your past days. It may give you vision of how spouse and children has been your path to the grace of Allah SWT.


10. They are the way to peace and love

As mentioned before that to find love and also peace you can find it in your family. And of course you can find it in your spouse. If you love them more the will love you even more. And that the love from spouse is more important than anything else in this world.

“It has been narrated from Abi Abdillah that, ‘A man once came to my father. My father asked him, ‘Are you married?’ The man replied, ‘No.’ My father (as) replied, ‘I would not love to have the world and all that is contained within it if it meant I had to spend one night without a woman (beside me).”

11. Allah SWT has given His ordered to respect and honor them

For Muslims Allah SWT has been ordered to their people for honoring their spouse. As mentioned in the following verse,

“And (also prohibited to you are all) married women except those your right hands possess. (This is) the decree of Allah upon you. And lawful to you are (all others) beyond these, [provided] that you seek them (in marriage) with (gifts from) your property, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse. So for whatever you enjoy (of marriage) from them, give them their due compensation as an obligation. And there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree to beyond the obligation. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.”

QS. An-Nisa : 24

Honoring or respecting your spouse means you obey the will of Allah SWT. An obedience will be rewarded with blessing and grace.

That is all the importance to appreciate your spouse that Muslims should know. If you want to expand your knowledge you can read about rules of remarriage in Islam.

Yeni Lisiana

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