Islamic Info

8 Precious Rewards of Umrah and Hajj

Have you ever wondered what kind of rewards of Umrah and hajj are in Islam? Most Muslims believe that there are so many rewards for doing both good deeds. Moreover, Umrah is almost similar to hajj, which commonly calls as the little hajj that brings many benefits for Muslims.

Rewards of Umrah and hajj for Muslims commonly represent the same way to increase their faith in Allah and Islamic rules in common. Even so, both of them have different rewards in specific because the hajj is a part of one of the five Islamic pillars which are better done by Muslims if they can afford it.

If you are wondering what kind of rewards of Umrah and hajj in Islam, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Umrah evaporated your sin

Most Muslim believe that one of the rewards of Umrah brings your sin evaporated as Allah will forgive all of your sins. That is why it is important to perform Umrah if you are missing to perform hajj or because you couldn’t afford hajj.

Most Muslims believe while they are performing Umrah is a chance for them for seeking forgiveness from Allah. They will do so much repentance during their Umrah with the hope to seek Allah’s forgiveness as Umrah is one of the good deeds that have the same rewards as the hajj.

2. Umrah is equivalent to jihad

One of the most rewards of Umrah that Muslims believe for so many years is that Umrah is equivalent to Jihad. That makes sense for Muslims to have their desire to perform Umrah at least once a time for these rewards.

Muslims believe by performing jihad can refer to the rewards to get a ticket to Jannah, which becomes the most wonderful place to reach Muslims.

3. Umrah will eliminate poverty

One of the rewards of Umrah as a part of the rewards of Umrah and hajj is that Umrah will eliminate poverty. Most Muslim believe once they perform Umrah, Allah will multiply their wealth so that they will avoid poverty significantly.

Even so, that doesn’t mean Muslims have to perform Umrah if they couldn’t help each other that need the most in the neighborhood. Muslims believe it is better to help them first instead of performing Umrah after Umrah won’t help them. And that can be one of the reasons why zakat is important to help each other.

4. Umrah will strengthen faith

One of the most rewards of performing Umrah is that Muslims will get their devotion to Allah to be stronger than before. As they perform Umrah sincerely, Allah will reward them with more devotion to always doing good deeds to seek some of Allah’s blessing.

As part of the rewards of Umrah and Hajj, most Muslim believe that performing Umrah will make their faith in Allah become stronger time by time. It is mentioned in the Quran surah Al Bayyinah verse 5 below.

آ اُمِرُوْٓا اِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوا اللّٰهَ مُخْلِصِيْنَ لَهُ الدِّيْنَ ەۙ حُنَفَاۤءَ وَيُقِيْمُوا الصَّلٰوةَ وَيُؤْتُوا الزَّكٰوةَ وَذٰلِكَ دِيْنُ الْقَيِّمَةِۗ

“They are not ordered, except to worship Allah by sincerely obeying Him again hanif (istikamah), perform prayers, and pay zakat. That is the straight (true) religion.” (QS 98:5)

5. Hajj brings you to Jannah

One of the most precious rewards for Muslim performing Hajj is it will bring them to Jannah the highest heaven for Muslims. The Hajj Mabrur represents the hajj that is accepted by Allah, which Muslims should take it seriously while performing it to get there.

Performing Hajj in Mecca is a good chance to visit Allah’s home as mentioned in the Quran surah Ali Imran verse 96. Moreover, if you make some Duas to protect yourself from hell while performing hajj.

اِنَّ اَوَّلَ بَيْتٍ وُّضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِيْ بِبَكَّةَ مُبٰرَكًا وَّهُدًى لِّلْعٰلَمِيْنَۚ ٩٦

“Indeed, the first house (of worship) built for humans was (Baitullah) which (was) in Bakkah (Mecca) which was blessed and became a guide for all nature.” (QS 3:96)

6. Hajj brings your supplications answered

Most Muslims believe that one of the rewards of Hajj would bring their supplication answered by Allah. It can be the chance for Muslims to make as many as supplications they want without bothering it would be answered or not.

Performing hajj will bring many supplications answered by Allah if you’ve done it properly. Most Muslim believe that every supplication would bring many changes to their life so they would do the supplications carefully. Moreover, your supplication can be done as a morning habit in an Islamic way.

7. Hajj brings the well-balanced life

One of the rewards of hajj is that it brings the well-balanced life that Muslims desire the most. Whether for the present life or in the hereafter, having a blessed well-balanced life is every Muslim’s dream to get the life that Allah wants.

While performing Hajj, most Muslims will make the supplication to get a well-balanced life as the most precious reward for them. Sometimes life can indeed be so hard for them so that makes sense that they want to get the balance of it to seek Allah’s blessing.

8. Hajj gains your physic stronger

One of the rewards of performing hajj is that it gains your physic to be stronger than before. Performing hajj needs to be done by following some steps in different places that makes Muslim stronger than before.

Moreover, Allah demands Muslims to get physically stronger to defeat any evil distractions that may come through them in life. You may need to take good manners of reciting the holy Quran while performing hajj to subtle your physical and mental health.

So, there are some of the rewards of Umrah and hajj in Islam that Muslims should know. May Allah give you the chance to perform Umrah or hajj once in a while in your life.

Khajar Susanti

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