Islamic Info

How to Get Rid of Djinn in Your Body in Islamic Way

Djinn are supernatural beings. They cannot be seen by us. Sometimes, they appear in different forms. There is no doubt that djinn can influence human. They influence human with interference such as disturbing by throwing stones, frightening human and other things, and sometimws it can lead to a deadly way.

Because they are always bothering us, we should protect ourselves from djinn by reciting Quran verses to protect yourself from Djinn in Islam. Now, this article will discuss on how to get rid of djinn in your body in Islamic way in order to more focus on praying.

Why Djinn Always Disturb the Humans

Any some reason why djinn disturb the human, the reasons are including in the following below:

1.      Hereditary

Djinn can enter the human body because of heredity. The predecessor of that person had made an agreement, a risk one, with the djinn. If the predecessor had passed away, this djinn will transfer to their hereditary. This is one of the types of shirk in Islam because they are not believing in Allah.

2.      Talisman

It also because of a talisman stored by someone. People who like to treat heirlooms excessively, for example the talisman just bathed. It is also part of black magic and of course it has side effects of black magic in Islam.

3.      Dhikr

The deeds and the dhikr that you read. Some forms of the dhikr has no example from the Messenger of Allah, it will invite the djinn. For example, people read dhikr subhanallah, he recites dhikr with a certain amount that has no rules. You might also want to know the importance of dhikr in Islam.

4.      Djinn Can See The Humans

Djinns can see us and we cannot see them. Because of they can see us and we can’t see them, they are determined to bother us. It’s easy for them.

5.      Many Doubt (confusion) and Lust

If we have more lust for ourselves, then Muslims will follow djinn, and accept shirk of them. You need to know about the dangerous types of lust in Islam. So it is obligatory for every Muslim  to be armed with an understanding of faith.

The faith could make the mind gets light, their soul is purified, their chest is stretched to the truth, and their heart is calmed. If not, then do you think you will be saved from many prayers and lust which is a fertile shepherd for djinn. Of course, the answer is not.

6.      Failure to Recite Allah

The djinn will give a whisper and trapped human. But it is not going to happen if Muslim remember Allah, the djinn will step their way back from human. But if the Muslims fails to remember Allah, the djinn will tempt him in easy way.

7.      Human Hurt the Djinn, Intentionally or Unintentionally

Djinns  in a form that can be seen by humans such as snakes, large snakes, dogs and cats and it could make Muslim are afraid of him. Many Muslims will think that they are a creature that he knows and then he hastens to hit or kill him according to what he saw. It is not because of he wants to hurt the djinn.

And the Islamic Shari’ah has permitted to kill disturbing creatures from all of the mentioned creatures and the creatures that have the same laws as them without having to give a warning first, except for snakes in the house. They must be warned for three times or three days. You can not kill them directly, you have to wait for three days.

Some of the djinn lived in the dumpster and back of the house too. The humans can’t see it. Sometimes they threw everything to the djinn, so the djinn took revenge. It is not permissible for a Muslim to deliberately harass and hurt the jinn. And they should ask Allah for help in overcoming them if they bother him.

How to Avoid Djinn’s Disruption

We can avoid the djinn’s disruption by doing these:

1.      Abandon Shamanism

Abandon all kinds forms of shamanism and black magic and routinely attend Islamic Studies/ Charity. If you come to shaman and receive a talisman, your life will always followed by djinn.

2.      Ruqyah

You can do ruqyah independently everyday. You should do ruqyah as the same as sunnah of Rasul. You can read the some of Al Quran to protect yourself from djinn. Speaking of ruqyah, you might want to check on how to help possessed person in Islam, of course you can practice it by yourself.

3.      Dhikr

The habits of dhikr can help you to avoid the disturb of djinn. You can choose the protect’s dhikr. With this habbits, the djinn will avoid you. Not only protect yourself from djinn, dhikr also has virtues of blessings for life.

4.      Ablution Before Going to Sleep

Do not forget to take a ablution before going to sleep. You can take wudhu for this. Wudhu will make you always clean and pure that give reason for angels to keep accompany you.

The djinn is a one of Allah creatures. Sometimes, they will disturbing you. But, that is some habits that can you do for avoid the disruption of djinn.

Ahmad Iksan

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