As a Human, it is nature to have impulse to expel Madzi and Sperm. Although it is very humane, madzi and semen belong to excrement according to Islam point of view. Therefore, When madzi comes out must be clean up as soon as possible, because it a legal requirement for shalat
Madzi is clear and thick liquid that comes out when there is impulse or remember sexual intercourse. different to the semen that comes out by spraying out and can be known. Madzi actually comes out without realizing because it does not spout out.
according to Fathul Bari 1/379. Syarah Shahih Muslim Imam Nawawi 1/599. madzi is a clear liquid which is thick enough which comes out from genitals when there is an orgasm flare that looking at some thing, imagining “Jima” or when a married couple making love (Foreplay).
The madzi comes out without realizing. it is happened on man or woman, but it commonly happen on women.
Even though it often comes out without realizing, madzi still must be cleaned because it is include in the midle excrement. we also have to know about how to clean impure blood in islam
How to clean excrement of madzi is by wash the genitals as have been explained in a narration from “Ali Bin Abi Thalib Radhiyallahu ‘anhu” who order Miqdad bin Al-aswad Radhiyallahu’anhu to ask the Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam about himself who often spout out madzi, and Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam said
يغـسل ذكره ويتـوضأ
“(Let it be) He washed his genitals and take wudu” (Sahih, narated by Bukhari (number 269). on Fathul Baari(1/230 number 132) and Muslim (number 303)
- Not only clean up the genitals, when madzi comes out and affected the clothes such as underwear. he must be cleaned as well. How to clean a clothes that are affected by madzy is necessary by washing all clothes. Just by wetting the affected part of madzi it self. It will different with how to cleans urine excrement
Sahl bin Hunaif Radhiyallahu ‘anhu, he asked to the Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam about madzi affected on his clothes. then Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam answered.
يكفيك أن تأخذ كفا من ماء فتـنضح به ثو بك حيث ترى أنه قد أصاب منهيكفيك أن تأخذ كفا من ماء فتـنضح به ثو بك حيث ترى أنه قد أصاب منه
“it is enough for you to take a palm of water, then pour it into your clothes (affected by madzi). until you the water hitting it ( wetting it).” (Hasan, narated by Abu Dawud (number 215), Tirmidhi number 115) and Ibnu Majah no 206))
But it little bit different with Baharudin Al ‘aini’s opinion in Syarah Sahih Bukhari
النضح هو صب الماء؛ لأن العرب تسمي ذلك نضحًا, وقد يذكر ويراد به الغسل, وكذلك الرش يذكر ويراد به الغسل
“An Nadhah means sprinkle water, because Arabian people call the act “Nadhah”. But sometimes it also means washing up, so also Ar Rasy (Splashing) sometimes means ashing”
Imam Nawawi Rahimatulullah ta’ala said in Majmu book:
أجمعت الأمة على نجاسة المذي والودي، ثم مذهبنا ومذهب الجمهور أنه يجب غسل المذي, ولا يكفي نضحه بغير غسل, وقال أحمد بن حنبل – رحمه الله -: أرجو أن يجزيه النضح، واحتج له برواية في صحيح مسلم في حديث علي: توضأ وانضح فرجك, ودليلنا رواية: اغسل, وهي أكثر, والقياس على سائر النجاسات, وأما رواية النضح: فمحمولة على الغسل. اهــ
“theologian agree that madzi and wadi are excrement. but our Madzhab (Madzhab Syafi’i) and Madzhab Jum’har said their opinion that it is obligatory to wash them it is not enough to just splatter them. while Imam Ahmad bin Hambal Rahimahulullah said: “It seems that the Right it just sprinkled. “”he postulates the Hadith of muslim history from Ali:
توضأ وانضح فرجك
“Take wudhu and wet (sprinkle) your genital”
It is different from excrement of semen so there is no need to get treatment to be washed if affected to clothing. sperm that have been dried in the clothes simply cleaned by scraping it. this is consistence with what Aisha did.
From “Abdullah bin Syihaab Al Khaulaniy, he said when he layover at Aisha place, then he dreamed that make the two of his clothes were exposed to semen. So he dipped in water. in that time he was seen by Aisha’s slaves and the slaves told to Aisha. Then Aisha Approached him and Asked. “Why are you dipping two of your clothes like that?” Abdullah bin Syihaab Replied. “I have dreamed and realized semen” Aisha Asked “Do you see something (semen) in your two clothes?” I answered “No” Aisha said.
فَلَوْ رَأَيْتَ شَيْئًا غَسَلْتَهُ لَقَدْ رَأَيْتُنِى وَإِنِّى لأَحُكُّهُ مِنْ ثَوْبِ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يَابِسًا بِظُفُرِى
“When you see something (semen), wash it indeed. i have scraped dry semen from the clothes of Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam with my nails.”
that is a brief explanation of how clean madzi in Islam. Hopefully this article will increase our perception and knowledge about religion espesialy islam