17 Rights of Workers in Islam You Must Know

As a well rounded religion, Islam is meticulously paying attention to every aspects in Muslim’s life. The law of Islam applied to every layers of living, including the rights of workers in Islam. Our religion also regulate the rights every workers should have from during the time they do work. Islam also suggests all Muslims to work hard and making a living as ling as they live, by any means permitted.

Workers who are fighting for the life of their family are equal to them who is fighting on the battlefield. So when somebody is dead in the middle of working for his family, it will be counted as jihad. Islam is known to honored and dignified the workers. From the very beginning, Islam never do any harm or violation toward the workers. Workers should be treated equally and fairly.

There are certain established rules to define the rights of workers in Islam. It’s including raising their working value to the amount of payment they should have. Based on the Hadith and the Holy Quran, here are the rights of workers should be fulfilled in Islam:

1. To Get the Right Amount of Wages

All workers doing the hard work for wages, thus they should be paid for the work they have done. Even Allah SWT guarantee rewards for the workers who work for their family. For those who are violating the labor’s right, Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (SAW) said,

 “Allah decrees the (Hell) Fire and debars paradise for the one who usurps the rights of a believer by taking a false oath.”

Also read: Importance of Jummah in Islam

2. Getting the Payment in Due Time

According to Islamic laws, the workers’ payment should be given by the time they return to home. It’s something important for Islam, as the workers bear the responsibility for their family. The money they earn from work is going to be used to feed the family, who might be waiting for it for the whole day. So when an employer delays the workers’ payment, it is like he has violating their rights.

3. Getting Paid in the Right Amount

The amount of payment that is given to the workers should be fair, according to the works they’ve done, not exceeding their capabilities or less. Allah SWT has warned employers who doesn’t pay his workers rightly.

“Who to those who give less [than due]. Who, when they take a measure from people, take in full. But if they give by measure or by weight to them, they cause loss.” Al Mutaffifin (83:1-3)

Also read: Importance of Sacrifice in Islam

4. To be Paid Before Their Sweat Get Dry

Allah SWT oppose strongly any employers who delay their worker’s payment. Narrated by Abu Hurairah, Prophet (SAW) said,

“Allah said, ‘I will be an opponent to three types of people on the Day of Resurrection: One who makes a covenant in My Name, but proves treacherous; one who sells a free person and eats his price; and one who employs a laborer and takes full work from him but does not pay him for his labor.’” – Bukhari

5. To Choose the Works on Their Own

Workers in Islam have their own freedom to choose any work that they consider appropriate for them. Allah SWT has command all His servants not to make themselves suffer in work.

 “Abu Hurairah reported Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said, ‘It is essential to feed the slave, clothe him (properly) and not burden him with work which is beyond his power’.” – Muslim

Also read: Importance of Time in Islam


6. To be Fired When Lacking Performance

With many privilege attached on them, workers should also give their best at work. It is an absolute obligation, as they also have the right to be fired when they are lacking performance and bring not benefit for the employers. There are no reason for the decreasing performance unless because of the age is getting older and the energy is not the same as it’s used to be.

7. To Get Resting Time

An employer should not draining the workers’ energy without giving them time to rest. The time to rest including a few hours in the middle of working and several day off in a month. Workers need to recharge their energy and regaining the spirit by taking rest from work.

Also read: Importance of Inheritance in Islam

8. To Complain About Injustice at Work

Islam is a religion who view highly of justice in the society. Justice should be applied in every aspects in Muslim’s life, including in the workplace. Even though workers have naturally lower position than the employers, they have the right to complain when they are treated unfair. Islam permits them to fight for their rights. [AdSense-C]

9. Accept Kindness from the Employer

Employers should treat their workers with kindness. It’s including not to do works that exceed their capabilities. Also not ask them to do works that might cause any harm to them physically and mentally.

Also read: Importance of Istighfar in Islam

10. Do the Work at the Exact Time

Every workers should get done with work at the exact time, which has been calculated with the payment amount they received. For any extra time or overtime work, they should receive additional payment separated from their usual wages.

More Rights of Workers in Islam

  1. Getting extra payment for overtime work
  2. Doing work that doesn’t cause any harm to them physically and mentally.
  3. Rights to disagree with their employers when they feel injustice related to work.
  4. Workers may join an association or form one to elevate their position in front of their employers.
  5. Workers should receive insurance for their safety at work provide by the employers.
  6. They should be treated with kindness.
  7. Workers should not be forced to do works that exceed their capabilities or unequal with their payment.

So those are the rights of workers in Islam that should be fulfilled. As everyone of us is struggling to make a living in the world, let’s not abusing each other’s right. Islam is a perfect religion, so we shouldn’t harm it by our imperfection. May Allah SWT always guides us through the right ways while we live in this world.

Indah Ariviani

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