Food & Beverages

15 Rules of Drinking Water in Islam

Drinking water is a primary need of people besides eating. Either humans, animals, or even plants consume water in the possible way they could.  Drinking water is beneficial to our bodies. There are some benefits of drinking water that you may want to find out:

  • Helping to lose more weights
  • Boosting more energy
  • Moisturizing skin
  • Boosting immune system
  • Curing headache
  • Preventing joints pain on muscles
  • Maximizing physical performance
  • Increasing hydration status
  • Optimizing brain function
  • Relieving constipation

However, in Islam, there are certain kind of rules we need to follow as muslims to drink water according to the sunnah from our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). The sunnah should be applied in our daily basis in order to optimizing the benefits we get on drinking water. Therefore, we are now going to find out rules of drinking water in Islam. Here are the rules:

  1. Find a clean glass to place your water

Our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) recommended us not to drink the water directly from the container. Drinking water directly from the container should not be done because the water from container is supposed to be drunk by many people. Our Prophet once said about this matter in the hadith below:

“Do not drink directly from a water pitcher (or any water container)”. (Bukhari)

2. Recite prayer before drinking

Reciting prayer before drinking is good to bless the water we consume.  Therefore, whenever we want to drink any kind of water, we shouldn’t forget to say Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim  which means In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. The sunnah to recite prayer before drinking water once told by our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) in the hadith below:

“When commencing to drink first recite Bismillah.” (Tirmidhi).

3. Use the right hands to drink

Whenever we want to drink anything, use the right hands. It is not just about drinking water, whenever we want to do anything we need to use right hands as using left hands is the habit of satans. It’s not good to follow the perpetual habit of satans, isn’t? Our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) encouraged his people to use right hands to drink. Read the hadith bellow carefully.

“Never eat and drink with the left hand because Satan eats with the left hand.” (Muslim)


4.  Drink water in more than a single gulp

It is very not recommended to drink water in a single gulp even though we are so thirsty. However, it is good to drink water in three breathing pauses. Drinking water in a rush will cause more harm than good because it can cause choking. Our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah may be upon him) has encouraged his people to drink in more than one gulp as told in the hadith below:

“Do not drink water only in one breath, but drink it in two or three breaths.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

5. Sit down while drinking the water

Another rule of drinking water in Islam is by sitting down. Sitting down while drinking water is a healthy way of us to consume water because drinking while standing can cause some diseases such as kidney damage or nerve tension.  Our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) also recommended his people to sit down while drinking water. Whenever someone drink while standing, he/she should vomit the water because drinking while standing is the habit of satan. Take a look at the hadith below:

“Sit down and drink.” (Muslim)


6. Avoid blowing or exhaling breath into the glass of water

Science shows that blowing or exhaling breath into the glass of water is dangerous. The carbon dioxide that we exhale can decrease the number of blood pH in our bodies. Our prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) also recommended us not to blow or exhale breath while we drink our water. It is narrated in the hadith below:

“Do not blow from your mouth into food and water.” (Bukhari).

7. Avoid throwing away the left over drink

We should not throw away the left over drink of water we consume. Therefore, we need to fill the glass with water based on our need. We should drink water as the requirement we need, about 1.5-2 litre per day. Don’t be greedy while drinking water. Just like eating foods, we need to drink also in moderation. Our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) once talked about eating in moderation.

“The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls, to keep him going. If he must do that (fill his stomach), then let him fill one third with food, one third with drink and one third with air.” (Tirmidhi)

8. Drink water whenever we are thirsty

It is important to drink whenever we are thirsty to avoid wasting too much water. Drinking water whenever we are thirsty is one of the rule of drinking water in Islam since our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) didn’t like those who waste so much resources.

9. Avoid drinking water after meals

Our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) encouraged his people to avoid drinking water directly after meals. It is also proven by science that told about the harm of drinking water immediately after meals. Drinking water directly after meals can be harmful to digestion process. Therefore, we need to wait at least for 20-30 minutes after meals to consume water. If we can’t cope the feeling of thirsty after meals, we can take small amount of water only to quench the thirst.

10. Recite prayer after drinking water

We need to recite prayers in order to praise Allah for the water we get. Our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) encouraged his people to recite “Alhamdulillah” ([All] praise is [due] to Allah) after consuming water. Therefore, we should not forget to praise Allah whenever we are done drinking.


  • Make sure we drink halal water
  • Prioritize drinking mineral water as it is good for our health
  • Try sweet water like tea or honey as Our Prophet liked consuming it
  • Make sure of the hygiene of water we drink
  • Make sure we follow the rules above

Finally, there are 15 rules of drinking water in Islam. If you find the article beneficial enough for you, you can like or share it on you own social media. May Allah bless us with long-lasting joy and mercy!

Anggita Ayu Indari

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