Islamic Info

Things That Are Sunnah in Shrouding A Dead Body and Its Verses

is a thing that can happen to anyone. Only Allah who has the power of it. As His people who are still given a chance to live, our obligation when facing our closest people’s death is to take care of the body. Because the law of taking care of the dead body in Islam is fard kifayah.

In taking care of the dead body, there are several things that must be noticed. Among others are when the process of shrouding the dead body. Besides there are things that are obligated, there are also things that are sunnah in shrouding a dead body and its verses that we must know.

What are those? Check out below!

Before shrouding, the dead body must be bathed first. In Islam, shrouding the dead body needs 2 layers of shroud. As it is in the verse below.

The Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:

اغْسِلوهُ بماءٍ وسِدْرٍ ، وكَفِّنُوهُ في ثَوْبَيْنِ

“Bathe him with water and sidr leaf. And shroud him with two layers of cloth.” (Hadith Bukhari no. 1849, Muslim no. 1206)

  • Wear A Nice Shroud

When we are still alive, we choose the best clothes that even need hundreds and thousands or even millions of rupiah to buy them. Know it how to dress up for Muslim women and men which it should be, so that it is not excessive and vain in front of Allah.

Even when facing Him, we should wear the best clothes. It is highly suggested to shroud a dead body with a nice shroud. Nice means that it is able to cover the dead body well and not be easily damaged.

The Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:

إِذَا كَفَّنَ أَحَدُكُمْ أَخَاهُ فَلْيُحَسِّنْ كَفَنَهُ

“If one of you shrouds his relative, then he should make the shroud nice.” (Hadith Muslim no. 943)

It is different with people who die when they are in ihram (understand the conditions of the hajj obligatory), they are shrouded without covering the heads. It is in accordance with the words of the Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,

ولا تُحَنِّطُوهُ ، ولا تُخَمِّروا رأسَهُ ، فإنَّ اللهَ يبْعَثُهُ يومَ القيامةِ يُلَبِّي

“Do not give a fragrance and do not cover the head. Because Allah will arouse him on the Doomsday in talbiyah condition.” (Hadith Bukhari no. 1849, Muslim no. 1206)

  • Wear A White Shroud

Indeed, a shroud that is used to cover the dead body does not need to be white. However, it is highly suggested to use the white one because it belongs to the best of clothes.

The Prophet shallalllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:

البَسوا مِن ثيابِكم البياضَ وكفِّنوا فيها موتاكم فإنَّها مِن خيرِ ثيابِكم

“Wear white clothes and shroud the dead body with a white cloth. Because it is the best of your clothes.” (Hadith Abu Daud no. 3878, Tirmidzi no. 994, validated by Al Albani in Shahih Al Jami no. 1236)

  • Wear Three Sheets of White Cloth

From ‘Aisyah radhiallahu ‘anhu, she said:

كُفِّنَ رسولُ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليهِ وسلَّمَ في ثلاثِ أثوابٍ بيضٍ سحوليةٍ ، من كُرْسُفَ . ليس فيها قميصٌ ولا عمامةٌ

“The Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was shrouded with 3 sheets of cloth from Kursuf, without a robe and imamah.” (Hadith Muslim no. 941)

  • Shroud for A Woman’s Dead Body

The theologians argued that the woman’s dead body should be worn a shroud as much as 5 sheets so that the aurat is more guarded from people’s look. Understand the virtues of covering aurat for women.

Syaikh Muhammad bin Shahih Al Utsaimin said:

وقد جاء في جعل كفن المرأة خمسة أثواب حديث مرفوع ، إلا أن في إسناده نظراً ؛ لأن فيه راوياً مجهولاً ، ولهذا قال بعض العلماء : إن المرأة تكفن فيما يكفن به الرجل ، أي : في ثلاثة أثواب يلف بعضها على بعض

“In this thing, there has been a marfu’ hadith (a woman shroud is five sheets of cloth, Pen). However, there is a rawi that is majhul (unknown) in it. Therefore, some theologians said: “A woman is shrouded like a man. Which is three sheets of cloth, one cloth is tied above another.”” (Asy Syarhul Mumti’, 5/393)

It is highly suggested to add a sarong, hijab and robe for a woman’s dead body. Al Lajnah Ad Daimah said:

والمرأة يبدأ تكفينها بالإزار على العورة وما حولها , ثم قميص على الجسد , ثم القناع على الرأس وما حوله , ثم تلف بلفافتين

“A woman’s dead body starts with the shrouding by making a sarong that covers her aurat and around the aurat, then a robe that covers the body, then a hijab that covers the head then it is covered with two layers.” (Fatawa Al Lajnah Ad Daimah. 3/363)

Those were the things that are sunnah in shrouding a dead body and its verses in Islam. Hopefully it can give a benefit to all of the readers, and it can also increase our love and spirit of istiqamah in Islam. Aamiin yaa robbal’alamiin.

Fadha Fadhilah S

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