
Battle of Uhud: Historical Background, Wisdom, and Facts about It

A war that became a great history in the lives of Muslims. Starting from the revenge of the Quraysh infidels who lost the Badr War. In 625 AD or precisely the month of Shawwal the third year of Hijri, there was a war called the Battle of Uhud.

A war that holds many lessons for Muslims. Lessons about obedience to the Messenger of Allah, love and loyalty to the Messenger of Allah, and excessive love of property. All of that was in the process of the Battle of Uhud.

In this article, we will discuss the brief history of the Battle of Uhud and the facts of what happened during the Battle of Uhud. Following the review.

A Short History of the Battle of Uhud

A year after the defeat of the Quraysh infidels at the Battle of Badr, Abu Sufyan planned to avenge their defeat. Abu Sufyan directly led the Quraysh army with 3,000 troops including armored troops. He was also equipped with 200 cavalry troops.

After all the preparations were finished, Abu Sufyan left for the city of Medina. This group of troops traveled from Makkah to arrive at the two springs of the Sabkhah Valley, from the waterways above the valley that led to Medina.

Three days later, the Muslims learned that Abu Sufyan and his troops were about to attack Medina. This was announced by Abbas (the uncle of the Prophet who was still in Mecca) by secretly sending a letter to his nephew (Prophet Muhammad). The Prophet sent spies to dig information from the enemy. After that, the Prophet held a meeting with Muslims on Friday 6 Shawwal 3 hijriyah.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Prophet asked all Muslims to remain in the city of Medina. However, seeing the extraordinary enthusiasm of the Muslims, the Prophet decided to serve the Quraysh infidels who had been waiting on the battlefield.

The Prophet departed with 1000 troops to the battlefield. However, due to provocation from the hypocrites, led by Abdullah bin Ubay, the troops of the Prophet were reduced to 700 people. The Prophet decided to fight with 700 people against 3,000 Quraysh equipped with 200 cavalrymen.

The Defeat of Muslims Because of Greedy

Arriving at Mount Uhud, the Prophet Muhammad SAW arranged his troops into several formations, 50 for archers under the leadership of Abdullah bin Jubair at the top of the Hill, and others down between hills to attack the enemy. From the history of Imam Muslim (translation of As-Sirah An-Nabawiyyah, 2005: 492), the battle was so fierce.

The initial situation of the battle was dominated by the forces of the Prophet, mainly because of the presence of archers on the hill who could see the enemy’s movements below.

However, the situation turned when the Muslims on the hill saw victory as it was at the edge of the eye. Ashab bin Jabir said from the top of the hill, “Let’s take the booty!” Ibn Jubair (leader of the archers) tried to remind, “Did you forget the Prophet’s message?” Ignoring the warning, they descended from the hill.

Thus, the victory in the first period on the hill Uhud was lost when Kholid bin Walid along with his cavalry forces realized the carelessness of the Prophet’s archers around the hill. Kholid bin Walid attacked this army from behind.

The Valley of Uhud which was originally a perfect trap for the Quraysh, is now a disaster for the Muslims. In this way, the Prophet’s forces found it difficult to distinguish between opponents and friends.

They also attacked each other and took an enormous toll of up to 70-75 Muslims. Meanwhile, the victims of the Quraysh camp were only 22-37 people.

The victory of Muslims who were in sight vanished due to the carelessness and greed of some troops. Fortunately, the Muslims were still able to survive and were able to prevent the Quraysh from doing more. The Quraysh withdrew from the battlefield because they already felt superior and could not penetrate the defenses to kill Rasululllah.

Facts in the Battle of Uhud

There are some interesting facts during the Battle of Uhud. The following is a review of the facts.

1. The Messenger of Allah was reportedly dead during the Battle of Uhud

In historical history, the Messenger of Allah had reportedly died in the battle of Uhud. The infidel who claims this is Abdullah bin Qamiah.

Abdullah bin Qamiah claimed that he had succeeded in killing the Messenger of Allah in the Battle of Uhud. He shouted thus when the Muslims were in a mess because they were attacked by Khalid bin Walid’s forces.

However, the claim was only a false issue after the Prophet was found alive and safe. The Messenger of Allah only suffered injuries due to war. This also made Muslims re-energized and tried to protect the Prophet.

The Quraysh withdrew from the battle and the battle ended in a draw with no one winning from any side.

2. The first defeat of Muslims

The defeat of the Muslims in this war became the first defeat of the Muslims in the war. Previously, Islam won the war against the Quraysh in the Battle of Badr. Tal about battle of badr, you must read importance of battle of badr and lesson learned.

At that time, Muslims only numbered 300 troops, another history says that there were 313 troops, against 1,000 troops from the Quraysh infidels. However, with the war strategy of a capable Prophet, Muslims succeeded in winning.

3. Khalid bin Walid did not win the war for the first time

Khalid bin Walid was listed as a war general who was never defeated and always won. However, Khalid only could not win once in a war and that was against the Messenger of Allah.

Actually, it can be said in this Uhud War that Muslims are not pure defeated. This is because the Quraysh could be said to win when they were able to kill the Messenger of Allah and beat the Muslims back.

When Abu Bakr became a caliph, Khalid bin Walid also become a general, read full article about Abu Bakr in Learn the Lesson of Caliphate Abu Bakr’s History . Khalid also became a general when Islam took Syria from Byzantium, read full article about Syria in History of Islam in Syria People Rarely Know.

However, in that war, Rasulullah was not killed and Muslims were not beaten back. They managed to survive on Mount Uhud and made the Quraysh refrain from attacking again because the Muslims held very strong. It was only in this war that Khalid could not win the war, but also did not lose the war.

The wisdom of the Uhud War

From the history of the Uhud War above, there are many wisdom, talk about wisdom you can also read importance of wisdom in Islam, that we can actually take and apply in our daily lives, namely:

1. Obey the leader

The incident of the archers who disobeyed the Prophet’s order actually brought harm to the other Muslim troops. Just because of the desire to have the spoils of war, the Islamic army was in turmoil and almost lost.

Likewise with us, do not let our lives actually rebel against the leader. All decisions taken by leaders must have strategic considerations. As long as the decision issued is not against Islamic rules, we must obey the law. Talk about obey, you have to read importance of obeying parents in Islam.

2. Don’t be a greedy human

The second point, we must not be greedy humans. Greed for property is disastrous for Muslims during this war.

Instead of getting the spoils of war, they actually get death with the end of life to defy the orders of the Prophet. Of course, this death is not the death desired by every Muslim.

Likewise with ourselves, even in everyday life, we should not be greedy people. Our greedy nature will not only harm us later, but also other people around us.

3. Totality in defense of Allah’s religion

In the case of Abdullah bin Ubay who incited Muslims to return to Madinah, it actually showed that there were some Muslims who were not total in defending the religion of God.

They are afraid to fight in the way of Allah when war drums call them. They do not want to lose them for the greatness of their religion. They are only concerned with themselves without thinking about the fate of other Muslims.

Same with ourselves, when we carry out God’s commands at this time, it is obligatory for us to run it in totality. Do not until, we just run it with the obligation fall.

Because when we do the commands of God only fall in obligation, we also only do things that are in vain. Our soul and physical are forced to do it and we also do not get the reward from it.

Thus a brief history of the Battle of Uhud and some of its facts. Hopefully from this article we can learn many things, especially we must obey the orders of our leaders. Don’t be a disobedient follower and don’t obey what the leader says.

Moreover, our defiant behavior is detrimental to the organization and others. That will be hated by God and can get a very big sin from God.

In addition, we also should not become greedy people. Because greed will only kill ourselves. And hopefully, we can become people of totality in striving in the way of Allah. Allahumma Aamiin.

Muhammad Zaki

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