
5 Benefits and Virtues of Hajj that You Should Know

Hajj becomes the fifth important thing that Muslims should do in the way to fulfill the pillars of Islam. Every Muslim know that doing Hajj is better for those who capable to do so. It mentions in the Quran surah Al-Hajj verse 27 that becomes one of the reasons why doing Hajj when young is a must.

وَاَذِّنْ فِى النَّاسِ بِالْحَجِّ يَأْتُوْكَ رِجَالًا وَّعَلٰى كُلِّ ضَامِرٍ يَّأْتِيْنَ مِنْ كُلِّ فَجٍّ عَمِيْقٍ ۙ – ٢٧

“And call the people to do Hajj, surely they will come to you on foot, or ride every skinny camel, they come from all far directions.” (QS 22:27)

Besides, Allah mentions in the Quran that Muslims will get so many benefits and virtues by doing Haj. This time we will bring you into some of them below, based on the Quran. Let’s check them out!

1. Allah’s Blessings

Muslims live their life seeking Allah’s blessings, and by doing Hajj, they may get one of them. Allah mentions in the Quran to whoever doing Hajj will truly get His blessing so that we can be witnessing them.

It mentions on the Quran surah Al-Hajj verse 28 below.

لِّيَشْهَدُوْا مَنَافِعَ لَهُمْ وَيَذْكُرُوا اسْمَ اللّٰهِ فِيْٓ اَيَّامٍ مَّعْلُوْمٰتٍ عَلٰى مَا رَزَقَهُمْ مِّنْۢ بَهِيْمَةِ الْاَنْعَامِۚ فَكُلُوْا مِنْهَا وَاَطْعِمُوا الْبَاۤىِٕسَ الْفَقِيْرَ ۖ – ٢٨

“In order for them to witness various benefits for them and for them to chant the name of Allah on a number of days which has been determined by the provision that He has given them in the form of livestock. So eat some of it and (partly) give it to be eaten by people who are miserable and needy.” (QS 22: 28)

2. Strengthen God-Fearing

When doing Hajj, Muslims will recite so many verses and praising Allah more often. They also keep doing so many good deeds the whole of the period of Hajj. That makes their God-fearing towards Allah becomes stronger than before automatically. Besides, every Muslims know this is one of their way on how to make their faith in Islam stronger.

These benefits come from Allah towards Muslims directly, such as mentions on the Quran surah Hajj verse 32 below.

ذٰلِكَ وَمَنْ يُّعَظِّمْ شَعَاۤىِٕرَ اللّٰهِ فَاِنَّهَا مِنْ تَقْوَى الْقُلُوْبِ – ٣٢

“Such is (Allah’s command). And whoever glorifies the symbols of Allah, then actually it arises from piety.” (QS 22: 32)

3. Become the Guest of Allah

Allah is welcoming everyone who comes to Kaaba as His guest, whether you come from closer or faraway places. Allah mentions in the Quran that the Ibrahim grave can be the place to pray, and the Kaaba becomes home to welcoming every Muslim. At that time once you get there, you better make the best dua to thank Allah.

These welcoming things already mentioned in the Quran surah Al Baqarah verse 125 below.

وَاِذْ جَعَلْنَا الْبَيْتَ مَثَابَةً لِّلنَّاسِ وَاَمْنًاۗ وَاتَّخِذُوْا مِنْ مَّقَامِ اِبْرٰهٖمَ مُصَلًّىۗ وَعَهِدْنَآ اِلٰٓى اِبْرٰهٖمَ وَاِسْمٰعِيْلَ اَنْ طَهِّرَا بَيْتِيَ لِلطَّاۤىِٕفِيْنَ وَالْعٰكِفِيْنَ وَالرُّكَّعِ السُّجُوْدِ – ١٢٥

“And (remember), when We made the house (Kaaba) a gathering place and a safe place for humans. And make the station of Ibrahim a place of prayer. And We have ordered Abraham and Ismail, “Clean my house for those who tawaf, those who are i’tikaf, those who bow and those who bow down!” (QS 2:125)

4. Become Wiser When Make a Pray

After finishing Hajj, commonly every Muslim suggest doing more dhikr than before. Muslims believe at that time, Allah will hear every single pray that you make so it means that time can be the best time to make dua. That is why, as a Muslim, you better make a better pray and think wisely before do that. During these days, Muslims already knew that these become the best way to seek forgiveness from Allah.

It is already mentioned on the Quran surah Al Baqarah verse 200 – 202 below.

فَاِذَا قَضَيْتُمْ مَّنَاسِكَكُمْ فَاذْكُرُوا اللّٰهَ كَذِكْرِكُمْ اٰبَاۤءَكُمْ اَوْ اَشَدَّ ذِكْرًا ۗ فَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَّقُوْلُ رَبَّنَآ اٰتِنَا فِى الدُّنْيَا وَمَا لَهٗ فِى الْاٰخِرَةِ مِنْ خَلَاقٍ – ٢٠٠

“If you have completed the pilgrimage, then do dhikr to Allah, as you mentioned your ancestors, even more than that. So among humans, there are those who pray, “O our Lord, give us (goodness) in the world,” and in the hereafter, he does not get any share.” (QS 2:200)

وَمِنْهُمْ مَّنْ يَّقُوْلُ رَبَّنَآ اٰتِنَا فِى الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَّفِى الْاٰخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَّقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ – ٢٠١

اُولٰۤىِٕكَ لَهُمْ نَصِيْبٌ مِّمَّا كَسَبُوْا ۗ وَاللّٰهُ سَرِيْعُ الْحِسَابِ – ٢٠٢

“And among them, there are those who pray, “O our Lord, give us goodness in this world and goodness in the hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of hell.” They are the ones who get a share of what they have done, and Allah is quick to reckon with it.” (QS 2:201-202)

5. Keep Doing Good Deeds

After finishing Hajj, Muslims believe that whatever they do, whether during Hajj or after Hajj, they should keep doing good deeds. It is important so that they may have some blessing from Allah. Even though in daily life they did so, but during Hajj and after Hajj doing good deeds becomes special to seek some blessing from Allah.

It already mentions on the Quran surah Al Baqarah verse 197 below.

اَلْحَجُّ اَشْهُرٌ مَّعْلُوْمٰتٌ ۚ فَمَنْ فَرَضَ فِيْهِنَّ الْحَجَّ فَلَا رَفَثَ وَلَا فُسُوْقَ وَلَا جِدَالَ فِى الْحَجِّ ۗ وَمَا تَفْعَلُوْا مِنْ خَيْرٍ يَّعْلَمْهُ اللّٰهُ ۗ وَتَزَوَّدُوْا فَاِنَّ خَيْرَ الزَّادِ التَّقْوٰىۖ وَاتَّقُوْنِ يٰٓاُولِى الْاَلْبَابِ – ١٩٧

“(Season) of the pilgrimage (in) the months which have been tolerated. Whoever does (pilgrimage) during the Hajj (months), then he should not say dirty (rafats), do immorality, and quarrel in (performing the) Hajj. Everything good that you do, Allah knows. Bring supplies, because actually, the best provision is piety. And fear Me, you who have common sense!” (QS 2:197).

So, there are some glances about the benefits and virtues of Hajj. Have you ever doing Hajj?

Khajar Susanti

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