
An Explanation Whether Muslims Can Perform Hajj Every Year or Not

The hajj, a spiritual travel to Mecca, is one of the pillars of Islam, beside 6 pillars of faith, in the teachings of Islam, more precisely the fifth pillar of Islam. Hajj is a worship that is dreamed of by almost all Muslims in the world. How come? Muslims can directly visit the holy Baitullah. Speaking of hajj, let’s learn the history of hajj to Mecca.

Not only that, the hajj is also able to recall the history of the struggles of the ancient prophets, starting from the Prophet Ibrahim a.s., who has inspired us about Qurban in Islam, until the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Let’s learn the history of qurban in Islam.

However, there is a question that often arises in the minds of Muslims today. Muslims often ask about the permissibility or not to do the hajj many times even every year. So, how is the law? This article will provide a short review for you.

The Law of Hajj is a Must for Every Able Muslim

As is known by almost all Muslims that the Hajj is obligatory, but for Muslims who are able to carry it out. This is as said by Allah SWT in surah Ali ‘Imran verse 97 which reads:

فيه ءايت بينت مقام إبرهيم ومن دخله كان ءامنا ولله على ٱلناس حج ٱلبيت من ٱستطاع إليه سبيلا ومن كفر فإن ٱلله غنى عن ٱلعلمين

” In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Hajj thereto is a duty men owe to Allah,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of His creatures.” (surah Ali ‘Imran verse 97)

In the verse it is clearly stated explicitly that Allah commands His servants who are able to carry out the Hajj. The meaning of the term “for those who are able” is physically, psychologically, and wealthy. Why is that?

The hajj is not only for a day or two, but for almost a full month. In addition, the procedure for implementing the hajj was also very much. Not infrequently, physical and psychological conditions are needed to carry out on how to perform the steps of hajj.

Call it sa’i, throw jumrah, and tawaf which requires a fairly high physical ability. If the physical and psychological conditions are not strong, it will be difficult to carry out these services.

In addition to physical and psychological, wealth is also needed to carry out the hajj. This is because the pilgrimage will certainly cost a lot, especially for Muslims who come from outside Saudi Arabia.

Many costs have to be incurred, such as airplane tickets, lodging costs, food costs, health costs, and much more. So, for Muslims who have not been able to propertyally, it is not recommended to carry out the hajj at that time.

Allah did not actually impose conditions on Muslims that differ from one another. Therefore, Allah gives relief so that those who perform the Hajj are able to Muslims.

لَا يُكَلِّفُ ٱللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا

” On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear.” (Surah Al-Baqarah verse 286)

Hajj Every Year, Is It Allowed?

Someone who loves someone else will surely feel the longing and desire to continue to meet with that person. Likewise with Muslims who love Allah so much, they will always miss and want to meet Baitullah.

This condition makes some Muslims do the hajj many times even every year. They feel able, both physically, psychologically, and wealthy, so it does not matter if you have to go on hajj every year.

However, are Muslims allowed to perform the hajj many times or even almost every year?

The answer is yes. Every Muslim may do the Hajj many times even every year. However, there are things that need to be considered to make a decision to perform the hajj every year, including:

1. Hajj departure policy for each country

Each country has its own policy in managing the settings for the Hajj departure of its citizens. There are some countries that do have a very small number of Muslims making it possible to go on hajj many times.

However, there are also countries with a large Muslim population that need to wait for years to be able to go on Hajj. In the condition of a country like this, it is strongly recommended to provide opportunities for others who have not had the Hajj at all.

It is intended that those who have begun to be able to perform the hajj and are exposed to the law must be able to perform the hajj first. While those of us whose laws have changed into sunnah, can succumb to give them an opportunity.

2. Pay attention to the urgency level of performing the hajj many times

Before deciding on a behavior, it is better to think logically with the Qur’anic foundation and the hadith. Likewise with the decision to carry out the hajj many times.

If indeed we live in a highly developed and prosperous community, it will be no problem if we go on hajj many times. However, if we live around people who are still poor and below the welfare line, then helping them is the most important thing.

This is because the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in ancient times always struggled throughout his life to form a balanced society, including in economic terms. If we have excess assets and have the opportunity to make the pilgrimage again, then it would be better if the treasure was given.

You can do this by making a business that draws workers from the surrounding community or makes training so that the surrounding community is more creative and independent in economic terms. That is one of how to give sadaqah in Islam In addition to being able to help society at large, we can also get the merit of Jariyah that never breaks even though we have died.

From the description above, we as Muslims are allowed to carry out the hajj many times, but there are two things that need to be considered carefully. So, when we perform the hajj for the umpteenth time, we can be more calm because we have decided with the right foundation.

Thank you, hopefully this article is useful. Wallahua’lam bishshawwab.

Muhammad Zaki

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