Islamic Rules

12 Graceful Benefits of Veil in Islam for Women

Covering the aurat is important in Islam, for both men and women. Showing their private parts to others is a big sins and may lead to a numerous bad incident to follow. However, Islam has prevented such thing from happening by set the rules of clothing for both men and women. Allah SWT has made it clear about the certain parts of the body which should be hidden and which part to be shown to others.

As women are in a high position in Islam, they must cover more than the men. They have to keep their hair hidden behind a veil. There are many benefits of veil in Islam which a woman could gain. Here are some of them.

  1. Obeying the Command of Allah SWT

There are clear that the command for women to wear veil has been written in the Quran. It means that Allah SWT himself has told every woman to cover their private parts and treat it like a treasure.

“Say to the believing men that: they should cast down their glances and guard their private parts (by being chaste). This is better for them.” (24:30)

  1. Making the Soul Calmer and Peaceful

Wearing a veil is indeed highly beneficial for a Muslim woman. It puts their mind and soul in a state of peace. Inner peace is what people seek and hardest to find. Only by a healthy mind one can lead a healthy, happy life. Also read: Importance of Veil in Islam

  1. Gain Respect from Others

One of the most and positive benefits of veil in Islam for Muslim woman is that she gain more respect from others. Rather than a woman who loves to show the curve of their body, a veiled woman is far respected by the society. It at least shows that she committed to Allah SWT by obeying His command.

  1. Preventing Any Sinful Acts

As a mere human being, we continually doing sins everyday before we realize it. Believe it or not, if a woman wears veil, it can serve as a reminder for her not to do any sinful act that Allah SWT hates. Also read: How To Repent In Islam For Major Sins

  1. Improving the Confidence

Veil will not reduce the beauty of a woman. On the contrary, it makes her more confident with herself. As her body is covered by veil, she doesn’t have to mind people’s judgment about her imperfections since she covers it well.

  1. Make Someone Beautiful Inside and Out

Inner beauty which involved behavior, personality, and attitude is more important than outer appearance only. Body will change and aged but inner beauty will never change. A veiled woman gain not only a more beautiful appearance on the outside but also a prettier mind as well. Her inner beauty shine through her veil. Also read: How To Dress Up for Muslim Woman


  1. Protecting the Body

Direct sunlight and pollution in the air can affect the health in a really bad way. It can be prevented if we protect ourselves really well by wearing clothes that cover our whole body. By wearing veil or hijab, we can gain many benefits in one go: obeying Allah SWT, gaining an inner beauty, and protecting the body from the danger of sunlight and pollution.

  1. As an Indication of a Good Woman

We can’t judge someone’s personality only by their outer appearance only. But the first impression is left deeply by how we present ourselves. Wearing veil probably not guarantee that someone is a better person than a woman who doesn’t wear it, but at least we are indicating of a good woman by trying to cover ourselves. Also read: How to Choose A Woman in Islam

  1. A Criteria of a Good Wife and Mother

Veil could be an indication of a good woman, as well a good future wife and husband. A man would find peace seeing a woman in veil that makes her a perfect fit as someone that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. As if veil is a guarantee that she could be a good wife and mother for the family.


  1. Covering the Disgrace

No one is perfect since perfections only belong to Allah SWT. Our body has many imperfections that we need to cover from others. Veil is the solution for women who are not confident with their hair or other parts of the body she wished to cover. Also read: Rules of Dressing in Islam

  1. Inspiring Other Woman to Do the Same

A woman can be a good example for other woman by initiating a good deed first. She can start by wearing a veil, so that other woman who look at her will be following suit. There are many Muslim women who start wearing veil because they are inspired bu fellow Muslim women.

  1. Showing the Identity As a Muslim

Veil is undeniably an identity for Muslim women. By wearing veil, women are indirectly saying that they are Muslim and they are proud of it. Embracing the Muslim identity is important, since it also show that we have faith in Allah SWT and we prove it to others.

So those are all the benefits of veil in Islam for every Muslim women. As wearing veil is a direct command from Allah SWT, it’s good for us to remind our fellow sister to cover, so that they could gain many benefits out of it.

Indah Ariviani

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