
A Brief Biography of Khadijah bint Khuwailid and Values ​​from Her Life

Khadijah bint Khuwailid is one of the many female figures in Islam who was glorified by Allah SWT. However, as the first woman to embrace Islam and the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Khadijah had a noble position.

In fact, Khadijah is said to be one of the four women awaited by heaven. So, what’s the story of her life? Here’s a little story about Khadijah bint Khuwailid.

Khadijah bint Khuwailid Embraced Islam

Khadijah bint Khuwailid was born in a family of aristocrats from the Quraysh tribe. Khadijah is the daughter of the couple Khuwailid bin Asad with Fatimah bint Zaidah. Khadijah was raised in a revolutionary family and did not follow the custom of the Quraysh infidels who were deemed inappropriate.

One of them was her father’s decision to defend Khadijah and provide proper education. Usually, the Quraysh would bury their daughters alive at that time. However, Khuwailid bin Asad who did not follow the customs of Quraysh preferred to care for Khadija.

Khadija was given a decent life by her parents. Until finally, the adult Khadijah was able to continue her father’s business. Khadijah also turned into a successful adult woman who had lots of wealth. In fact, there is a history that says that Khadija was the richest person in Mecca.

Khadijah is said to have been married twice. However, both her husband passed away. So, Khadijah became a wealthy widow. Khadijah married the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at the age of 40 years.

Khadija became the first person to know that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received revelations from Allah in the Cave of Hira ‘while doing the uzlah. Khadija was also the one who comforted her husband who at that time was afraid after receiving a revelation.

After hearing the explanation of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about the revelations that came down to him. Khadijah justified and immediately embraced Islam. Since then, Khadijah became the first woman to convert to Islam. She also became Assabiqulan Awwalun, people who embraced Islam early, with Abu Bakr, Utsman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Thalib, Bilal bin Rabbah, and many others. Khadija contributed greatly to the struggle of Islamic da’wah.

Khadijah bint Khuwailid’s contribution for Islamic Da’wah

The contribution of Khadijah bint Khuwailid to Islamic da’wah was enormous. She contributed to the propaganda of Islam in the moral and material fields. Here are some contributions of Khadijah bint Khuwailid for the Islamic propaganda of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

1. Provide emotional support to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Acting as the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Khadijah always provided emotional support to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). One of the emotional support provided was when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) first received revelation.

At that time, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) returned home in a very frightened condition after uzlah in the Cave of Hira’. The condition of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at that time looked very exhausted and seemed to be exhausted. His body has a fever and is shaking so violently.

Under these conditions, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) returned home and asked Khadijah to cover it up. Khadijah, who at that time knew the condition of her husband was not fine, immediately tried to calm the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also told the events experienced at the Cave of Hira’ to Khadijah after he felt calm. Khadijah who knew that her husband had received a revelation, immediately believed and declared to convert to Islam.

Khadijah’s emotional support greatly affected the da’wah mission carried by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This was seen when Khadijah passed away and made the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) truly devastated and almost surrendered from the Islamic da’wah struggle.

In fact, Allah must directly intervene by calming His servants through the command of Isra’ Mi’raj. The period experienced by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when Khadijah passed away was called the year of sadness for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

2. Give up all her assets for the struggle of Islamic da’wah

Khadijah is a very successful businessman. She has a wealth that even exceeds the traders in Mecca at that time. There is a history that says that her wealth includes two-thirds of the wealth in Mecca.

With the wealth owned by Khadijah, she contributed a lot to fund the struggle of Islamic da’wah. Almost all of her wealth was given to the struggle of Islamic da’wah during her lifetime.

In fact, there is a history that says when Khadijah passed away, she already did not have any property. All her wealth was given to the struggle of Islamic da’wah. She also did not have proper clothes because she often gave clothes to the poor. The wheels of the struggle of the Muslims were truly running because Khadija was able to fund the struggle of the Muslims at that time.

Khadijah bint Khuwailid Passed Away

According to the history of Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi Al-Maliky Al-Hasan in the book Al-Busyro fi Manaqib Sayyidati Khadijah Al-Kubro, Khadijah passed away on the 11th day of Ramadan in the 10th year of Prophethood.

There is a history that says that she passed away in a very poor condition and was not as rich as before. That is because she is very keen in giving away her wealth to the Islamic da’wah struggle. It was said that her clothes were full of fillings. Even the patches reached 83.

In addition, she did not have cloth to be used as a shroud when she passed away. Khadija also asked for the turban owned by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as her shroud when she passed away.

Khadijah passed away on the lap of the Messenger of Allah and became an example for Muslims, especially women, to contribute to the maximum in the struggle of Islamic da’wah.


1. As Muslims in general, we must be willing and sincere to give what we have to the struggle of Islamic da’wah, both energy, thought, time, and cost. This was done so that Islam could return victorious. Like Khadijah who wanted to give all of her wealth to the Islamic missionary struggle.

2. As Muslims in general, we must be intelligent Muslims who are able to accept the values ​​of truth rationally derived from the revelations of Allah SWT. Like Khadijah who has intelligent thinking and believes that what is brought by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a revelation from Allah SWT.

3. As Muslim women in particular, we must become Muslim women who not only prioritize emotions, but can also use rational thinking. Some say that the nature of women is an emotional creature. However, that does not mean it is a reason to underlie all our behavior with mere emotional reasons. Like Khadijah who is smart and able to think rationally to solve various problems in her life.

That was a little story about the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Khadijah bint Khuwailid, who became one of four women longed for heaven. May the story of Khadijah be able to inspire us to become Muslims who have stronger faith and greater contribution to Islam.

Aaamiin ya rabbal ‘alamiin.

Muhammad Zaki

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