
12 Effects of Innovation in Islam

The word “innovation” means the introduction of something new or a new idea, method, or device. The innovation also mean creating a better solution or better way to achieve aim or goals.

In Islam itself innovation or called bidah comes from the root of al-bada’ which means creating something without any precedence. There are two types of innovations in the view of Islam which are :

  • Innovation related to our wordly life for example for technology and science is permissible and even in some case is desirable. Nowadays our wordly matter became easier since the innovation like car, phone, internet, electriciy and so forth.
  • Innovation related to deen of Islam. What is deen? It is the way of life, all the faith and practive of Muslims, or basically the religion of Islam. This type of innovation is not permissible and moreover it may cause serious effects in the future

After knowing types of innovation we will discuss the effects of innovation in Islam. Muslims should know especially about the effects of innovation related to deen of Islam. What could be the effects of those innovation in our religion of Islam?

Innovation Related to Deen of Islam

The Prophet said in the following hadith that it is prohibited to innovate in the deen of Islam.

“Whoever innovates into this affair of ours something that we have not commanded, it is to be rejected.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

Since there are many effects of innovation in Islam related to deen. The effects of innovation related to deen of Islam are as follow :

1. Inventing something new without precedence included as sin in the view of Islam

As explained in the above hadith that muslims are forbidden to make an innovation related to the core of Islamic Shari’a. Rasulullah also said in the following hadith, that innovation will be punish by the hellfire.

“The worst deeds of all are innovations and every innovation is bid’ah and every bid’ah is deviation and every deviation will be in hellfire.” (Nasai)

2. Our deed or act even in the form of worshipping Allah will never be accepted

Whatever deed we perform if it is not related to Quran and Sunnah, and there is no evidence that Rasulullah and his Companions ever did it are included as innovation. And for that matter Allah SWT will rejected our deeds even if it use to worshipping Him. Read more about Prohibition of Arrogance in Islam.

3. It can misleads others

Imagine someone who just converting to Islam or any muslims who don’t have deep knowledge of Islam exposed by this innovation in deen. It will lead them into misguidance, it will misleads them from the path of Islam. And much worst is they think it was the right thing to do.

“…Every religious innovation is a menas of misguidance and every means of misguidance is in the fire.” (Tirmidhi)

4. It same as assuming that Islam is not a perfect religion

The worst effects of innovation in Islam is that it may lead an assumption that Islam is not a perfect religion whereas Islam is a perfect religion.

“….This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin – then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (QS. Al-Ma’idah : 3)

Islam is a perfect religion that created for the grace of all nature. It means that whatever contain in Quran and Islam as general can’t be change. [AdSense-B]

5. Some innovation even equal to kafir (unbeliever)

Innovations also lead people to perform forbidden thing and may lead them as kafir (unbeliever). There are many evidence of people who new religion and confess himself as Prophet and so forth. Things like that are a frightening effects of innovation in Islamic deen. Read more about Blessing Virtues of Scholars in Islam.

6. It only opens the way for personal whims and opinions

As mentioned before that there is an evidence of people who confess themselves as Prophet or that he introduce new form of Islam and so forth. That is the effect of innovation in Islam which may opening the path or people’s whims and their own opinions what is good or not. This also can removing the original sunnah from Islamic though.

Innovation Related to Worldly Life in Islam

As mentioned before that knowledge, science, and technology is permissible in Islam. Even muslims are encourages to seek of knowledge and set on rules of seeking knowledge in Islam.  Therefore knowledge that producing innovation in worldy matter is desireble by Islam as mentioned in the following verse :

“And the one who has brought the truth and (they who) believed in it – those are the righteous. They will have whatever they desire with their Lord. That is the reward of the doers of good.” (QS. Az-Zumar : 34)

From the above verse we can concluded the effects of innovation in Islam for wordly life as follow :

7. Bring goodness to mankind

Everything that not opposing Quran and Sunnah and bring goodness for other people will be love by Allah. And there are certain proved of positive effects of technology in Islam as the product of innovation such as transportation, medical tools, chemicals and so forth.

8. Make us be righteous people

The one bring the innovation (the truth) will be considered as the righteous as mentioned in the following hadith:

“Whoever starts a good thing and is followed by others, will have his own reward and a reward equal to that of those who follow him, without it detracting from their reward in any way. Whoever starts a bad thing and is following by others will bear the burden on his own sin and burden equal to that of those who follow him, without it detacting from their burden in any way.” (Tirmidhi)

9. Allah will give reward to the creator

If our innovation bring goodness to others and useful then it Allah promise a reward for us. Read more about Ways to Overcome Depression In Islam


10. It can ease other’s burden

Innovation in medication especially has been helping million of people by creating cure of their sickness.

11. Help spreading Islam faster

Innovation in science and technology helps Islam to spread their religion even faster and wider. For example social media it was a product of innovation too. Social media has long been a part of spreading the though and blessing virtues of Islam. You may want to know better for the Effects of Social Media on Islam.

12. Help non-muslims and muslims connected in order to learn Islam and find the source

Muslims from across the world could be connected and everyone can learn Islam more since the source of knowledge is abundance

Yeni Lisiana

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