
14 Spiritual Ways How to Avoid Procrastination in Islam

Procrastination is the one of the worst form of akhlaq a Muslim should avoid. Moreover when it is related to doing the worship for Allah SWT as our main obligation as a living being in this world. Procrastination is when someone has intention to do something but he repeatedly delay the manifestation of the act. It is for sure reducing the efficiency in everyday life and wasting a lot of time. If laziness and procrastination become one, it is said to be the worst combination ever, killing the productivity as well as endangering our imaan.

To put procrastination to an end, we must know the best ways how to avoid procrastination in Islam. As the time we have in the world is very limited, we should spend it in the most effective way possible.

Here are how to avoid procrastination in Islam:

1. Remember Death Always

We never know when out time will run out. We can be died anytime without prior notification. Someone who constantly remembers death would be carefully take actions, spending his time only doing good deeds and other things that benefiting them. Procrastination does more hurt and bring no good to us.

2. Pray the Tahajjud Prayer

Rather than disturbing our perfect sleep at night, tahajjud prayers gives us more energy for tomorrow’s activity. It’s a good way to keep Satan away.

Allah’s Apostle said, “Satan puts three knots at the back of the head of any of you if he is asleep. On every knot he reads and exhales the following words, ‘The night is long, so stay asleep.’ When one wakes up and remembers Allah, one knot is undone; and when one performs ablution, the second knot is undone, and when one prays the third knot is undone and one gets up energetic with a good heart in the morning; otherwise one gets up lazy and with a mischievous heart.” [Bukhari]

3. Dhikr Before Sleep

Remembering Allah SWT should be done every time, no matter what we are or about to do. Including when we’re going to end the day and sleeping at night. Read dhikr right before we go to bed as it helps us to organize our lives better, increasing productivity and make the work easier.

4. Staying Up After Fajr Prayer

As the first prayer of the day, Fajr prayer time occurs before the sun goes up. The dark skies and silent surrounding invite us to go back to sleep one more time. But the act is not recommended in Islam, since a Muslim should start the day right after the Fajr prayer ends. Most successful people has the habit of waking up early and starting activity in the break of dawn.

5. Memorizing the Quran

Laziness and procrastination are strongly related with the brain condition. It could be that our brain is not strong enough to remember all the tasks and schedule so that we need to strengthen it even more by memorizing Quran. As we know, Quran is the best remedy for brain.


6. Eating Honey and Raisins

The best two foods for brain, honey and raisins are also good for improving the brain and the productivity.

Aishah (RA) said: I used to take a handful of dried dates and a handful or raisins and put them in a vessel, and then crush them (and soak in water). Then I would give it to the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) to drink. Sunan Abu Dawud. Aishah (RA) said: Allah’s Apostle used to love sweet edible things and honey. Sahih Bukhari.

7. Not Delaying Salat

One of the major sins a Muslim constantly do is delaying salat. We tend to do other invaluable things when adhan comes, not rushing to take wudu and pray. How to avoid procrastinate in Islam could be done by trying not to delay salat and take wudu when the adhan comes.


8. Plan Things Thoroughly

As a good Muslims, we have to balance the religious and real life. Procrastination is bad not only when it comes to religious things but also on daily lie. Postponing things that have to be done won’t do any good to us, so to keep everything on the right track we better plan things down and follow it diligently.

9. Read Dua from the Prophet

The life of the Prophet (SAW) is the one that should be our goals. Procrastination is a mental illness that need to be get rid of. The extreme laziness may prevent us from being the best and reaching our goals.

The dua that the Prophet (SAW) recite to overcome laziness goes:

“Allahumma inni ‘a’udhubika minal hammi walhuzni, Wal’ajzi walkasali, walbukhli waljubni, Wa dal’id-daiyni wa ghalabatir-rajal.”

The hadith above means:

‘O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being over powered by men.’ [Bukhari]

10. Keep in Mind of the Satan’s Work

Laziness is the most dangerous whisper of Satan to destroy us, Muslims. We need to keep in mind that we must never fall into the Satan’s trap and let them win. Whenever laziness come, recite “Audzu billahi minash Shaytan ir Rajeem” which means I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.

More Ways to Avoid Procrastination

Here are more ways how to avoid procrastination in Islam

  1. Write down the daily achievement before going to bed.
  2. Plan to-do list for the next day at night.
  3. Remember Allah in every situation
  4. Make the most of daily prayers to get closer to Allah SWT.

So those are all the ways how to avoid procrastination in Islam. It such a bad deeds and traits that may endanger our imaan and faith to Allah SWT.

Indah Ariviani

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