Islamic Law

Law of Not Keeping Promise in Islam – A Reminder for Muslims

“… And fulfill the promise, surely (every) promise shall be questioned about.” (17:34)

All praise due to Allah, the Greatest and the Most Loving.

Islam is a religion that provides the holistic way of living, including the right and the wrong action which should be and should not be done. One of the most sensitive issues in Islam (and life in general) is keeping promises. Promise and covenant is not something trivial in Islam. In fact, it’s a big matter when a Muslim make a promise, to Allah SWT or to fellow human.

But we never know what might happen in the future. When Allah SWT is not allowing us to, we might not be able to fulfill our promises. So what is the law of not keeping promise in Islam?

Surely, there two kind of promise breaking: when a person doesn’t purposely break it and second when someone make promises he knows he can’t fulfill. Here are the further explanation on the latter.

  1. Showing Signs of Hypocrisy

Hypocrite sits at the lowest rank of human being in Islam. It’s even worse than the animals. It shows the worst of the human character. What makes a Muslim a hypocrite? One of the sign is when someone is breaking the promises he made. See also How to Cure Hypocrisy in Islam

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “There are three signs of a hypocrite: whenever he speaks, he lies; whenever he makes a promise, he breaks it; and whenever he is trusted, he betrays his trust.” (Bukhari)

  1. Discarded As a True Muslim

A true Muslims will not lying to something he said with his own mouth. Thu, when he made promises, he’d do anything to fulfill it. If he is not, then he shouldn’t call himself a true Muslim.

 According to the Prophet (peace be upon him), “Even if he fasts and prays and claims that he is a Muslim. (Muslim)

  1. Fail to Fulfill the Characteristic of a Muslim

Breaking promises is not among the good characteristic of a Muslim. When someone breaks his own promises, he fail to have it. See also Importance of Good Character in Islam

“Fulfill the Covenant of God when you have entered into it, and break not your oaths after you have confirmed them; indeed you have made God your surety; for God knows all that you do.” (16:91)

  1. Getting Far Away from Allah’s Blessing

We will be sufficient in life as long as we have the blessing of Allah, but doing something that Allah SWT hates makes us even further away from His blessing. That is why we shouldn’t break our promises. See also Importance of Keeping Promise in Islam

“Those that keep their plighted faith and act aright,-verily God loves those who act aright.” (3:76)


  1. Be Careful in Verbal Promises

We often make verbal promises, which we should be very careful about.

According to the Prophet, Allah says, ‘The vow does not bring for the son of Adam anything that I have not decreed for him, but his vow may coincide with what has been decided for him, and in this manner, I cause a miser to spend of his wealth. So he gives Me (spends in charity) for the fulfillment of what has been decreed for him the thing which he would not give Me before but for his vow.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

  1. Belittling the Saying of Allah SWT

The word and promises that a Muslim made, either it vows or covenants are the extension of a vow from Allah SWT. As the God never tells lie, a servants who made promises should fulfill it. See also Sign Your Tawbah Accepted

  1. Fail to Gain the Love of Allah SWT

Keeping promises may seems simple, but it’s one of the many ways to gain the love of Allah SWT. Nothing matters most in the world but the love of the God. It’s a huge disadvantage if we fail.

“Those that keep their plighted faith and act aright,-verily God loves those who act aright.” (3:76)

  1. Committing One of the Biggest Sin in Islam

Human committing sins every now and then, even when we doesn’t realize about it. But be careful if the sin we committed is one of the biggest sin, especially when we do it on purpose. See also Most Destructive Sins in Islam

“And those who break the covenant of Allah after its confirmation and cut asunder that which Allah has ordered to be joined and make mischief in the land; (as for) those, upon them shall be curse and they shall have the evil (issue) of the abode.” (13:25)


  1. Receiving the Hate of Allah SWT

While gaining the love and blessing of Allah SWT is not so easy, awaking the wrath of Allah SWT is easier. If you want to be hated by Allah SWT, just break the promise you have made, whatever it is.

“O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? It is most hateful to Allah that you should say that which you do not do.” (61:2-3)

  1. The Sinner Would be Punished Very Soon

In the Hereafter, all sinner would be punished soon, especially those who break promises to Allah SWT or to fellow human being. See also Punishments to Leaving Shalat Intentionally

Hazrat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) said:

“There are four types of sinners who are punished very soon: The person who violates the pact that he has made with you, even though you have respected it. One who inflicts harm upon you even though you caused him no harm. One who has promised you something and you are faithful upon your agreement but he is unfaithful. One who wants to severe relations even though the relative wishes to continue the relationship.”

  1. Will be Questioned in the Hereafter

Beware of making promises, since it will be questioned in the Hereafter.

“And fulfil (every) covenant. Verily! The covenant, will be questioned about. ” (17:34)

  1. Proving No Fear to Allah SWT

Fearing Allah SWT is very important since it’s how we can live our life rightly. But if we don’t fulfill our promises, it means we have proved no fear to Allah SWT.

So those are all the law of not keeping promise in Islam. Be careful since you can commit a huge sin in Islam. Don’t say vow or promises so easily that you might get trapped into it someday.

Indah Ariviani

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