Islamic Law

Law of Playing Music in Mosque, Other Places, and Limitations

“And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allah…”  (31:6)

For modern people, music along with singing has been one of the most unavoidable things. We live really close with both things. We hear music and singing everywhere. Even music is also played in the mosque. But the question is, what is the laws of playing music in the mosque and other places?

From the verse above, we know that music and singing is prohibited in Islam. It is said to bring no benefit and might mislead the path of mankind, away from Allah SWT. Is it respectful to play music in the mosque? Here are some short explanation about it:

1. Mosque is the House of Allah

Mosque is a sacred place as it is called the house of Allah. The sound of music coming from such a precious place is highly inappropriate. From that understanding, mosque should be kept away from any things that is forbidden by Allah SWT. Let the house of Allah stay quiet and sacred. Also read Benefits of Praying in the Mosque

2. Mosque is the Place to Worship Allah SWT

Many good deeds and all kind of worship are done in the mosque. The loud sound of music (unless if its the Adzan voice) would interfere with anyone who is worshiping Allah in the mosque. Worship is the time where we communicate with Allah, so the surrounding must be kept quite. Also read Importance of Faith in Islam

3. Mosque is a Sacred Place

As it’s has been repeated many times above, mosque is a sacred place where everyone is solemnly worship and communicate with Allah. Playing music in the mosque could make people feel disturbed and interfered. Also read Law of Women Entering Mosque while Menstruating in Islam

4. Playing Muslim in a Celebration is Allowed

However, playing music to celebrate something is allowed as long as it’s not in the mosque.

‘Aishah narrated that during the days of Mina, on the day of ‘Eid al-Adha, two girls were with her, singing and playing on a hand drum. The Prophet (peace be on him) was present, listening to them with his head under a shawl. Abu Bakr then entered and scolded the girls. The Prophet (peace be on him), uncovering his face, told him, “Let them be, Abu Bakr. These are the days of ‘Eid.” (Bukhari & Muslim)


5. As a Refreshment of the Mind

Pressure in life could make someone feel distressed that they need to refresh their mind in order to worship Allah better. If it’s our intention, that we will be allowed to listen and play music. Also read 15 Importance of Faith in Islam

How Music and Singing is Prohibited

  • Associated with Disgraceful Acts

If music is played along with the disgraceful act such as at night club with many alcoholic drinks involved, it becomes makruh and even haram.

And among the people is the one who buys idle talk (at the expense of his soul) in order to lead (people) astray from the path of Allah without knowledge, holding it in mockery; for such there will be a humiliating punishment. (31:6)

  • Used to Mock Allah SWT

If a music are made or played and it contains something that mock Allah, it’s become highly forbidden since it’s the act of an unbeliever. Also read Most Destructive Sins in Islam

The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said, ‘Deeds will be judged according to intentions, and everyone will get what he intended.’ (Bukhari & Muslim)


Limitations of Music and Singing in Islam

Listening to music as well as singing is not an absolute prohibition in Islam. Which means that music and singing are still allowed with certain conditions and limitations. Here are among the limitations:

  1. The subject of the song should not be something against Islam so that it makes people haram upon listening to it.
  2. The manner of the singer should not be against the teaching of Islam. For example, singing with sexual movement.
  3. Wasting too much time for singing and music, since extravagant is not as Islamic thing.
  4. Music and singing must not interfere the time spent to worship Allah. It should be on top of priority no matter what.
  5. If a music or singing leads into series of bad things such as arousing one’s passions, leading one towards sin, and dulling the spirituality of others, then it considered as forbidden.
  6. Singing and music is haram when it is associated with forbidden acts. Such as listening to music while having an alcoholic party.

So that are the laws of playing music in mosque and in general. It has made clear that Allah SWT has forbid music and singing, unless it’s to energize oneself to worship Allah. But if a music doesn’t bring any positive benefit, then it’s only best to leave it stay away from it.

Indah Ariviani

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