
The Story of Bilal ibn Rabbah and Values from His Life

Bilal ibn Rabbah is one of the greatest companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). His greatness is not only because of the story of his faith in the midst of the threat of the Quraysh infidels, but also his extraordinary contribution to Muslims since the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was still preaching until the time of the Caliphate of Umar ibn Khattab. What is the story of the majesty of Bilal ibn Rabbah called the first muezzin of Muslims? Following the review.

The Origins of Bilal ibn Rabbah and the Beginning of the Times Converting to Islam

Bilal ibn Rabbah is a son of slaves couple, Rabbah and Hamamah. Bilal was born on 43 years before Hijri. Bilal was raised directly in Mecca as a slave from the family of Bani Abdud Dar, namely Umayyah ibn Khalaf, one of the leaders of the Quraysh infidels. Bilal’s life as a slave is the same as other slaves who must obey whatever their employer says.

When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) preached Islam for the first time, Bilal became one of the friends who first embraced Islam. In fact, Bilal belongs to the Assabiqunal Awwalun group along with other noble people, such as Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq, Khadijah, Ali ibn Abu Talib, Ammar ibn Yasir, Sumayyah, Shuhaib Ar-Rumi, and Al-Miqdad ibn Al-Aswad.

When Bilal was known to embrace Islam by his employer, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, Bilal was treated cruelly from his employer.

Bilal was flogged many times and forced to return to the religion of the ancestors and praise the idols of the Quraysh infidels. However, Bilal remained firm in maintaining his faith and only worshiped Allah SWT.

Not stopping there, Bilal was tortured again with a large stone placed on his chest and dried in the hot desert. Bilal continued to be forced to praise Latta and ‘Uzza which were the names of idols belonging to the Quraysh infidels.

However, what appeared in his mouth was the words, “Ahad, Ahad, Ahad.” Umayyah ibn Khalaf, who had dark eyes, continued to torture Bilal who remained steadfast in his faith.

Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq, who had already converted to Islam and was one of the tribal leaders in Mecca, decided to buy Bilal from Umayyah ibn Khalaf. Umayyah had raised Bilal prices doubled.

However, Abu Bakr did not feel the problem and agreed on the price proposed by Umayyah. Since then, Bilal has been liberated and has been a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on various occasions.

Bilal became the First Muezzin and the Best Friend of the Prophet Muhammad

After being liberated by Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq, Bilal became a part of the Muslim community and joined in the mission with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Bilal always followed wherever Rasulullah (PBUH) went, whether preaching or fighting against the Quraysh infidels. Until, one day Muslims made their first emigration to Medina, Bilal also participated and settled in Medina.

While in Medina, Bilal lived with Abu Bakr and ‘Amir ibn Fihr. In this city, Bilal’s role as the first muezzin of Muslims began. When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) finished building Masjid Nabawi, he appointed Bilal as a muezzin to make the call to prayer before the prayer began.

Bilal’s melodious voice when chanting the call to prayer bewitched all Muslims and made them drift in the meaning of the Bilal azan chanting. Since then, Bilal was appointed as a permanent muezzin of Muslims.

Not only became a muezzin, Bilal also participated in the fight against the infidels of Quraysh, starting from the Badr War, the Uhud War, the Khandaq War, and the other wars.

In the Badr war, Bilal saw his former employer Umayyah ibn Khalaf killed on the battlefield by the sword of the Muslims. The fate of the people who used to torture him was very pathetic, died in a state of infidelity and fought against Islam.

When Muslims won the victory by carrying out Fathul Makkah, Bilal who was accompanying the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) entered the Ka’bah was designated as a muezzin to echo the call to prayer on the Ka’bah.

Bilal immediately took off his armor and immediately ascended to the Ka’bah. The beautiful voice was heard chanting the call to prayer as a sign of the victory of Muslims.

Since then, if you continue to accompany the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to preach throughout the world until the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away.

Bilal after the Prophet Muhammad SAW passed away

Shortly after the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away, Bilal was asked to echo the call to prayer. However, Bilal could not hold back his tears because he remembered the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who at that time was still wrapped in a shroud.

Since then, Bilal was only able to recite the call to prayer for three days because he was unable to withstand the sadness of the departure of Rasulullah (PBUH).

Bilal also asked Abu Bakr, who at that time was a caliph, that he did not want to recite the call to prayer other than Rasulullah (PBUH) and was more focused on becoming an Islamic army.

Abu Bakr also granted Bilal’s request. Since then, Bilal has lived in the Darayya area close to the city of Damascus. Bilal really hasn’t echoed the call to prayer since then.

Until one day, Umar ibn Khattab became caliph and visited Damascus. Umar met Bilal and let each other go. At that time, a number of friends urged Bilal to sound the call to prayer again before the Caliph Umar.

Bilal also wants and echoes his last call to prayer throughout his life. Bilal’s golden voice could not hold back the tears of his friends, including Umar.

That was Bilal’s last call to prayer until finally the Ring of Heaven Callers passed away in Damascus.

Wisdom from the Life Story of Bilal ibn Rabbah

1. Under any severe conditions, Muslims must not mortgage their faith. No matter how hard the trials and obstacles that risk our faith we must be able to maintain our faith in God.

If we successfully pass the test, our level of faith will increase, and vice versa. Therefore, we must know ways to strengthen our faith.

2. As Muslims, we must carry out any role in raising Islam. Like Bilal, he maximized his role as a muezzin to knock on the door of the hearts of Muslims to come back to remember Allah and carry out worship. Not only that, Bilal also maximized his role as a battle force against the Quraysh infidels.

3. As Muslims, we must be loyal to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We must always carry out all the commands and stay away from all restrictions. No matter how hard the obstacles are, loyalty to Allah and His Messenger is number one.

That was a little story about Bilal ibn Rabbah. Hopefully the story of the Ring of Heaven Callers can be a motivation for us to be more active in devotion to Allah SWT. Aamiin ya rabbal ‘alamiin.

Muhammad Zaki

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