The Quran surah Al Baqarah becomes one of the most popular surahs in the Quran. Like another surah in the Quran, it contains so many verses that are useful in…
reciting Quran
Reciting every surah in the Quran can be useful for Muslims. Whether for their daily routine or give someone else advice, reciting one of them surely can be more useful…
Quran is the guidance for all muslims in the word, it is our holy book. Inside Quran we can learn all about the basic teachings of Islam. The commandment of…
Ramadhan is a month whereas all Islam ummat has been waited. The special of Ramadhan comparing with the other months is located in the abundant rewards due to the Ramadhan…
Benefits of surah Al-Baqarah can not be in doubt, this time. As known Surah Al-Baqarah that Surah Al-Baqarah itself is a female cow. The whole verse of this surah Al-Baqarah…
Bismillahirrahmanirahim. Finishing Al Quran is one of the most important things to do in our life as Moslem. To finish the Al Quran, we need to read it not only…