Islamic Rules

Dangerous Type of Lust in Islam – How to Prevent

Islam never forbid a Muslim to have sexual desire to another, as long as it remains within the boundaries Allah SWT has set. A Muslim can have sexual desire only to their legal partner through marriage. But to have lust while you are still single considered as sin and will drive someone away from Allah SWT.

Allah SWT created human being along with sexual desire. It is to say, sexual desire is something that can never be gotten rid of someone. As people get older, it is easier for them to have their sexual desire arising and it’s hard to go against it. But then again, it defines the real quality of a Muslim. Whoever succeed in holding their sexual desire will gain many blessing from Allah SWT, both in the world and hereafter.

So what are the type of lust in Islam, so that Muslims know what boundaries they should never cross? Here are some of them.

  1. Looking at Others with Nafs

Whenever you look at a handsome man or a beautiful woman, we absentmindedly staring them in awe. On the first second it’s okay, but if we hold the gaze any longer it will become lust. Avoid looking at others for too long so that there is no time for negative thoughts to enter your mind. Keep humble and looking at other person only when it’s necessary. Also read Importance of Lowering Your Gaze in Islam

  1. Watching Porn

Watching any kind of pornography is lust, either you look at porn pictures of watching porn movie. Even though you’re just a spectator, your sexual desire appear once you look at it, thus become your sin. Pornography becomes a threat for young generations as they might start watching porn since they were little.

  1. Masturbating All by Themselves

When a man’s lust reaching its peak and he has nobody to wreak it to, he masturbate it all by himself. The law of masturbating in Islam is highly forbidden based on what’s written inside the Quran. Also read Side Effect of Female Masturbation in Islam

“And those who guard their private parts… Except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they are not to be blamed …” (70:29-30)

  1. Wearing Provocative Clothes

Allah SWT has commanded the rule of dressing in Islam, both for men and women. The certain parts that allowed to be shown in public has defined, so that the rest that are not mentioned must be covered. But in the modern era, many women are wearing provocative clothes that exposes their private parts to the public.

  1. Promiscuity without Marriage

Promiscuity or zina in Islam is highly unforgivable sin in Islam, unless a Muslim shows a deep repentance of what they have done. It is the ultimate form of someone who is unable to contain their lust, which lead them to the most horrible act in Islam. Also read Ways How to Control Sexuality in Islam


There are many other type of lust in Islam, and it often be little things. As long as your sexual desire awaken, that it lust. So whenever the desire seems to appear, immediately remember Allah and do these things below to prevent lust:

How to Prevent Lust in Islam

  • Lower the Gaze

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts).” (24:31)

Lowering the gaze means refraining from looking at someone or something that Allah SWT forbids. As it has been written in the Quran, we definitely have to obey the direct command from Allah SWT. Also read Benefits of Lowering Your Gaze in Islam

  • Avoid Things That Triggers

Sexual desire often appears without you intended to, but because there are things that trigger it to appear. Such as looking at sexy pictures, watching porn movies or reading sexual novel. So that even when you’re not thinking about it at all, it suddenly appears in your mind. So that the best way to hold the lust is by avoid the things that triggers.


  • Find Good Company

Your friends are the biggest influence in your life. If you become friends with wrong people, you will be directed to the wrong direction. That is why it’s important to find a good company and surround yourself with good people. Their goodness will internalized in you too. Also read Ways How to Choose Good Friends in Islam

  • Spend Your Time Wisely

Lust and dirty thoughts that lead to sexual desire often appears as you are in the blank state. You have nothing in your mind and you currently have nothing to do. It’s just cross your head without you realize it. To prevent such thing from happen, spend your time wisely by doing useful activities.

  • Strengthen the Faith

Strengthen your relationship with Allah SWT so that you will always be protected from bad and forbidden things. Strengthening the faith and relationship with Allah can be done by remembering Allah SWT all the time, recite Quran daily, and thinking Allah’s name and attribute.

The Prophet said,

“O young men, whoever among you can afford to, let him get married, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and in guarding one’s chastity. Whoever cannot afford it, then let him fast, for it will be a shield for him.”

Those hadith above means the best way to hold sexual desire is by fasting. Fasting acts as a guardian to your heart and desire and to remind you constantly of Allah SWT.

  • Keep Remembering Allah SWT

Remembering Allah SWT helps you in many things when you live. You will always be protected, close to Allah, and kept away from evil deeds of Satan.

After knowing the type of lust in Islam and how to prevent it, know all the boundaries about what is allowed and what is forbidden becomes clear. As a good Muslim, let’s stay within the limit and not causing the wrath of Allah SWT.

Indah Ariviani

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