
17 Ways To Purify Yourself In Islam

Every Muslim is required to do this self-purify, this purify is very beneficial for all among  Muslims who believe in Allah Almighty. Below the following here are the 17 ways to purify yourself in Islam that you should know.

  1. An important Islam lessons

In one verse of Quran, Allah Almighty has said that purify oneself is the main important thing taught in Islam. A Muslim should perform this purification for their own good. Allah Almighty says in the holy book of Quran.

“The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail. Except him who brings to Allah a clean heart [clean from Shirk (polytheism) and Nifaq (hypocrisy)].” (Verse 26:88-89)

2. The successful in The Hereafter

Purifying oneself aims for the good of a Muslim himself. A Muslim can achieve success in the future if he is able to purify himself well. Below here Allah says in the Quran. See also How To Get Sins Forgiven in Islam

“ Indeed whosoever purifies himself (by avoiding polytheism and accepting Islamic Monotheism) shall achieve success.” (Verse 87:14-15)

3. Make requests by praying to Allah Almighty

The first step to purify yourself is by intention and make the request by praying to Allah Almighty. In this way, you can purify yourself well. Below here Allah Almighty says in Quran.

“Recite (O Muhammad SAW) what has been revealed to you of the Book (the Quran), and perform As-Slat (Iqamat-as-Salat). Verily, As-Slat (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fasha’ (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse,etc.) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked dead,etc.) and the remembering (praising) of (you by) Allah (in front of the angels) is greater indeed. And Allah knows what you do.” (Verse 29:45)

4. Paying Zakat

It is not just praying, doing good deeds is one way in Islam to purify ourselves. For example, at the time will celebrate the day of Eid al-Fitr.

Before celebrating the victory on Eid day every Muslim can afford to pay zakat fitrah 2.5% of staple food like rice or if with money 2.5% of salary received every month. Zakat fitrah is one good practice that the Messenger of Allah taught to purify ourselves. Below here Allah says in the Quran.  See also The Importance Of Forgiveness In Islam

“And Al-Muttaqun (the pious and righteous) will be far removed from it (Hell)”. (Verse  92:17-18)

5. Give charity

Giving charity is one of the good deeds that can purify ourselves as well. Giving a charity does not have to use the money, for example just meet with a smiling face. Below here is the completing hadith. [AdSense-B]

“Every good deed is charity. Verily, it is a good deed to meet your brother with a smiling face and to pour what is left from your bucket into the vessel of your brother.”(Tirmidhi)

6. Helping others people

Another form of good deed that can purify oneself is to help and not harm others. For example, as we help others carry their suitcases, walk to the mosque on foot, and throw away dangerous things like nails or sharp objects while on road. Below here is the hadith. See also Best Way to Seek Forgiveness from Allah

“Charity is due upon every joint of the people for every day upon which the sun rises. Being just between two people is charity, and helping a man with his animal and lifting his luggage upon it is charity, and a kind word is a charity, and every step that you take towards the mosque is charity, and removing harmful things from the road is charity.” (Muslim)

7. Do a repent sincerely

Man is a creature of Allah Almighty who will never escape from sin. To wipe away all sins and purify oneself then do repentance.

[AdSense-A] Verily repentance with a sincere heart is the best repentance that will be accepted by Allah Almighty. Below here is the following hadith.

“Verily, when the believer commits a sin, a black spot appears upon his heart. If he repents and abandons the sin and seeks forgiveness, his heart will be polished, but if he increases in sin, the blackness increases.”
 (Ibn Majah)

8. Prayer of the Prophet Ibrahim AS

There is one prayer where this prayer was once offered by Prophet Ibrahim AS. This prayer is believed to be one of the prayers used to purify ourselves from sins. Below here Allah says in Quran. See also Surah for Forgiveness of Major Sins

“Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own (and indeed Allah answered their invocation by sending Muhammad Peace to be upon him), who shall recite unto them Your Verses and instruct them in this Quran and Al-Hikmah and sanctify them. Verily! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.  ”.(Verse 2:129)

9. Ask sincerely to Allah Almighty

Do never a Muslim pray hastily to Allah Almighty. Please pray and request Allah Almighty with a heart that is sincere and in the best way possible. Allah Almighty is the Merciful, the Forgiving. Below is the Quranic verse that tells this.

“You (Alone) we worship, and you (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything).”(Verse 1:5)

10. A dua taught by the Prophet

Below is one of the prayers about purifying ones that are taught by the Prophet Muhammad. Pray this prayer every time in the evening prayer and do it with istiqomah. Insha Allah, Allah will forgive all our sins. Below here is the dua. See also Virtues of Surah Kahf on Friday

“O, Allah! Grant me the sense of piety and purify my soul as You are the Best to purify it. You are its Guardian and its Protecting Friend. O, Allah! I seek refuge in You from the knowledge which is not beneficial, and from a heart which does not fear (You), and from desire which is not satisfied, and from prayer which is not answered.” (Muslim)

11. Perform Qiyamullail’s prayer

A five-time prayer for Muslims is indeed a duty. However, besides that, there is another prayer that takes ultimate, that is Qiyamullail. Below are the words of the Prophet Muhammad in his hadith.

“The ultimate prayer after the fardhu prayer is Qiyamullail”. (Muslim)

12. Recite the Holy Quran

The easiest thing to do in order to purify ourselves is to recite the Quran. With a Muslim reciting the holy book of the Quran, the stain in our hearts will always be clean. Below here Allah says in the Quran. See also Benefits of Completing Reciting Quran in Islam

“And We send down from the Quran that which is healing and a mercy to those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism and act on it,) and it increases the Zalimun (polytheist and wrong-doers) nothing but loss.” (Verse 17:82)

13. Recite dhikr

In addition to reading the Quran, there is one thing a Muslim can do and it can be recited in anywhere. Recite dhikr when you are in a state of sad or even in a happy condition. Truly dhikr can also purify ourselves from the stains of the ugliness of the heart.

“The who remember Allah (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth (saying): ‘Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners) . Gives us salvation from the torment of the Fire.’”(Verse 3:191)

14. Surrender to Allah Almighty

Free heart from all dependence, leave it to Allah Almighty and be assured that Allah Almighty will always be with us. Give ourselves to Him, believe only Allah Almighty, God in this entire universe.

By surrendering to Allah Almighty we are indeed among the lucky ones. Below here Allah says in the Quran. See also Virtues of Reciting Surah Al-Waqiah

“Then when they are about to fulfill their term appointed, either take them back in a good manner or part with them in a good manner. And take for witness two just persons from among you.


And establish the witness for Allah. That will be an admonition given to him who believes in Allah and the Last Day, And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will take away for him to get out (from every difficulty).


And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things.” (Verse 65: 2-3)

15. Be patient

All humans will surely experience trials in his life, with this ordeal we tested by Allah Almighty to be more patient in living life in this world. Patience is also one way to purify oneself in Islam. Below here Allah Almighty says in Quran.

“And endure you patiently (O Muhammad SAW), your patience is not but from Allah. And grieve not over them (polytheist and pagans,etc.), and be not distressed because of what they plot.” (Verse 16:127)

16. Do Hijra

The Hijra intended here is to leave behind the usual bad things by abandoning them and replacing them with good things. For example, when a Muslim woman who initially did not wear the hijab, one day she Hijra wearing the veil and cover her private parts. Performing this Hijra is also an attempt to purify herself. Rasulullah SAW said in his hadith. See also Importance of Hijrah in Islam

“The one who emigrated is the one who emigrated (abandoned) evil. And the person who jihad is the one who fights against his desires”. (Ibn Majah and An-Nasaa’i)

17. Remembering death

The human heart is very vulnerable to stains, the stain is caused by envy, arrogance, bad suspects, and others. Imagine, if the human heart is likened to clothing if the stained clothes will surely be washed or replaced with a new one. However, does a stained human heart can be cleaned up? Below here Rasulullah SAW said in his hadith.

“Surely this heart is rusty like rusted iron when it comes to water”. The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what can clean it again?” He replied: “Much to remember the death and recitation of the Qur’an”.

Hopefully, the existence of 17 ways to purify yourself in Islam can help you in a good way to purify yourself in Islam. With the above method is expected all the stains that are in our hearts can all be clean and pure like a born baby.

Mesdya Ayu

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