Islamic Info

3 Holy Cities in Islam: Historical Background and Facts about It

Islam is a religion full of history. The spread of Islam cannot be separated from various historical times and places, such as cities, mosques, buildings, and certain places.

Some of them are even considered sacred places and have a very high religious value. This is inseparable from the historical value and unique facts that exist in that place.

One that is often a historic place is the city. In Islam, there are certain cities that have a very high historical value and play a large role in the process of spreading Islam.

This makes the city a sacred city whose level of religiosity is considered very high by Muslims. At least, there are 3 cities that are considered sacred to Muslims, namely Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem.

What are the facts and history in the three cities? The following article will provide a little explanation for you.

Mecca: Holy City and Muslim Ritual Center

There is no doubt that Mecca is a city that is known to be the holiest by Muslims. This is because Mecca is a city that is the center of all forms of Muslim rituals.

The Ka’ba, which is the center for all Muslims in the world, is in Mecca. In addition, the fifth pillar of Islam, namely the Hajj, a spiritual travel to Mecca, is also centered in the city of Mecca Al-Mukarromah.

The sanctity of Mecca cannot be separated from the long history of the struggle of Muslims in spreading Islam throughout the world. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) carried out such a long da’wah in Mecca for 13 years.

However, the famous characteristics of the people of Mecca were stubbornly made the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had to emigrate to Medina, then known as Yathrib, to reorganize the preaching strategy they had to use.

In the end, Mecca was recaptured by Muslims in the Fathul Makkah incident. The events of Fathul Makkah itself occurred after the power of Islam had grown and was no longer able to be defeated by the Quraysh infidels.

The Quraysh in Mecca also joined Islam after the Fathul Makkah.

The Messenger of Allah, who at that time had become the highest leader of the Muslim community, decided Mecca as a holy city that should not be used as a place for war and only specifically for da’wah and worship.

All government affairs were carried out in Medina. Until now, Mecca is famous as a holy city which is the center of Muslim ritualism from all over the world, especially for doing hajj in step by step.

Medina: Center for Government and Da’wah of Muslims

The second city that is considered a holy and historic city for Muslims is Medina. Medina is known as a holy and historic city not because it is the center of Muslim ritualism, but because of historical records that are very much left behind in Medina. The Prophet Muhammad’s tomb is in Medina. The Islamic process which was able to spread to almost two-thirds of the world began in Medina.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) officially emigrated to Yathrib, the old name of Medina, after going through an event called Baiat Aqabah I and II. The incident involved the Prophet Muhammad and two large tribes in Medina at that time, namely the Bani Aus and Bani Khazraj.

The two tribes were initially hostile to one another and killing each other. However, thanks to the Prophet Muhammad the two tribes were united and converted to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) began the Islamic da’wah by forming a government in Medina. It was here, Islam began to expand widely to all corners of the world.

In fact, during the caliphate of Abu Bakr Ash Shidiq, who has many lessons from his life, and Umar bin Khattab, the territory of Islam became very broad. At the time of Umar, Muslims were able to control almost two-thirds of the world. Islam also defeated the Roman and Persian armies at that time.

In Medina, too, the concept of diversity in one area of ​​government runs very peacefully. Medina is known as one of the cities that has a variety of tribes and religions.

There are several religions that settled in the city which is famous for the Prophet’s Mosque, namely Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. They also live side by side in peace.

Medina indeed several times almost overthrown by various parties who were hostile to Islam, both from within and from outside.

The hypocrites led by Abdullah bin Ubay also often provoked to divide Muslims. In fact, in the Trench War or the Battle of Khandaq even the Quraysh infidels tried to attack Medina. However, Muslims are able to drive it away.

Madinah Al-Munawwaroh became a holy city not only because it was the center of worship with the Prophet’s Mosque, but also because of the great history that had been created in it.

Jerusalem: Holy City for 3 Religions

The last holy city for Muslims is one of the contested cities in Palestine, Jerusalem. Jerusalem actually has a high value and history for Muslims. Not only Muslims, Jerusalem also seems to be a holy city for two other religions, namely Christianity and Judaism.

Jerusalem is indeed very closely related to the history of the three religions. In Christianity, there is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher which is believed to be the most sacred place for all Christians.

In Judaism, there is the Wailing Wall which is believed to be the holiest place for all Jews in the world. As for Muslims, the city of Jerusalem has its own meaning in the events of Isra ’Mi’raj.

In the event of Isra ‘Mi’raj, the Prophet Muhammad is believed to have traveled from the Masjidil Haram in Mecca to the Masjidil Aqsa in Jerusalem.

In this Masjidil Aqsa, the Prophet Muhammad SAW prayed to Allah to strengthen his shoulders in the face of various trials of preaching that were befallen him.

At the time of Isra ’Mi’raj, the Prophet Muhammad was indeed experiencing a year of sadness because his wife, Khadijah radhiallahu‘ anha, who one of Prophet’s wife that have good morals, and his uncle, Abu Talib, died. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also felt that no one supported him.

At that moment, Allah ordered the Prophet Muhammad to perform Isra ’Mi’raj in order to regrow the preaching motivation that had been lost.

Therefore, Jerusalem became one of the three Muslim holy cities. This is because one of the major events in Islam had involved the city. In fact, the Aqsa Mosque was once used as a Qibla before finally being moved to the Ka’ba in Mecca

That is all the explanation of the three holy cities in Islam. Hopefully the high history in the three holy cities was able to motivate us to be more enthusiastic in raising Islam. Aamiin ya rabbal ‘alamiin.

Muhammad Zaki

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