
17 Clever Ways How to Avoid Being Gay in Islam

The LGBT issues that has trending worldwide raise many awareness of rights equality. It resulted in many country has legally allow same sex marriage. Homosexuality is a topic that Islam has aware of since thousands of years ago. Even the story of Sodom, people of Prophet Luth (AS) who are all homosexual has been written inside the Holy Quran.

Thus, homosexuality is nothing new to Islam. As to it, Islam has already decide that it is forbidden no matter what. As Quran is unchanging, we Muslim must follow that rule. The punishment for gays is clear, as we can see at the end of the story of the people of Prophet Luth. Muslim men must be able to protect themselves from being gay.

Here are the ways how to avoid being gay in Islam:

1. Seek for Protection from Allah SWT

Allah SWT is the only one who can help you in any situation, so ask for His protection. If you sincerely ask for it, Allah will grant your will in no time, as Allah has promised inside the Quran that He will respond to any of His servants who call upon Him.

“Call upon me, I will respond to you.” – Ghafir (40:60)

Also read: How to Accept Death in Islam

2. Recite Quran Daily

Quran is the ultimate guide for every Muslim. All the rules of living as well as life in the Hereafter has written in it. Recite the Quran daily and understand the meaning in your own language. You will see how many blessing Allah SWT has given to you, and what kind of punishment you will get by being gay.

Also read: How to Avoid Anxiety in Islam

3. Read About the Story of Prophet Luth

And [We had sent] Luth when he said to his people, “Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds? Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people.” – Al A’raf (80-81)

The verse above is about Prophet Luth and his people who all are gay. Gay is nothing new in Islam and all those people had received their punishment. As it has clearly shown inside the Quran, let’s all not doing what people of Sodom had done before.

Also read: How to Have a Pure Heart in Islam

4. Remember Your Parents

Always remember that you are living in this world alone. You still have your family. Imagine the look on your parents’ face when they find that you are a gay. They will be heartbroken and feel tortured for the rest of their life. Your parents will think that they are fail to raise you.

Be a good son to your parents by helping them to get Jannah. A good children is also a good deed for parents, while a bad son will make them go through punishment. A child is responsibility of his parents. [AdSense-B]

Also read: How to Avoid Dating in Islam

5. Don’t Get Too Intimate with Male Friend

If you have a male best friend that you really cherish, try not to get too intimate with him. Physically or mentally. Just let your friendship goes as the way it should be, no need to add affection in it. We never know when Shaytaan will get on us.

Also read: How to Praise Your Wife in Islam

More Ways to Avoid Being Gay in Islam

  1. Alah SWT created human in pair, it’s man and woman, not man to man.
  2. You life will not end when you die. There is still Hereafter to think about, and the only way to get through it safely is by doing many good deed in the world. Being gay is not one.
  3. Always seek for forgiveness from Allah SWT. As we never know how many sins we have committed, so we should repent endlessly everyday.
  4. All of your deeds will be questioned in the Day of Judgement. As it already hard, don’t make that Day harder by committing a a deed that you know it’s forbidden.
  5. Never let go of your Dhikr and always remember Allah SWT everywhere. [AdSense-C]

What to Do to a Gay Friend

Sometime you can’t avoid but being friend with a gay. It’s not that you want it, but you just find about him later. Being a close friend with a gay is not forbidden in Islam, but it might influence you in a bad way. Here are the things you should do when you have a gay as your friend:

  1. Don’t get too close with him. Even though you’re not a gay, continue to be physically close to him could turn you into one. Mind a distance from him, don’t too close or too friendly.
  2. Invite him to the right path, back to Allah SWT. Ask him to perform Shalat together or reciting the Quran. Try to drag him back to the right corridor, the path that full of blessing from Allah SWT.
  3. Remind him about the Hereafter. As human will not be living forever in the world, so he must be careful in taking every little step for his life. When he is heading toward the wrong way, it won’t be good for him later.
  4. Seek for protection from Allah SWT, as no one will be able to except for Him. Always ask Him to protect you from being a gay, since Allah SWT wrath will be received by anyone who do things that He forbids.
  5. Surround yourself with good people who always remind you of Allah SWT. Choosing the right friend in Islam is important, as one bad friend will make you getting away from Allah SWT.
  6. Do fasting as the shield for yourself from committing sins and bad deeds. It will restrain you from all desires, including the bad one when you want to be a gay.
  7. Focus on woman, instead of woman. Look for woman who you want to get married to, and do is fast when you are ready for it. Marriage is a good shield for wrong desire.

So those are the many ways to avoid being gay in Islam. Now with the LGBT issues is spreading worldwide, many nations approve homosexuality. While in Islam, it is forever forbidden as it has been written in the Quran thousands of year ago. As a good Muslim, let’s not do things that Allah forbids, as Allah SWT will not forbid something unless it do no good for us. Allah knows better, while we are not.

Indah Ariviani

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