Islamic Law

Law of Being Banker in Islam – The Risk and Danger

Living in the modern era makes it hard for us to avoid involvement with bank. Bank has undeniably been helping us solving financial matters or even establishing a new business. Many of the people we know, or maybe our own self, work as a banker. There are many people who say that working in a bank is haram

But what is the law of being a banker in Islam?

We are going to dig deeper into it through various point of view or way of thinking. Conventional bank who adopts the Western banking system with interest is indeed riba. So here are more explanation to the law of being banker in Islam.

  1. Bank is Close with Riba

Conventional bank is indeed very close with riba. In fact, is adopt the Western banking system which is practicing riba. Riba is one of the most unforgivable sin in Islam. Everything that related with riba is strictly prohibited and haram. Also read Reasons For The Prohibition of Riba In Islam

“And cooperate in righteousness and piety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment.” (5:2)

  1. The Prophet Loathe Riba

Allah SWT as well as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are all hate and loathe riba. Everyone who is involved with riba is cursed by the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself. Even for people who is not directly involved, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said.

As reported by ‘Abdullah bin Masud and Jabir bin Abdullah, the Prophet (peace be upon him said, “They are the same (in sin).” (Muslim)

  1. Bank Interest is Haram

Conventional bank makes profit through interest. Both the payer and accepter of the interest are cursed by Allah SWT as well as the Prophet (peace be upon him). Interest is strictly haram and prohibited in Islam. So that both parties involved are all sinner. Even for those who are indirectly involved. Also read Most Destructive Sins in Islam

  1. Western Banking System is Haram

As has been said numerous times before, conventional bank adapts the Western banking system. In which the system is haram in Islam. For Muslim who is seeking for Allah’s blessing, it’s surely not right.

As for bankers, it means that they make many through riba or usury. As every Muslims must have known well, riba is haram and it’s clearly written in the Quran. Allah SWT himself has forbid riba and it must be avoided at all cost.


  1. It’s Hard to Avoid Involvement with Banking

We have to struggle to make a living day by day, and many of us landed in a good job at bank. Even if we don’t work at a bank, it’s still hard not to come into contact with conventional type of banking. Also read Law of Borrowing Money at Banks in Islam

If we use the old way of saving money in socks or wallet, it’s too dangerous and inconvenient. So it’s indeed hard to completely avoid it.

  1. Other Profession is Better

Allah SWT understands that making a living day to day is hard, and Muslims often use it as excuse to legalize working in bank. But there are many other job in the world aside from being a banker. So as long as we capable of, looking for another job would be a better choice.

We might have to sacrifice some aspects, like cutting off expenses or anything, but it’s better than depending the life from forbidden source.

“Allah destroys interest and gives increase for charities. And Allah does not like every sinning disbeliever.” (2:276)

  1. Ask to a Scholar

When the law of riba has made clear and that the bank is practicing riba, many Muslims still not yet to be convinced by it. To make the heart more assured, a Muslim banker may go and ask imam or Islamic scholars near them. They would give a better answer and solutions regarding to the situations. Also read 10Effects of Slander in Islam


  1. Banker is Involved with Riba

Working is a riba-based bank is highly forbidden in Islam. As for bankers, they directly involved in a riba transaction every other day. Means that they are cooperating into sin and what has been forbidden by Allah SWT.

“Help you one another in Al‑Birr and At‑Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment.” (5:2)

  1. Every Bank Related Job is Riba

There are also many questions regarding the law of being banker in Islam. If being banker is haram, then other job beside banker is not? The answer depends. As long as the job is not related to bank and banker, it’s not haram. But if a Muslim do other job but they are still related to bank, then it’s still considered as riba and it’s haram in Islam. Also read Importance of Dignity of Work in Islam

Getting involved with bank and bankers means helping each other in sin, which make the person a sinner as well.

“… but do not help one another in sin and transgression.” (5:2)

  1. There is No Exception in Riba

When it comes to riba, there is no tolerance and exceptions. Everyone who is involved, either directly or not, are all sinners. Cooperating with sins and transgression is a severe bad deeds that it’s hardly forgiven by Allah SWT.

As a Muslim, we are very close with riba. Even a small transaction that we thought legal turns out to be an indirect riba. We must avoid to get involved with riba by doing our best and always looking for help and guidance from Allah SWT.

Those are all the explanation on law of being banker in Islam. As the job is very dangerous and may cause a Muslim to commit a huge sin, it must be considered well. There are surely many other job out there that is not risky.

Indah Ariviani

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