Islamic Law

The Law of Botox and Filler in Islam Should be Known by Muslims

For women, beauty is a thing that really needs to be considered, especially facial beauty. This is because facial skin becomes the part that is most considered by others. So, almost all women want beautiful and smooth skin.

This is resulting in many facial treatment methods. One of them is the botox and filler methods. This method is very popular in today’s society. Botox and filler itself does provide many benefits for women, but also provides negative side effects.

Many pros and cons appear in the community, both in the eyes of religion and in the eyes of health. In health’s perspective some say botox and fillers are very dangerous because they use toxins from bacteria, while toxin is dangerous.

From the religious side, there are those who say that Botox is allowed if there are certain urgent matters that do allow botox and fillers to be done. However, some say also Botox and fillers remain unclean whatever the conditions. Because it is one of tabaruj, you can read the law of tabarruj for women in Islam.

Then, actually what is botox and filler? How does Islam see this method of beauty treatment for Muslim women? This article will discuss it, the following review for you.

What are Botox and Filler?

For the some people, botox and filler makes no difference. However, in the world of beauty, the terms botox and filler are two different terms. Not only are the terms different, but also the ingredients used and their benefits for the skin.

Botox is a skin treatment used to treat wrinkles on the skin, especially facial skin. Usually wrinkles on the face are caused by expressions that often appear on the face, such as smiling, crying, frowning, and others. Talking about it, you can also read healthy way to improve health in Islam.

While filler is a skin care that is used to fill the soft tissue under the surface of the skin. Usually filling this soft tissue to increase volume in certain parts of the face, such as cheeks, lips, and around the mouth thinning due to aging.

The material used to inject Botox is a protein from the bacterium Clostridium Botolinum which is injected into the skin. While fillers use various ingredients, such as calcium hydroxupalatite, hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, polyalkylimide, and polymethyl-methacrylate microspheres (PMMA).

Medically, Botox can survive 3-4 months after treatment. So, when this effect stops, you have to re-inject it to maintain the results.

Meanwhile, fillers usually have a relatively longer time between 4 months and 2 years. However, you still need to do further treatment to maintain the desired results.

Botox is able to have side effects on its users, such as bruises on injected skin, headaches, drooping eyelids, and red eyes and irritation. Talking about it you can also read importance of health in Islam in every parts.

Meanwhile, fillers have side effects that tend to be more numerous, such as allergic reactions, bruises, infections, itching, numbness, redness, scarring, to wounds.

How Does Islam Look at Botox and Filler?

With such composition, benefits, and side effects, Islam certainly does not remain silent to give the law to Botox and filler injections. This is because Islamic rules exist as rules of human life and regulate all human life on earth.

The following is Islam’s view of Botox and fillers.

1. It is not allowed to change God’s creation

Imam Ibn Jarir Ath Thabari Rahimahullah said – as quoted by Al Hafizh Ibn Hajar:

لا يجوز للمرأة تغيير شيء من خلقتها التي خلقها الله عليها بزيادة أو نقص التماس الحسن لا للزوج ولالغي

It is not permissible for a woman to change something that Allah has created for her either by adding or subtracting in order to achieve beauty, it must not be good to like her husband or other reasons.” (Quoted in Fathul Bari, 10/377)

2. Even if there is a change, then temporarily, such as hair coloring

Imam Al Qurthubi Rahimahullah said:

المنهي عنه إنما هو فيما يكون باقيا; لأنه من باب تغيير خلق الله تعالى, فأما ما لا يكون باقيا كالكحل والتزين به للنساء, فقد أجاز العلماء ذلك.

The prohibition is if there is a permanent change, because it is included in the chapter of changing God’s creation ﷻ, even if it is not as permanent as the splashing with which ordinary women are decorated, the scholars allow it.” (Al Jaami ‘Al Ahkaam Al Qur’an, 5/369)

3. No harm

All things that are dangerous are prohibited in Islam, including efforts to beautify themselves that prove dangerous, or potentially dangerous.

Allah ﷻ says:

وَلَا تُلْقُوا بِأَيْدِيكُمْ إِلَى التَّهْلُكَةِ

Thou shalt not plunge yourself into the abyss of destruction.” (Surat al-Baqarah: 195)

In the hadith, talk about hadith you can also read function of hadith :

لا ضرر ولا ضرار

Don’t endanger others and don’t endanger yourself.” (Narrated by Ahmad no. 2865, Shaykh Syu’aib Al Arnauth said: Hasan)

4. Must be of material that is sacred and lawful

Moreover, this is just a beauty drug not a medicine to protect lives so that there is no word of emergency that must be maintained.

From Ibn Mas’ud Radhiallahu ‘Anhu follows:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَمْ يَجْعَلْ شِفَاءَكُمْ فِيمَا حَرَّمَ عَلَيْكُمْ

Surely Allah does not make medicine for you from anything that is forbidden for you.” (HR. Al Bukhari No. 5613)

From Abu Darda ‘Radhiallahu’ Anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ أَنْزَلَ الدَّاءَ وَالدَّوَاءَ وَجَعَلَ لِكُلِّ دَاءٍ دَوَاءً فَتَدَاوَوْا وَلَا تَدَاوَوْا بِحَرَامٍ

Verily Allah Ta’ala decreases the disease and the cure, and He makes every disease there must be a cure, then seek treatment and do not seek treatment with the unlawful.”

(Narrated by Abu Daud No. 3876, Al Baihaqi, As Sunan Al Kubra No. 20173. Imam Ibnul Mulaqin said: Saheeh. / 86))

Imam Asy Syaukani Rahimahullah said:

وكذلك سائر الأمور النجسة أو المحرمة, وإليه ذهب الجمهور قوله: (ولا تتداووا بحرام) أي لا يجوز التداوي بما حرمه الله من النجاسات وغيرها مما حرمه الله ولو لم يكن نجسا.

Likewise, all things that are unclean and unclean (may not be used as medicine), so are the schools of jumhur (majority), saying:” do not seek treatment with the unlawful, “meaning not to be treated with anything that God forbids in the form of unclean objects. , and other things that are forbidden by Allah, even if they are not unclean. ” (Nailul Authar, 8/204)

Thus, Botox and filler injections can be analyzed by using the four points above. In this article, we do not want to determine how botox and filler are legal. We only provide benchmarks that you can use to assess botox and fillers whether or not they are in Islam.

As long as Botox and filler do not have the effect of changing God’s creation permanently, are harmless, and come from sacred and non-toxic materials, then the law is permitted. However, if Botox does not fulfill one of the four points above, Botox is haraam.

However, there are also those who convey the law regarding Botox and Filler covering two things. The first thing is if Botox and fillers are used to repair body parts that are damaged by accident or violence, then the law is permitted. Some people are obliged because they will repair God’s damaged creations and increase self-confidence.

The second thing is if botox and fillers are used only for fun and to take improper benefits from them, then the law is haram is not allowed. This is because with more beautiful and beautiful faces because Botox will tend to be misused for personal gain.


For women, you can judge for yourself how botox and filler law in Islam. You can reflect this with yourself right now. Always use your rational mind to judge right or wrong in a case by relying on the Qur’an and the hadith.

Allah says in surah Al Anfaal verse 22

 إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الصُّمُّ الْبُكْمُ الَّذِينَ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ

For the worst of beasts in the sight of God are the deaf and the dumb, – those who understand not.” (Al Anfaal verse 22).

In this verse, it is clear that God uses the “laa ya’qiluun” diction in Arabic. The word “laa ya’qiluun” itself can be interpreted as “not using reason”. God clearly gives insults and insults to people who do not use their minds, you can also read, the law of conducting worship without knowledge.

Thus, in any case, God commands all Muslims to always use their minds in everyday life. Allah says Muslims who do not use reason are equated with deaf, deaf, and mute pets.

How humiliating for Muslims who do not use their minds in everyday life. So, for women, it would be nice to not only prioritize the feeling of wanting to look beautiful and appear attractive, but also to put forward the mind not to arbitrarily decide behavior based on just feeling.

May we always be given the ease of thinking and analyzing so that we can always be Muslims who prioritize reason not just feelings.

Maybe this is enough for this article, hopefully this article can be useful for you. See you in other articles. Wallahua’lam bish shawwab.

Muhammad Zaki

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