In the Islamic world, Muslims teach a variety of ordinances. It is starting from walking up until bedtime again such as the ordinance of prayers, The virtue of dhikr to Allah SWT, relationship between human beings, and leadership.
As social creatures, our lives can not be released from messages and others. It teaches us to have justice and characters for others and other people.
Leadership in Islam is an element that can not be released from our daily lives. Where life is closely associated with the formation of these groups and organizations as if it is not separated from the role of a leader.
The leader is a person who can be a role model by others. He has a vision and mission that must be developed with his group members.
In Islam, a leader has been known a long time ago before the Messenger of Allah saw was born into the world. Where some community groups always lead to decide everything. For that, at this time we will discussion about leadership style in Islamic perspective.
See also : Importance of leadership in Islam
Definition of leadership in Islamic Perspective
As a hadith from the Prophet Muhammad saw :
“Every human is a leader, and every leader will be asked for his accountability to the people who has led by him.”
From the hadith above, it can be meant that all human who live in this world is a leader. Which he will be asked for all accountability for what they do include in the affairs of leadership. It is confirmed by the word of Allah SWT :
“That Day, We will seal over their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn.” (Q.S. Yasin : 65)
In Quran and Hadith explained that leadership can be owned by every human who lives on this earth. Which of us have a model and mindset about the style of leadership that comes from their consciences. This is as same as with the word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30 which reads :
“And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority. “They said, “Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?” Allah said, “Indeed, I know that which you do not know.” (Q.S. Al-Baqarah : 30)
Leadership Style in Islamic Perspective
Islam has viewed leadership as one of natures that must be owned by every human who lives in this world.
Where each of them has the same right to be able to lead and control one another. For that, Islam also confirms if a modern leadership may be not as same as leadership styles in Islam. Here are the Islamic views about the noble leadership styles :
- Faithful and Fearful to Allah SWT
In the Islamic perspective, a leader must have a good and noble leadership style. Good and noble is meant as something that must be based on the foundation of his religion including his faith and piety to Allah SWT.
When a leader wants his people or someone who is under him has a good character and has faith and piety to Allah SWT, he must have the same nature, too. So, he can be a good role model for his people.
See also : How to increase Iman in Islam
- Fulfill the right of people
A leader must be able to fulfill every right of his people. If the right of someone has been taken by others who are not responsible, a leader has an obligation to return it to that person. This was applied during the Leadership of Abu Bakar. Where he always tried to fulfill every right of his people.
- Siddiq (Honest)
Beside a leader can confirm Imamah and Imaroh, he must be honest (As-Siddiq). Not only honest, but he is expected to embed the soul of truth that he did to reach common goals.
This is very against with the law of buying a position in Islam, because the virtue of honest in Islam is a role model that must be owned by a leader. You may also read character of Prophet Muhammad saw.
- Tabligh (Active and Aspirational)
Beside a leader must have a honest and open leadership style, a leader is expected to have activeness and aspiration that can embed his leadership soul in a right and fair.
[AdSense-A] In Islam, a leader must deliver what is good and what is wrong. He must not support one another but he must declare the truth.
- Amanah (Trusted)
A leader does not only have As-Sidiq and At-Tabligh, but he must amanah, too. Amanah in Islam can be meant as a belief from the people to their leader. In Islam, the belief of a leader must be fully guarded. This shows that in his leadership soul, he is a person who can be trusted to carry out his duties and responsibilities to his people.
- Fathonah (Clever)
A leader must also embed the soul of his own ability. This does not mean that he must boast his ability. But he can put his intellectual and power on things that can increase a common progress. Because arrogance shows a person who has a bad nature.
- Not Authoritarian
Authoritarianism is a nature to force the will of others. This characteristic is as same as selfish or self-centered and does not listen an advice or opinion from others.
In this case, Islam dislikes a leader who have this authoritarian nature. Where a leader must be able to balance the interest between Habluminanass and Habliminallah in a balanced way in his life.
See also : Akhlaq of Prophet Muhammad saw
- High Integrity
As a leader, integrity is very important to be applied. Where Islam look a leader as a person who is respected and imitated his actions and deeds for a better aim.
From what he does, he has to assign it in the hereafter. For that, this high integrity leadership style should be done for a better aim.
See also : Importance of comitment in Islam
- Cooperate
The leadership style in Islamic perspective must contain actions that can be done together. Establishing cooperation with others can help most of jobs or problems. For that, a leader is expected to fulfill all tasks and responsibilities that are given to him well and finish them on time.
This explains that cooperation among leaders must be done for common aim to improve a nation and country. This is as same as the provisions of Allah SWT which says :
“Cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression.” (Q.S. Al-Maidah : 5)
- Fight Absolutism
In Islam, absolutism is a prohibited attitude and action. Where it can adverse others and break down the foundation of a nation and state.
For that, Islam advises that a leader must keep away from this attitude and they have a task and responsibility to fight absolutism of a group or organization that he is led.
From the explanation of the leadership style in Islamic perspective above. So it can be meant that a leader must apply good things during his leadership and not use his position for things that can adverse others. It has also described in the word of Allah SWT which reads :
“And We made from among them leaders guiding by Our command when they were patient and [when] they were certain of Our signs.” (Q.S. As-Sajdah : 24)
From the argument above, it can be concluded that every human in this world is a leader. Which they have been given instructions to perform the commands of Allah SWT in accordance with the teachings of Islam as their religion.