Laughter is kind of expression which usually designate for humorous things. It is a very familiar daily activity in human life. Laughter can determine the psychology condition of someone to…
Hedonism is a trait or a view whereby humans will be happy by seeking happiness as much as possible and putting off sadness and painful feelings. A hedonist tends to…
Humans as social beings of course they need each other to create a social interaction. One form of social interaction is by chatting or talking. But currently a lot of…
Shalat five times a day is our obligation in Islam as adult. Shalat is a way to pray to Him. It plays a part as reminder to ourselves to rest…
Islam is very concerned with the welfare of the body of his people. Precisely in the health aspect of Muslims are ordered to keep the body mandated by Allah SWT…
Worship is an obligation to all adult Moslem and Muslimah or those who are baligh. However, worship cannot always be done due to the condition of the biologic body which…
One of the great favor that we sometimes do not realize is sleep. Especially when our body has undergone a series of activities and experiencing a variety of exhausting events,…
The sin of leaving fajr prayer has been described in the Al-Qur’an and Hadiths. Prayer is better than sleep, it is our focal point as Muslims, that fajr prayer is…
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Human has a fitra to loves beautiful, funny and interesting things. One of that things is happy to take care pets. Cat, rabbit, fish, hamster and dog are some…
Every pregnant women hope their pregnancy healthy. She can do childbirth and birth healthy baby. In Javanese, There are many prohibitions for pregnant women. For example, pregnant women is forbidden…