
How Parents Deal with Pubescent Children in Islamic Way

Puberty is a time that everyone will definitely go through. Likewise with our children who may have started to grow up.

Children who experience puberty will definitely experience changes in behavior, physical condition, and emotional condition. This has become a necessity in accordance with the sunnatullah that has been established by Allah SWT.

Therefore, as parents, it is only natural for us to accompany our children who are heading or experiencing puberty. Then how do we deal with children who are experiencing puberty? Here are some reviews for you.

Obligation of Parents to Accompany Their Children to Enter Puberty

There is a hadith narrated by Khaulah bint Hakim. He asked the Prophet about women who dream (wet) as dreamed of men, so the Prophet said, “He is not obliged to bathe until water comes out (his semen) as men are not obliged to shower until water comes out (his semen).” (Narrated by Ahmad, no. 26049, An-Nasa’i 198, and Ibn Majah 594)

Conditions like this will surely be experienced by our children later. Our job as parents is to explain what they are experiencing right now. This is done so that our children can be well directed.

As parents, it is indeed an obligation for us to educate our children to become charity for us in the hereafter. About educate children in here, importance female child education Islam.

From Abu Hurairah RA, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alayhi wa sallam said,

إذا مات الإنسان انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاثة من صدقة جارية وعلم ينتفع به وولد صالح يدعو له

“If someone dies, then the deeds are cut off except for three cases (namely): almsgiving Jariyah, knowledge that is used, or prayer of a pious child” (HR. Muslim no. 1631)

6 Ways to Overcome Children in Puberty

For those of you parents who may still be confused in dealing with children who are experiencing puberty, we have 6 tips for dealing with children who are experiencing puberty.

What are those? Here are the tips for you.

1. Discussing Topics in Movies Watched by Children

Movie becomes a very easy and effective media to convey certain messages and values ​​to all people, including negative values ​​that are contrary to Islam.

Parents certainly have to fortify our children who are experiencing puberty from these various values. The ability of puberty children who have not been able to fully assess the messages and values ​​in a film become a potential problem in itself. However, as parents you certainly have to discuss with them casually without having to judge them.

2. Stop Overreaction

Puberty is a time when children find it difficult to manage their emotions. Often, they experience emotional changes quite quickly. Do not be hard on them, that is why you should know the law of parents who hurt their children’s hearts in Islam and its verses.

With these conditions, parents should not participate in giving excessive reactions. We must teach our children how to be mature and understand all the conditions that exist. You also have to know about this, how to deal with disobedient child in Islam.

3. Give a Special Time for Children

Don’t forget to set aside a little time for your child. Puberty makes some children very closed and not tell you.

By setting aside time, you can talk to your child about everything he wants to ask about and the problems he experiences during puberty. As parents, read this article the law of parents who hurt their childrens hearts in Islam and its verses.

4. Talk About Sex and Drugs

This may be quite taboo for some parents. However, discussing sex and drugs with children for educational purposes will be able to make them more alert.

As we know, association is now very free. We as parents need to fortify our children from these things. One way is to talk about the dangers of free sex and drugs for our children.

5. Encourage Sports for Daughters

A girl does not mean not allowed to exercise. Teach a little exercise for girls. In addition to increasing the confidence she has, exercise can also maintain the health of our daughter’s bodies.

Healthy body condition will help her to get through menstrual periods which will be enough to drain their physical and emotional condition. For women, read this practices that make women go to heaven easily.

6. Help Your Sons to Manage Emotions

The main problem faced by boys at puberty is their emotions. Boys who have entered puberty will think that all matters relating to emotions are things that lead to femininity and they should not be like that.

In fact, these emotions will be important for them in understanding others in their lives. They need emotions to empathize, sympathize, and respect other people in their lives.

That’s a little tips on how we as parents deal with our children who are experiencing puberty. Hopefully we can guide our children to become pious / sholehah children so that they can become amalyah for us in the hereafter.

Aamiin ya rabbal’alamiin.

Muhammad Zaki

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