Islamic Law

Law of Doing Donating Blood During Ramadhan

In Islam, helping each other human beings in goodness is the action that is recommended and very liked by Allah, one of the noble deeds is blood donation, which can be useful to save the condition of others to relate to life, and can give impact of healthy body and fit for those who do.

In the month of Ramadan, many people also do many things to increase their good deeds and want to help more people as a way to increase the reward in the month of Ramadan  to have a more perfect deed. But what if the blood donor is done while fasting? It is allowed? Let’s see the full description in the following article, the law of blood donation in the month of Ramadan.

Law of Donating Blood in the Month of Ramadhan

The law of blood donor, has a clear basis, that is halal, it is found in the hadith of the Prophet and has been agreed upon by all scholars in the world because it has the benefit to save others and become part of the good deeds in the month of Ramadan, along with various hadith and the word of God which reinforces it.

  1. The Story in the Messenger of Allah SWT’s Era

From Ibnu ‘Abbas radhiyallahu’ anhuma said that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bruised in circumstances doing ihrom and fasting. 

The hadith stated that the Prophet himself had once bruised when he was fasting, it is same with the blood donor in terms of the actions and the way it is done. The healthy tips by Rasulullah is also mandatory imitated by us as his people.

It is clear from the hadith that it is a law that blood donation in Ramadan is permissible because it has goodness or has more benefits, there are many others who may need blood at that time, whereas if having to wait until break-fasting arrives certainly can risk danger to other people and blood donors also do not cause danger in fasting because it does not include things that break the fasting.

2. According to the Ulama

Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu ‘anhu was asked, “Do you not like to have bruised on the fasting person?” He said, “No, unless it can cause weakness.”

The Hadith also stated that the Prophet’s companions also allow, no matter what blood donors do on the moon Ramadan as long as it does not interfere with the strength or interfere with the person’s immune system in fasting and is not exposed to the law leaving the fasting intentionally because the person still can continues his fasting.

The scholars took the basis and conclusions about the law of blood donation in the month of Ramadan based on those hadiths and other supporting Islamic legal basis.

Ulama allow the blood donation for the Muslims who do fasting because it includes acts that help others while it is clear that God commands the good things that should not be delayed, as well as blood donors, is a good practice that should be immediately implemented if it is able to do. [AdSense-B]

3. Permitted in Islam

The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam gives relief (rukhsoh) for the fasting person to kiss his wife and have bruised.” (HR Ad Daruquthni, An Nasa’i in Al Kubro).

The importance of helping others in Islam which is also clear from the hadith that the Messenger of Allah permits Muslims to do blood donation at the time of fasting because it is beneficial to provide salvation to others and does not cause any danger to the fasting person.

It is enough with a break after injecting blood donor, then the person will be able to recover. Before the blood donor has been checked all whether the person has a normal heartbeat, stable blood pressure, or have the disease and so forth. So the parties of the health will assess the ability to do blood donor from it. It is not without good reason.

4. Not Disturb Fasting

Shaykh Utsaimin, Fadho’il Romadhon by Abdurrazaq Hasan said, If a person takes a little blood that does not cause weakness in his body, then this does not break his fasting, be it for medical examination or for blood transfusion to others or to be donated to someone who needs it .

But if the blood-taking in large amounts causes weakness in the body, then it breaks the fasting. It is likened in the having bruised set by As-Sunnah that it breaks the fasting.

[AdSense-A] Based on this, a person who is conducting a compulsory fasting, such as the fasting of ramadhan, can not donate blood in large quantities, unless it is forced (emergency), because in this condition it means that he has canceled his fasting, so it is allowed to eat and drink in the rest of the day to then do qhodo’ on another day outside Romadhan month. It is clear that blood donors can be done in the month of fasting as long as it does not interfere fasting.

Read also :

5. Have a Noble Intention

People who do blood donations certainly have intentions such as start to help others, it is obviously good especially in the month of fasting where all good deeds are accepted by Allah and the opportunity to do good and reach the heaven is wide-open. Therefore it is not wrong to donate blood if someone wants to do goodness by maintaining physical health so that everything runs smoothly.

Blood Donor Law in Ramadan According to Islam Scholars

Due to the many questions regarding blood donor law in Ramadhan and not yet clearly defined and not yet widely known to Muslims in Indonesia, then in 2000, the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), which became the center of Islam and gave the rule based on the shahih source of the Islamic, gave fatwa related to the implementation of blood donor in ramadhan month that is done when fasting. The following basic basis related to blood donor law in Ramadhan month when running fasting is contained by Fatwa MUI, namely as follows:

  1. Muslims are obliged to help others in need, including donating blood

Muslims are advised to do good with one another as a manifestation of God’s command to help each other in goodness, blood donation is also included good for giving help and increasing the chance of health or the possibility of a longer life for the person who receives it.

2. Encourage Muslims to compete for blood donation because it is a form of caring and caring

Blood donors are not only beneficial to people who get the blood, but many benefits also obtained by people who donate, starts from being able to know the condition of the body because previously he was first checked so that the body becomes more fit and feels healthier if do the routine. This has been much to prove.

3. Blood donor at fasting does not break the fasting, but adds good deeds

It is clear that the blood donor in Ramadan will not break the fasting because it does not insert food, beverage or liquid into the body, its action is purely blood drawn through a sterile needle that is only used for one person and not alternately, because it will not happen any risk because the action has been done properly.

If the process of blood donor to make donors should eat and drink, then the new blood donor is not justified. If by doing blood donor makes a person weak and makes him or her eat a meal and drink, for example from the beginning is already visible that his physical condition is weak, it is only forbidden, because it risks making the body weaker and eventually breaks the fasting. Blood donors must be done in a fit condition and have a strong passion when fasting.

MUI fatwa certainly assure the desire of many donors to perform blood donation activities in Ramadhan month when running fasting. However, the donor must remain concerned with the state of his or her health that is reporting if he feels weak or weak, blood donors may be done after break-fasting.

And before blood donation, Blood Donor Unit in various regions in Indonesia will conduct checkings to ensure the health of donors who are fasting first.

Examination is done on hemoglobin level, blood pressure, and daily habit of donor either eating habit or activity. If the donor does not meet the conditions set, then the Blood Donor Unit will not allow donors to donate blood during Ramadan.

Examination of donor habits, including nutritional adequacy and fluid intake when suhoor, active daily activities, and the amount of nutrients that comes in during break-fasting. It is clear that the law of blood donation in Ramadan is halal.

Thus, may be this a useful to you and can be understood all that has been described clearly. Do not forget to read also about Law of Food Tasting While Fasting, the law of women gave birth in the month of Ramadan, the virtue of marrying in shawwal month, law of washing hair in Ramadhan fasting to increase your insight. Thank you, warm regards.

Riyani Vadilla

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