Women are figures created by Allah SWT that have special ability as a mother from their pregnancy and giving birth. Women are giving bless from Allah SWT which is a baby as of His will soon after she is giving birth or waiting for years.
Those who are giving a baby in a faster way should be more grateful rather than those who are waiting for years. It is caused of Allah SWT has absolute right which has to be accepted by all human with all of his patience and believed.
Most of people assumed that women who have giving birth in Ramadhan can bring goodness or be blessed rather than the other months though they have to replace their fasting due to their childbirth period.
Here, we are going to discuss more detail about the law of women giving birth in the month of Ramadhan. Read more about Law of Men Use Marriage Ring in Islam
The law of women giving birth in the month of Ramadhan
Women who are giving birth in Ramadhan will forfeit their fasting because of their childbirth and breastfeeding period.
The commandment of Allah SWT about women said that women surely will have difficulties when they forced to have fasting whereas in the condition they need extra energy and strength after the childbirth.
In that condition, a mother needs to be supplied with good nutrition so she will have a fit body condition rather than fasting which is believed will spend more energy that caused weakness. Read more about Law of Food Tasting While Fasting in Islam
It is clearly mentioned that women who are in the condition of childbirth and breastfeeding are forbidden to do fasting.
In refers to the breastfeeding women, they have higher appetite for food and drink because it will take effect to their ASI and also to their childbirth period.
Based on the reasons, it is recommended to postpone their fasting and replacing their fasting after the childbirth and breastfeeding period. The law is a kind of Allah SWT loves to women.
- Based on Rasulullah SAW
The law and tips of giving birth in Islam to women in Ramadhan has been arranged since ancient time. In fact, Rasulullah SAW once said,
” Indeed, Allah SWT is giving relief (not) fasting and half of his worship to those who are moving (safar). And Allah SWT is giving a relief (not) fasting to pregnancy and breastfeeding women.” (HR. Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah)
It is summarize that women who are giving birth in Ramadhan are allowed not to do fasting because of her condition that need extra energy both as physically and also nutrition. Read more about Law of Women ask Divorce in Islam
A prayer of the prophet of Yunus for pregnant women is recommended to be read during the birth period to support the strength and smoothness of the mother and baby birth. The prayer is also recommended to be read during the childbirth and breastfeeding period. [AdSense-B]
Islam is the best religion which already manages shari’a and the merit of Islam law in life completely. Islam loves women and understand of each condition happened, including those who are in the condition of giving birth and breastfeeding.
They are allowed not to have fasting in Ramadhan and replacing it into another month or qadha’ their fasting into another day after their condition is better and they are able to do fasting.
- A story from Rasulullah SAW era
Aisyah Radhiyallahu’anhaa said,
” We are not having menstruation at Rasulullah SAW era, so we are ordered to qadha’ of our fasting and not to qadha’ our praying.” ( HR. Bukhari:321, Muslim:335).
[AdSense-A] It also applies to a giving birth mother in Ramadhan, they have she has obligation to replace her fasting. Still, those who are in the condition of giving birth and breastfeeding period are forbidden to leave the mandatory prayer except those who are in childbirth period.
It is because the condition is the same as of as Aisyah words at Rasulullah era. Read more about Law of Treated with Haram Money in Islam
A woman who is giving birth in Ramadhan no need to worry about carrying a heavy burden because Allah SWT is already guarantee to give lightness for her condition as long as it is not accidentally.
For example a mother who is in the condition of giving birth, when she is not able to pray in stand up condition, she is allowed to pray in sit or sleep condition.
- Women who continued their childbirth to breastfeeding period in Ramadhan
A woman who is giving birth in Ramadhan obviously continued promptly to her breastfeeding and childbirth period whereas the periods are full of extra energy. It is because a mother is responsible to support both of her life and her new baby born as well.
It is not become a problem when a mother is not doing fasting because she is allowed to replace it into another month while at the same time she needs to do her mandatory prayer. As it is mentioned on the theologians’ fatwa,
” However, it is common that a woman who is having giving birth will also breastfeeding her baby. A breastfeeding mother is allowed not to do fasting but it is mandatory for her to replace her fasting by qodho or pay fidyah. Here, there are two conditions from a giving birth mother; first; child birth condition, it is the condition whereas forbidden (Janib Al-Haazhir wal Mani’). Second; breastfeeding condtion; it is the condition whereas allowed to break fasting (janib al-mubiih).
- Agreement of theologians
It is made because there are many questions about the law of a woman giving birth in Ramadhan. The source is taken from the shari’a Islam which is Al-Qur’an and some of stories from Rasulullah SAW hadidh.
A giving birth mother is also called a childbirth woman. Child birth as language means giving birth. (Lisaanul ‘Arob 6/238, Ibnul Manzhur, An-Nihayah 5/95, Ibnul Atsir).
Terminologically, the childbirth shari’a means the blood which comes out from the womb because the process of giving birth. (Risalah Fid Dimaa at-Thobi’iyyah page 51, Ibnu Utsaimin) Read more about Law of Crying During Prayers in Islam
A woman who is the condition of menstruation and child birth is not allowed to do fasting, both mandatory and sunnah fasting. The statement is already agreed by the theologians. (See Marotib al-Ijma’ page 40, Ibnu Hazm, al-Ijma’ page 43, Ibnul Mundzir, al-Mughni 4/397, Ibnu Qudamah).
Is it true that a woman who is having menstruation, she is not doing praying and fasting? It is a kind of lack of her knowledge. (HR. Bukhari:304, Muslim:132).
Imam Ibnu Qudamah Rahimahullah said,
” The law of the child birth women are equal with the law of the women in menstruation condition with all of the clauses inside of it, including all the matter which is forbidden to do it and all of their permitted mandatory fall. We do not know there is argumentation about this matter.” ( Al-Mughni 1/350).
It is clearly said that the law of women giving birth in Ramadhan is permitted which caused of all of her obligation fall in the term of fasting due to the weak condition both for the mother and the baby as well. They are allowed to replace it into another day in and still continue their praying based on their capability. Read more about Law of Swimming When Fasting in Islam
- Time to settlement of Fasting back pay
When a woman is giving birth in Ramadhan and she has back pay of her fasting, she needs to settle her back pay whereas she is already in the fit and healthy condition.
It is not allowed to postpone her obligation to back pay her fasting when she is already in the good condition, if it does, it will become a sin because she is not immediately doing of her settlement as of it is her obligation.
Aisyah said,
“I have a back pay fasting in Ramadhan and I am not able to replace it except the replacement is doing in Sya’ban.” (HR. Muslim:1146).
Imam Ibnu Qudamah said,
“If only the settlement of back pay fasting is allowed to do it outside of Ramadhan, Aisyah will surely do it.” (Al-Kaafii 1/359). The lightness which is given by Allah SWT surely needs to do it carefully for the good and not for underestimate of His obligations.
Aisyah is mentioned the same statement that she needs to settle her back pay fasting before the next Ramadhan. This condition is also valid for giving birth mother that she needs to replace her fasting before the next Ramadhan come as long as she is already in the good condition. Read more about Law of Breaking Promises In Islam
Allah SWT will not give burden to someone beyond of his capabilities. (QS. Al-Baqarah:268). Then (it is compulsory to her for fasting) as many as the days she left into another day. (QS. Al-Baqarah:184).
The clauses emphasize that Allah SWT will not give a heavy burden to His ummat including a giving birth mother, still, Allah SWT requires us to replace it immediately as long as in the good condition. Wallahualam.