The month of Ramadan is the glorious month which all Muslims are required to do Ramadhan fasting, ie not to eat and not to drink and not to do anything else that breaks the fasting. In everyday life, of course we’ve met people who smoke, which sometimes has become an addiction because almost every day he smokes, if quit smoking it feels very difficult for him.
However, does not smoking mean putting something into the mouth by being smoked? It is certainly break the fasting? How is the law according to Islam? Well, God-blessed readers, to clarify this issue, please consider the following description of the law of smoking cigarettes in the month of Ramadan.
Law of smoking in Ramadhan
Smoking cigarettes in the month of ramadhan is much questioned by people, especially men who have a habit of smoking, the law based on various sources of Islamic law and its full explanation as follows :
Do smoking cigarettes in the month of ramadhan including the thing that breaks the fasting, how is the law? How is the law of smoking in Islam? It was once asked by someone when a scholar gave a lecture on Ramadan fasting, the question was answered by Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholih Al Utsaimin rahimahullah, the twentieth century scholar of Unaizah, Saudi Arabia.
The person asks such a question, realizing that science according to Islam is better understood by scholars. Some people who do fasting during Ramadhan month who likes to smoke believe that smoking cigarettes in Ramadan is not a breaking of fasting because cigarettes is not including the meal and the beverages like we consume daily. What is the opinion of the noble Shaykh on this issue?
He rahimahullah replied: in the history of Islamic religion, this is a statement that has no proposal at all and does not have a clear proposition, there is no in syariah that cigarette smoking permissible when doing fasting, including when fasting Ramadan. In fact, smoking cigarettes include drinking (shariba). (In Arabic) smoking a cigarette called syariba ad dukhon. So smoking cigarettes is called by drinking (syariba) which clearly breaks the ramadhan fasting.
Likewise, the cigarette smoke from these smoked cigarettes without a doubt and obviously can be noticed directly has entered into the stomach or in the body whereas when we do fasting the body should not consume the food or drinks and others. For everything that goes in the stomach and in the body including things that break the fasting.
Whether something that comes is something beneficial like a nutritious or hazardous food such as a cigarette. For example, a person swallows beads, iron or otherwise (intentionally), then the fasting is off. Therefore, it is not required as a breaking of the fasting is eating or drinking something useful. It is clear that anything that goes into the body and is swallowed is not allowed because it has violated the rules of Ramadan fasting.
Everything that goes into the human body when doing fasting in Ramadhan, whatever it is, is considered as food and drink. They believe even to know that smoking is called (in Arabic) syariba (which means = drinking), but they do not claim that smoking a cigarette is something that breaks the fasting. It should not be done and it is much better to find ways to increase the reward in the month of Ramadan. [AdSense-B]
It is the same thing that we say that this is one, but he considers it is impossible that the amount is one. So, this person has a pride in him for making his own opinion without knowing exactly and without taking sides with the Shari’a.
The conclusion of that opinion is the law of smoking in the month of ramadhan is haram and including the act that breaks the fasting because there are objects or compound that enter into the mouth and enter the body although it is not in the form of original food or drink, it will still be counted as something that enters the body and fasting are invalid or null. (Read Tips Fasting While Working)
Then it is related to the month of Ramadan and the obligatory worship that all Muslims should do including those who smoke frequently, this is the right time for people who have a strong determination to leave the habit of smoking cigarettes that are bad and can bring harm.
[AdSense-A] Time in this glorious month of Ramadan is a good opportunity to leave the cigarette because during the day one must refrain from it so through time the person who smoke will get used to not smoking. While at night, he can entertain himself with things that mubah such as eating, drinking, a walk to the mosque or visiting the assembly of sholih people so he forgot to smoking cigarettes habbit.
To abandon the habit of smoking, one should also refrain from cigarette addicts who can influence him to smoke again. Because it is clear that smoking a cigarette is a danger because it proves to have an adverse impact on health, of course a good Muslim can not be self-destructive, is not it?
To abandon the habit of smoking, one should also refrain from cigarette addicts who can influence him to smoke again. Because it is clear that smoking a cigarette is a danger because it proves to have an adverse impact on health, of course a good Muslim can not be self-destructive, is not it?
So let us affirm and inform all those who you may know who have a habit of smoking cigarettes to stop them with intention because of God and with intentions for health and the future, of course good will always be made easier by Allah. Stop smoking cigarettes. (Read How to Give up Smoking in Islam)
If there is a cigarette addict who in his daily life often smoke but in Ramadhan when doing Ramadhan fasting he left his cigarette (because of the fasting moment that he went through and because of the intention to keep themselves because of Allah), this could be the greatest helper for him and be the best change.
To abandon the habit of smoking cigarettes forever and replace with other more useful habits, he can leave smoking the cigarette in the rest of his life with guidance and pleading for help to Allah. The month of Ramadan is a good opportunity. This time should not be missed by a cigarette addict who often smokes cigarettes until reach the addiction level to leave the habit of smoking his cigarette forever.
All that is intended to be good in the heart that is to live the command of Allah and to think of the goodness will certainly get the ease of Allah because it becomes a way for him to change and to leave something that is not useful. So that in the rest of his life he becomes a useful person and certainly fills his time with everything better.
Hadith Regarding the Law of Cigarette Smoking in Ramadan
Smoking is a haram thing, and no doubt about its prohibition because it breaks the fasting, this has been expressed by many scholars including in Indonesia because it is more harmful than its benefits, because it includes substances that reach the throat and stomach that make ramadhan fasting be null and void.
This is confirmed in the following hadiths:
1. Based on Majmu Fatawa
“As for if you do (smoke) during the day of Ramadan then your fasting is broken, you have committed a vile act. It is obligatory for you to repent to Allah Azza wa Jalla. You must do qhada after Ramadan as much as the day you smoke on the day of Ramadhan … it is obligatory for you to make fasting as an opportunity to quit smoking.” [Majmu ‘Fatawa Al-‘Utasimins, As-Shiyam’s fatwa, 203-204].
It is clear from the opinion of the scholar that the month of Ramadan is the right time to stop the bad habit of smoking a cigarette because when doing Ramadhan fasting, the mouth is not entered by anything, it is advisable to do a lot of useful things such as is to do more i’tikaf or do recitacing to forget the smoking habit which is useless. (Read Importance of Reciting Al Quran in Ramadhan)
Read also :
2. Qalyubi (scholar of the Shafi’I mahzab passed away: 1069 AH)
He said in the book of Hashiyah Qalyubi ala Syarh Al Mahalli, volume I, p. 69, “Cannabis and all the drugs that rid the mind, the sacred substance is haram for consumption. Therefore our Sheikhs argue that the cigarette law is also haram, because cigarettes can pave the way for the body infected by various dangerous diseases “.
Smoking cigarettes can lead to various dangerous diseases such as those that are often mentioned directly in the wrap, so if you know something that is not good and can have a bad impact, why should it continue? It is certainly will only cause regret later in life and cause various health problems.
3. “And do not throw [yourself with your [own] hands into destruction [by refraining]”. (Surah al-Baqara: 195).
Because smoking can lead to destruction, which destroys the entire body system that exists in human life (causing cancer, respiratory illness, heart disease, gastrointestinal disease, has bad effects on the fetus, and damage to the reproductive system), from this reason it is obviously that cigarette is forbidden or haram. (Read Benefits of Good Deeds in Islam)
it is clear that smoking a cigarette does not have the goodness from religion and health aspect. Therefore in this article it can be concluded that the law of smoking cigarettes in the month of Ramadhan is unlawful and can clearly break the fasting because of putting something into the body.
That’s all, hopefully this article can become an useful Islamic insight for you. Thanks.
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