
15 Common Rules of Trading In Islam

Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala created people with a mutual need between each other. No one can master all what is desired. But man can only reach that part of the paradise. He must need what other people need.

For that reason, God inspires them to trade exchanges and all that is useful by means of buying and selling and all means of communication. So that human life can stand up straight and the rhythm of life is going well and productive.

1. Selling Something Haram, The Law is Haram

Word of the Prophet:

“Allah and His Messenger have forbidden to trade wine, carcasses, pigs and statues.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

“Verily, when Allah forbids something, He also forbids the price.” (The History of Ahmad and Abu Daud)

2. Sell Items That Are Still Vague, Forbidden

Every trade aqad there is a hole that brings the opposition, if the item being sold is unknown or because there is an element of fraud that can cause a conflict between the seller and the buyer or because one is cheated.

If the disguise is not much, and essentially is urfiyah, then it is not haram, for example selling goods that are in the ground, such as carrots, turnips, brambang and so on; and like selling fruits, such as cucumbers, watermelons and so on. That’s according to Malik’s school, which allows the sale of all the much-needed that would not be much and incriminating in the time of the aqad. Read more about Importance of Waiting Praying Time in Islam

3. Play the Price

Islam gives market freedom, and passes it on to the law of instincts that would perform its function in harmony with supply and demand. Precisely that we see Rasulullah s.a.w. when the price is rising, he is asked by the people to determine the price, then answer Rasulullah s.a.w .:

“It is Allah Who determines the price, which uprootes, which extends and gives sustenance, I wish to meet God while none of you ask me to do wrong to both blood and property.” (Ahmad, Abu Daud, Tarmizi, Ibn Majah, ad-Darimi and Abu Ya’la)

However, if the market situation is not normal, for example there is temporary hoarding by traders, and a price game by traders, then the time that the public interest must take precedence over the interests of individuals. Read more about  Virtues of Feeding The Poor in Islam

In such situations we are allowed to set prices in order to meet the interests of the people and to guard against the act of arbitrariness and to reduce their greed. That is according to the rule of law. [AdSense-B]

4. Heavily dumped

Rasulullah s.a.w. prohibit hoarding with very loud expressions.

The Apostle’s Word: “Whoever piles up food for forty nights, then surely God no longer needs him.” (History of Ahmad, Hakim, Ibn Abu Syaibah and Bazzar)

And his saying also:

“Will not hoard except the people to sin.” (Muslim History)

The word khathiun (the person who sins) is not a light word. These words are brought by the Koran to mensifati people who are arrogant and arrogant, like Fir’awn, Haaman and his conk-konconya. The Quran says:

“Verily Fir’awn and Haaman and his armies are people who do wrong / sin.” (al-Qashash: 8)

Rasulullah s.a.w. affirms the personality and ananiyah of the hoarder as follows:

“The ugly man is the man who hoards, if he hears the cheap price, feels disappointed, and when hearing the price rise, feel happy.” (this hadith was brought by Razin in his Jami’nya)

And the sabdanya also:

“The merchant is given sustenance, while the accumulated heap.” (History of Ibn Majah and Hakim)

5. Interfering Market Freedom with Counterfeit

Can be equated with hoards prohibited by Rasulullah s.a.w., namely: a city sells belongings of the people of the hamlet. Its form – as the scholars say – is as follows: There was a stranger in the place carrying the much-needed merchandise of the people to be sold at the prevailing price of the day. Read more about Law of Maintaining Beards According to Islam201

Then came a city (the inhabitants of that city) and he said: Hand it over to me, leave it here for me to sell for a high price. Whereas if the villager himself who sells it, it is certainly cheaper and can benefit the two regions and he himself will get a profit as well. [AdSense-A]

This kind of form, that time was common in the community, as Anas raa’s best friend said:

“We are forbidden city people to sell the goods of the hamlet, even if he is his own sibling.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

The words of the Prophet:

“No city may sell for the hamlet: leave man alone, God will give them sustenance.” (Muslim History)

6. Rape and Fraud, The Law is Haram

In order to keep the non-intrusion of other people who are deceitful, it is also prohibited by the Prophet of the so-called najasyun (raise prices) which according to Ibn Abbas’s interpretation, namely: “You pay the price of the goods more than the ordinary price, which arises not from your little heart alone, but with the intention that others may imitate it. ” This method is widely used to deceive others. Read more about Virtues of Gratefulness in Islam

Then that our association is far from the nature of rape and deception about price, then Rasulullah s.a.w. prohibit intercepting merchandise before it gets to market. (Muslim history, Ahmad).

7. Who’s Cheating, Not from Our Groups

Islam forbids all kinds of deception, both in the matter of buying and selling, or in all kinds of mu’amalah.

Rasulullah s.a.w. once said:

“Two people who are buying and selling are allowed to bargain as long as they have not separated, if they are honest and explain (merchandise), then they will be given a barakah in the trade, but if they lie and hide (merchandise ), the bar will be removed. ” (Reported by Bukhari)

And he also said:

“It is not lawful for a man to sell a trade, but he must explain the trait of his trade, and it is not lawful for someone to know, but he must explain it.” (History of Judges and Baihaqi)

8. Many Oaths

Even harsher, if his trick is reinforced with perjury. Therefore the Prophet strictly forbade the many merchants to swear, especially false oaths.

Rasulullah s.a.w. said:

“The oath is profitable trade, but can wipe out the barakah.” (Reported by Bukhari)

9. Reduce Dosage and Scales

One kind of deception is to reduce the dosage and scales. The Qur’an takes this issue as a part of mu’amalah, and is made one of its ten wills at the end of Surat al-An’am:

“Fill the measure and scales honestly, for We do not give a burden to anyone but according to his ability.” (al-An’am: 152)


“Fill the measure when you measure, and weigh it with honesty and righteousness, such is better and the best of the end.” (Al-Isra ‘: 35)


“Woe to those who subtract, if they measure the other’s (buy) they fulfil it, but if they make others think (sell) or weigh for others, they subtract Are they not convinced that they will raised from the grave on a great day, that is, a day when man will stand up to the Lord of all nature ?! ” (al-Muthafifin: 1-6)

10. Buying Robbery and Stolen Wares equals Thieves and Thieves

Among the forbidden forms of Islam as an attempt to combat criminality and restrict the freedom of violation by the offender, it is not lawful for a Muslim to buy something that is already known, that the item is the result of robbery and stolen or something taken from another person by an incorrect path. Read more about Dangers of Despair in Islam

For if he did so, it would be to help robbers, thieves and offenders the right to rob, steal and break the law.

Rasulullah s.a.w. once said as follows:

“Whoever buys stolen goods, while he knows that the thing is stolen, then he fellowship in a defective sin.” (Baihaqi’s History)

11. Riba is Haram

Islam closed the door for anyone who tried to develop his money by usury. It is forbidden the usury a little or a lot, and denounce the Jews who run riba when they have been forbidden.

“O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and leave what is left of usury if you are truly faithful: if you will not do so, then accept the battle of Allah and His Messenger, and if you repent, then for you are the points of your wealth, you should not do wrongdoers also do not want to be tyrannized. ” (al-Baqarah: 278-279)

12. Selling Credits by Increasing Prices

If the seller raises the price because of the tempo, as it is commonly done by the traders who sell with credit, then while the fuqaha ‘there is forbidden on the basis, that the additional price is precisely because of the matter of time. Then equals usury. Read more about Rights of Stepfather in Islam

But the jumhurul ulama allow, for it is permissible, and the passage which forbids it does not exist; and can not be equated with usury in any respect. Therefore a trader may raise the price accordingly, as long as it does not reach the limit of rape and tyranny. If it happens so, then obviously the law is haram.

Imam Syaukani said:

“The scholars of Shafi’iyah, Hanafiyah, Zayd ibn Ali, al-Muayyid billah and Jumhur argue that it may be based on generally permissible theorem and this would be more appropriate.”

13. Be trustful

Meaning sellers and buyers to be honest and straightforward, telling the truth is not cheating and saying things exaggerated with the aim to gain profit. [AdSense-C]

For example the seller should not mix old merchandise with the new item and then sell it for the same price. A second example of a seller telling a deliberate capital that is not actually in order to reach the buyer.

Likewise, the buyer should be honest when there is an excess of the refund from the seller or if given the seller’s freedom to weigh merchandise alone.

14. Being Ikhsan

Means that the seller in selling his merchandise is not only thinking about profit but also considering the blessing aspect in trading. Read more about How to Avoid Being Gay in Islam

15. Adab

That must be put forward by the seller and the buyer is prosecuted discussion in terms of goodness if an unexpected problem arises. Adab next is diligent, in the activity of buying and selling in order to obtain blessings from Allah SWT we are required diligently in trying earnestly for business to grow.

Anggitania Aurien

Saya seorang mahasiswi Muslim dari jurusan kuliah Teknik Informatika dan menyukai bahasa asing.

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