Surah Al Kautsar is the 108th letter in the Qur’an. This letter is included in the letter that was revealed in Makkah and consists of only 3 verses. This small…
بسم ٱلله ٱلرحمن ٱلرحيم ٱلله لآ إله إلا هو ٱلحى ٱلقيوم لا تأخذه سنة ولا نوم له ما فى ٱلسموٲت وما فى ٱلأر من ذا ٱلذى يشفع عنده إلا بإذنه…
Ar – Rahman is known as the tides of Al-Qur’an, which is literally meaning the bride of Al-Qur’an. Imam Baihaqi was narrated that the Prophet of Muhammad SAW said, ”…
If we read the last two verses Surah Al-Baqarah at night, then Allah SWT will promise a sufficient life to His people. Besides that, many Ulama said that applying these…
Panic is a psychological disease that often occur to someone that is on the lowest state of mind. It could be due to stress, anxiety, and worries. Panic is not…
Surah Al Lahab or Al Masad is the 111th surah in the Quran which consists of 5 verses and including to makiyyah Surah. The name of this surah is taken…
Islam as a religion that brings peace promotes tolerance to other teaching of religions. However, it also doesn’t prohibit other people of religion to learn the teaching of Islam. Islam…
As a Moslem, Reciting Quran is a duty and necessity. Quran which contains many solutions and guidance of human life is not only read textually, but it must be read…
Everyone must need a sleep because sleeping is an activity to support health and recover our energy after full day activities. Naked sleep is believed as one of the healthier…
Gold is a precious commodity that used for trading since a long time ago. In fact, gold has been used as a valid payment in trading too. Islam itself has…