Islamic Info

Things That Are Forbidden in Marriage and Its Verses

Marriage is a serious step that is dreamed by almost everyone. Getting married means deciding to live together with a person who you trust. How sacred a marriage is so that it is important to think everything carefully.

It is not only about an obligation, you must also know the things that are forbidden in marriage and its verses so that we can avoid them. What are those? Check out below!

  • Mut’ah Marriage

Mut’ah marriage is getting married with the purpose to have fun in a temporary period, for example a week, a month, a year and so on.

In the beginning, the Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was allowed mut’ah marriage because at that time, there were still many wars happen where the role of men was really needed for quite a long time. With the consideration to avoid adultery in Islam, then mut’ah marriage was allowed because it was an emergency and was temporary.

However, over time, mut’ah marriage was then forbidden in Islam because it was worried that it would cause harassment to the women, diseases related to the private parts, and it was not in accordance with the actual purpose of the marriage. Indeed, marriage is done to form a happy family, preserve offspring, etc.

This prohibition of mut’ah marriage is stated in the following hadith.

From Rabi’ bin Sabrah from his father ra, that the Prophet saw said:

“Indeed, I once permitted you to marry a woman in mut’ah. Now Allah Swt forbids that thing until the doomsday. Then whoever has a wife from mut’ah marriage, he should let her go and do not take something that you have given to them.” (Hadith Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban)

  • Syighar Marriage

Syighar marriage is to marry someone that based on the agreement or deal of exchange, which is to make two woman as a guarantee or mahr, by saying:

“I marry off you to my daughter or sister, with the condition, you marry off me to your daughter/sister.”

Islam forbids syighar marriage because it belongs to the marriage of jahiliyyah custom. If anyone runs it then this marriage is considered to be canceled. As it is in the following verse.

“From Ibn Umar ra, he said that the Prophet saw had forbidden syighar marriage, which was, a person married off his daughter to a man, with the condition, that man had to marry off his daughter to the first man and each of them did not pay the mahr.” (Hadith Bukhari and Muslim)

  • Muhallil Marriage

Linguistically, Muhallil means to halal or allow.

Muhallil marriage is to marry a woman that has been triple talaq by her husband with the purpose that her ex-husband can marry her back after she is divorced by her new husband.

This prohibition of Muhallil Marriage is stated in the following verse.

“From Uqbah bin Amir, he said, the Prophet saw said, ‘Will I tell you about the borrowed male goat?’ The companions answered, ‘We will, O Rasulullah,’ The Prophet said, ‘It is Muhallil. Allah curses muhallil and muhallal lahu,’.” (Hadith Ibn Majah)

Muhallil in the hadith above is a new husband. Meanwhile, muhallal lahu is a husband who has given triple talaq.

If such that case happens, then know about the law of triple talaq reconciliation in Islam well and correctly. This also becomes a lesson for husbands so that they do not easily give divorce to the wives. It is better to solve the problem in discussion without prioritizing emotions.

  • Interfaith Marriage

If you want to choose a future husband or wife, then choose them who has one belief or the same religion. Because interfaith marriage according to Islam is forbidden in Islam. As it is explained in the following details.

A Muslim Man Marry A Non-Muslim Woman

In the Qur’an, Allah Swt said:

“And do not marry polytheist women before they believe. Indeed, a servant woman who believes is better than a polytheist woman even though she attracts your heart.” (QS Al-Baqarah: 221)

In the QS. Al-Maidah verse 5, it is said that a Muslim man is allowed to marry an ahl al-kitab woman. However, what is meant by the ahl al-kitab is not just any non-Muslim woman, but a woman who embraces a samawi religion besides Islam, including the group of mushnat and the honor is maintained.

Meanwhile, according to the Islamic view, samawi religion that is still original and genuine is only Islam. While the other religions have been contaminated and falsified by the followers. Therefore, an ahl al-kitab man or woman is considered to be no longer exist or the existence is unknown.

A Muslim Woman Marry A Non-Muslim Man

It is clear that the law of interfaith marriage in Islam is haram. As it is stated in the following verse.

Allah Ta’ala said,

“And do not marry polytheist people (men) (with women who believe) before they believe. Indeed, a servant man who believes is better than a polytheist man even though he attracts your heart.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 221)

Those were the things that are forbidden in marriage and its verses based on the knowledge according to Islam. Hopefully it can give a benefit to all of the readers as well as motivate to get closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. Aamiin.

Fadha Fadhilah S

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