Hajj (al-hajj) is the fifth pillar of Islam. Such the other worships, the hajj also has provisions that must be done by the people. That obligation is called the pillars of hajj.
Besides it, the candidate of hajj pilgrims must also know the things that are forbidden when hajj and its verses. As it is explained below.
- Wearing Sewed Clothes, Shoes That Cover Feet and Head Coverings
Those prohibitions in hajj are for men, it is reinforced by the following verse.
“A person who does ihram is not allowed to wear clothes, headbands, hats, pants, cloth that is dipped with something fragrant, and shoes, but if he does not have sandals, then he is allowed to wear shoes, he should cut his shoes to under the ankle.” (Hadith Bukhari-Muslim)
Besides it, also notice the prohibitions of dressing up in Islam when doing hajj.
- Wearing Veils or Face Coverings and Gloves
For women (an-nisa), they are forbidden to wear veils or face coverings and gloves. It is better to understand the things that become the conditions of veiling in Islam.
“From Ibn Umar r.a, the Prophet Saw. had said, ‘A woman who does ihram is not allowed to wear face coverings (veils) and is also not allowed to wear gloves’.” (Hadith Bukhari-Ahmad)
- Cutting Nails and Hair or Body Hair
Allah Ta’ala said,
“..And do not shave your hair before hadyu animals arrive at the slaughter location..” (Al Baqarah: 196)
This prohibition of cutting nails for people who do ihram is also agreed by the theologians (al Ijma by Ibnul Mundzir page 57).
However, if you want to remove hair because the udzur that is shar’i is surely allowed, with the conditions, those who relate must pay fidyah. Because in this case, the law of paying fidyah in Islam is obligatory. As the following words of Allah Ta’ala,
“If any of you is sick or has a disturbance in his head (then he shaves) then he must pay fidyah which is fasting or sadaqah or sacrifice.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 196)
- Killing or Hunting Land Animals
Allah Ta’ala said,
“And it is forbidden for you to catch the hunted land animals while you are in ihram.” (QS. Al Maidah: 95)
If there are pilgrims who violate, then the pilgrims must pay a fine by buying food as much as the animals that are hunted and give them to the poor people or give the food to the poor people as much as 5/6 liters (1 mud) for one day.
- Getting Married or Marrying Off
People who are in the middle of umrah or hajj are forbidden to get married or marry off other people, as it is in the hadith of Utsman from Usman ra that the Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said,
“People who do ihram are not allowed to marry off, be married and propose.” (Sahih: Mukhtashar Muslim no. 814)
- Doing Jima’ or Having Sex
The law is haram to do jima’ or have sex (have sexual intercourse) for the hajj or umrah pilgrims. Even if they are a married couple. For those who violate, then they get a sanction which is slaughtering a camel or a cow or 7 sheep for those who are not able to do it.
Allah Ta’ala said,
“Whoever determines his intention in that month to do hajj, then it is not allowed to rafats, do disobedience acts and dispute in the period of doing hajj.” (QS. Al Baqarah (2): 197)
There are also other prohibitions, among others:
- Wear fragrances on the body or clothes
- Wear hair oil
- Cut or take plants in the Haram Land
- Make out intimately
Those are some things that are forbidden when hajj and its verses. Hopefully it is useful for the readers, as well as encouraging the spirit to achieve the blessings or the virtues of hajj at a later time. Aamiin.