
15 Lovely Ways How to Celebrate Wedding Anniversary in Islam

Celebrations in Islam are debatable, whether it is allowed by Sharia law or not. The wedding anniversary celebration is no exception. Many Muslim couples are hesitate to celebrate it or not, as the afraid it might be prohibited. But there are nothing to worry about, since it was not written in the Quran or Hadith that wedding anniversary celebration is not allowed.

How to celebrate wedding anniversary in Islam is what important. When you are allowed to celebrate it, it means you should do it according to the Sharia law. Here are how to celebrate wedding anniversary in Islam:

1. Be Grateful to Allah SWT

You can meet your spouse because Allah SWT allowed you to. Without Allah’s permission, you might never meet them and marry them. The fact that you have gone through marriage for years is also because of Allah SWT. Seeing that Allah has blessed you that much, be grateful to Him on your wedding anniversary ask for His blessing in your marriage.

2. Spend a Romantic Night

Spend the night alone with your spouse and treat them in a romantic way. Do things that you rarely do and consider it as the first night of your wedding. It’s important to make your spouse happy and feel loved. Being romantic to one another is a key to a successful marriage in Islam.

Also read: How to Prepare Yourself for Marriage in Islam

3. Go to a Vacation

When a couple has been married for years, especially when they have kids, usually forget how to be romantic. Tighten the bond and love to each other by celebrating your wedding anniversary in vacation. You can revisit your honeymoon place and start over everything like new even though nothing happen. Spending quality time with just both of you is very important.

4. Perform Shalat Together

In the celebration of your wedding anniversary, remember of Allah. Perform Shalat together to show your gratitude to Allah SWT as He has given you the best husband and wife you could ask for. Do many good deeds together you that you can meet them again in Jannah.

Also read: How to be Peaceful in Islam

5. Exchange Gifts with Each Other

Giving gifts is one of the best way to show your love to your spouse. It’s a symbol of love and affection for them and they will be very happy to get it from you. Give a thoughtful gift that can increase their imaan to Allah SWT.

6. Reminiscing Old Memories

Remembering the old stories is a romantic thing. From how you first meet and grow fond of each other to the hardships you had during the marriage. It reminds you to how you started and how much you have struggle to be where you are today. And all those time, your spouse never leave your side even for a second.

Also read: How to Choose the Right Partner in Islam


7. Celebrate it with Kids

If you have kids, it’s good to celebrate the anniversary with them. Go out for family dinner or even the family vacation. Keeping the bond strong between family is important, so that your kids know that they are loved and cherish by their loving parents.

8. Make Dua to Allah SWT

Pray to Allah SWT to bless your marriage and make it last long until Jannah. Ask to Him not to ever leave you and put hardship to your spouse. Pray for the happiness for your family and ask Him to protect your family from any bad things.

Also read: How to Make Someone Interested in Islam

9. Reflect on the Past Years

Seeing how you have gone so far in your marriage, reflect on the past year of your relationship. There must be something to be fixed, whether it’s how you have to treat your partner. Always improve yourself to be the best wife or husband ever.


10. Be Grateful and Sorry to Your Partner

Human make mistakes even when they are not aware of. Your partner should be the one that you wrong to, so say sorry to them for all the bad things you have done to them. Also don’t forget to be grateful and thanked them for staying with you through the ups and downs.

Also read: How to Make Life Easy in Islam

Tips for a Successful Marriage

To have many anniversaries to celebrate, a Muslim couple should know how to get their marriage successful. As marriage involve to people with different thoughts and ideas, one should keep up with another. Here are some tips for a successful marriage in Islam:

  1. Love each other because of Allah SWT and nothing else. It shows how good of a character you are and how you are faithful to Allah SWT. Always remind your partner of Allah and commit good deeds together.
  2. Be grateful for each other since you must have through ups and downs the entire time and the fact that they are still by your side is something valuable. Thank them for staying along.
  3. Be their best friend that they can share anything about. Talk freely to them. Make jokes, laugh, debating, and fight with each other. Various emotion that shown will make your bond even tighter.
  4. Focus on what they need, physically and mentally. Husband and wife should love each other dearly and listen to what they want and what they need in the marriage
  5. Comfort each other when downs. “And those who say, “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”” – Al Furqan (25:74)

So those are the ways how to celebrate wedding anniversary in Islam. The celebration in not haraam, as long as you don’t do something that is forbidden in Islam such as drinking hard liquor and many other things.

As Islam is a flexible religion that fit in any era and ages, wedding anniversary celebration is allowed. Just remember to keep ourselves close to Allah SWT no matter what and always be faithful to Him. Allah loves His devoted servants who are always please Him.

Indah Ariviani

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