
12 Importance of Friday Prayers in Islam

Friday prayer is a prayer that only be done in Friday to change Dzuhur prayer. This obligation is done by a man who has been baligh, not musafir and independent. It is also abligation for  a man who has no hitch to do Friday prayer.

The obligation of Friday prayer is explained in Qur-an Surah Al-Jumu’ah verse 9, which means :

“O you who have believed, when [the adhan] is called for the prayer on the day of Jumu’ah [Friday], then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew.”

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For your information that Moslems who must not to do Friday prayer are a slave, a musafir, women, children, sick people, those who fell asleep and a madman. There are many importance of Friday prayer that we have to know. So you will be more spirit to do this obligation.

  1. Erase sins

It is narrated by Imam Muslim, from Abu Hurairah, he said that Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said,

“Between five daily prayers, between one Friday to the next Friday, that can erase sins between the two Fidays during he is not done a big sin.” (Narrated by Muslim number 233)

See also : How to get sins forgiven in Islam

  1. Allah Ta’ala will perfect Islam and suffice favors

On Friday, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala will perfect the religion of believers, He will also suffice His favors. Allah Ta’ala said,

“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.” (Q.S. Al-Maidah : 3)

When Ibn ‘Abbas read that verse, he said, “Jewsh said : If this verse down between us, we will celebrate the revelation of that verse as ‘ied (a holiday). Ibn ‘Abbas said that this verse down when two holidays meet, they are ‘Ied and Friday.” (it is also mentionded by Ibn Jarir Ath Thobari in his interpretation book)

  1. Asy Syahid

Some Ulama interpreted about a verse,

“And [by] the witness and what is witnessed.” (Q.S. Al Buruj : 3).

As the word of Ibn ‘Umar, asy syahid in that verse is Friday, but al masyhud is Nahr day (Ied Adha). (See Zaadul Masiir, Ibnul Jauzi, 9 : 70 – 71)

  1. Get a big reward

If you come to the mosque and do Friday prayer soon, you will get a big reward from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. As the word of Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam from Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu below

“Whoever take a bath on Friday as Junub, then go to the mosque, then as if he sacrifices a camel. Whoever come to the second (time) chance, then as if he sacrifices a cow. Whoever come to the third (time) chance, then as if sacrifices a horned goat. Whoever come to the fourth (time) chance, then as if he sacrifices a chicken. And whoever come to the fifth (time) chance, then as if he sacrifices an egg. And if Imam has been out (to give khutbah), then angels attend to listen dhikr (that khutbah).” (Narrated by Bukhari number 881 and Muslim number 850)

  1. Such as fasting and prayer a year

If you want to do Friday prayer in the mosque, then every your steps will get a reward such as fasting and prayer a year. From Aus bin Aus, he said that Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said,

“Whoever take a bad on Friday with washing his head and others body parts, then he goes at the beginning of time or he goes and gets the first khutbah, then he close to Imam, hear khutbah and be silent, then every his steps are counted such as fasting and prayer a year.” (Narrated by Tirmidzi number 496. Syaikh Al Albani said that this hadith is shaheeh. See the explanation of hadith in Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 3 : 3) [AdSense-B]

  1. Open the door of your heart

In a hadith of Imam Muslim, Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam commanded his people to not left Friday prayer. And if a people accidentally left Friday prayerm then Allah will close the door of their heart and made them as neglectful people. This hadith has been very clear that whoever leave Friday prayer then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala will close the door of his heart and he is difficult to use his heart in goodness. Because of that, you should always do Friday prayer, if there is no hindrance. So, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’alla will always open the door of your heart to do goodness.

  1. Not be like the hypocrites

If you always do Friday prayer, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala will not become you as the hypocrites. In a hadith that was narrated by Al Thabrani explained that whoever do not do Friday prayer three times running without a clear reason, then he is a hypocrite and he will be placed in the Hell.

  1. Allah Ta’ala will grant your prayers

If you do Friday prayer by filling its requirements, then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala will grant your prayers. There is a hadith which reads below,

“Indeed in Friday, if there is a Moslem who do Friday prayer or five daily prayers and ask or pray kindness to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, then Allah will grant prayers from every Moslems.” (Narrated by Muslim)

See also : Best time to make dua for acceptance


  1. The reward is bigger than doing Dzuhur prayer

Although Friday prayer can be changed with Dzuhur prayer, but the reward is not same. The reward of Friday prayer is bigger than the reward of Dzuhur prayer. If we have known the threat of leaving Friday prayer without a clear reason, never leave it. Because your heart will be close from His blessings if you leave it three times running. Na’udzibillahi mindzalik.

See also : Importance of Zuhr prayer

  1. Sadaqah on Friday is more important

Besides you should do Friday prayer, you can do sadaqah to add your deeds. Because sadaqah on Friday is more important than another days. Ibn Qayyim said : “Sadaqah on Friday is compared with sadaqah on other six days, such as sadaqah in Ramadan if it is compared with others months.” The hadith from Ka’abz also explained that “And sadaqah on that day is greater than other days.” (Maaquf shahih)

See also : How to give sadaqah in Islam

  1. Be a media to pray together

Besides that, Friday prayer can be a media to pray together. Because in the second khutbah, Imam must read a dua to ask forgiveness for fellow Moslems, both they are still alive or not. While Jamaah say “amen”.

  1. Be a media to remind each other

Another importance of Friday prayer in Islam is Moslems can remind each other to close to Allah Ta’ala continuously. This is a task of Khatib and a task of Jamaah to remind Khatib if there is a fault when he delivers the pillar of khutbah.

Thus the article about importance of Friday prayers in Islam. Hopefully, we are still become His servants who always follow His commands and go far away His prohibitions. Amen.

See also :

Nia Widya

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