The Shaban is the month that lies before Ramadan and after Rajab Month. Besides the importance of Shaban, in Islam, there are also worship services that performed by Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam in this month such as multiplying fasting as the form of preparation before meet the month of Ramadan. However, this month is called the month of Sha’ban because, at the time of naming this month, many Arabs are scattered looking for water or scattered in the caves after the month of Rajab is ended. Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani said:
وسمي شعبان لتشعبهم في طلب المياه أو في الغارات بعد أن يخرج شهر رجب الحرام وهذا أولى من الذي قبله وقيل فيه غير ذلك.
“It was called Sha’ban because they scattered for water or in the caves after Rajab al-Haram. Because this naming is better than the one mentioned earlier. And mentioned other causes that have been mentioned. “
What Deeds should be Performed at this Month?
There are some practices commonly done by the Prophet and the As-Salafush-Salih in this month. These deeds are as follows:
1. Fasting
Not like the other months such as how to make Ramadhan fasting easier, Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam is used to multiply fasting in Sha’ban month. Fasting in Shaban is one of the types of fasting in Islam. As said in the following hadith:
عن عائشة -رضي الله عنها- قالت: كان رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يصوم حتى نقول لا يفطر ويفطر حتى نقول لا يصوم, فما رأيت رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- استكمل صيام شهر إلا رمضان وما رأيته أكثر صياما منه في شعبان.
“It is narrated from ‘A’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that he said, “The Prophet Sallallahu’ Alayhi Wa Sallam fasted until we said that he did not break the fast, and breaking fast until we said that he did not fast. And I never saw the Messenger of Allaah ‘alaihi Wa Sallam complete the fast in a month except in the month of Ramadan. And I never saw him fast more than the month of Sha’ban. “
So did his wife Ummu Salamah radhiallahu ‘anha said:
ما رأيت النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يصوم شهرين متتابعين إلا شعبان ورمضان.
“I never got the Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam fasted for two consecutive months except for the month of Sha’ban and Ramadan.”
2. Reading the Quran
The month of Sha’ban must be filled by reciting Al-Qur’an as many as possible. It should be started from the beginning of the month of Sha’ban to welcome the month of Ramadhan as Salamah bin Kuhail r.a said:
كان يقال شهر شعبان شهر القراء
“It used to be said that the month of Sha’ban is the moon of the qurra ‘(reader of the Qur’an).” Similarly, performed by’ Amr bin Qais rahimahullah when he entered the month of Sha’ban he closed his shop and emptied himself to recite Al- Qur’an.
Of course in Reciting the Quran, we should know the proper etiquette of reading the holy Quran.
3. Do Good Deeds
All good deeds should be done at all times because there are so many benefits of good deeds in Islam. But, to deal with the month of Ramadan, the early scholars used to practice good deeds since the coming of Sha’ban month, so they have been trained to add their deeds and improve the akhlaq in the month of Ramadan. Abu Bakr Al-Balkhi rahimahullah once said:
شهر رجب شهر الزرع, وشهر شعبان شهر سقي الزرع, وشهر رمضان شهر حصاد الزرع.
“The month of Rajab is the month of planting, the month of Sha’ban is the month of watering the plants and the moon of Sha’ban is the month of harvesting the plant.”
And he also said:
مثل شهر رجب كالريح, ومثل رمضان مثل المطر, ومن لم يزرع ويغرس في رجب, ولم يسق في شعبان فكيف يريد أن يحصد في رمضان.
“The parable of the month of Rajab is like wind, the moon of Sha’ban is like a cloud that carries rain and the month of Ramadan like rain. Whoever does not plant in Rajab month and does not water it in the Sya’ban month how could he harvest the results in the month of Ramadan? “
4. Away from the Actions of Shirk and Enmity among the Muslims
Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam mentions that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala will forgive those who do not do shirk and those who have no hostility with their brothers or the sisters of their own. Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam said:
إن الله ليطلع في ليلة النصف من شعبان, فيغفر لجميع خلقه, إلا لمشرك أو مشاحن.
“Verily Allah appeared on the night of the mid-month of Sha’ban and pardoned all his creatures except the polytheists and Musyain.”
5. How does the Law Liven up the Mid-Night of Sha’ban?
In the above hadith has mentioned the primacy of the mid-night of Sha’ban. Is it sunnah to live the night with worship? Syaikhul-Islam Ibn Taimiyah rahimahullah said:
وصلاة الرغائب بدعة محدثة لم يصلها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ولا أحد من السلف, وأما ليلة النصف من شعبان ففيها فضل, وكان في السلف من يصلي فيها, لكن الاجتماع فيها لإحيائها في المساجد بدعة وكذلك الصلاة الألفية.
“And the Raghaib prayer is an invented heresy. The Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam never prayed like that and no one from the salaf did it. As for the mid-night of the month of Sha’ban, there is the virtue, formerly among the Salaf (formerly) one who prays on that night. However, gathering that night to revive the masjid is heresy, as well as alfiyah prayer. “
6. What are the Law of Alfiyah Prayer and Raghaib Prayer on the Mid-Night of Sha’ban?
Talking about the importance of Shaban in Islam, there is not a single the right argument that mentions the virtue of night prayer or sunnah prayer in the middle of the night in the month of Sha’ban. The so-called Alfiyah prayers (a thousand rak’ahs), and the Raghaib (12 rak’ah) prayers. To devote that night with such worship is the act of heresy. So we have to get away from it. In addition, what performed by some Muslims, such as gathering in the mosque and performing the gigantic celebration which is not taught by our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam.
Imam An-Nawawi said about the Ar-Raghaib prayer performed on the first Friday of Rajab and the mid-night of Sha’ban:
وهاتان الصلاتان بدعتان مذمومتان منكرتان قبيحتان, ولا تغتر بذكرهما في كتاب قوت القلوب والإحيا,
“Both of these prayers are heresy, unjust and bad ones. Do not be deceived by the mention of the two prayers in the book ‘Quutul-Qulub’ and ‘Al-Ihya’ ‘. “
7. How does the Law Fast in the Mid-Month of Sha’ban?
Specializing the fast in the middle of the month of Sha’ban is not recommended for Muslims. Even some scholars condemn it bid’a. As for the hadith as follows:
إذا كانت ليلة النصف من شعبان, فقوموا ليلها وصوموا نهارها.
“If the night is mid-month of Sha’ban, then live the night and fast in the afternoon.”
So, the hadith is a false hadith (maudhu ‘), so it cannot be a proposition. However, if we want to fast at that day because the hadith’s announcement of the Sunnah is fasting in the month of Sha’ban or because it includes fasting in the days of biidh/ayyaamul-biid (fasting on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of every Hijri month) then it does not matter. Since what the Muslims should deny is how they make a specialization.
8. Read Istighfar 70 times.
أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ الَّذِي لا إِلَهَ إِلا هُوَ الرَّحْمَنُ الرَّحِيمُ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ وَ أَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ.
It means that I beg for forgiveness of God the Almighty, Merciful, the Ever-Living Life constantly takes care of [His creatures], and I repent to Him.
Istighfar (forgiveness) is the most important prayer and remembrance that should be performed in this month. Whoever performs Istighfar (ask the forgiveness to God for his sins) in this month as much as 70 times, it will be rewarded as those ones who plead to God as much as 70 thousand times in other months.
9. Do the 2 Rakats Prayers Every Thursday on the Month of Sha’ban.
In the first rakaat, read al-Fatihah’s letter once and al-Ikhlas 100 times. After salam, continue with reading shalawat 100 times. Whoever performs this deed, Allah will fulfill all their needs of religion and the world.
In a hadith, it says, “The heavens decorate themselves on every Thursday in the month of Sha’ban, and then the angels say, ‘Our Lord, forgive the sins of the fasting man today and grant his prayer.” Another hadith explained, “Whoever fasts Monday and Thursday in the month of Sha’ban, surely the 20 needs of the world and the 20 needs of the next are filled with God for him. “
10. Read the Following Wirid as much as 1,000 times in Sha’ban Month
لا إِلَهَ إِلا اللَّهُ وَ لا نَعْبُدُ إِلا إِيَّاهُ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ وَ لَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ
“There is no god but Allah and we do not worship except by purifying religion only for Him even though the polytheists oppose us.”
Here is the other importance of Shaban in Islam:
- Giving alms to the other even with a piece of dates.
- Reciting shalawat to the Prophet and his holy family.
- Reciting the shalawat taught by Imam Ali Zainal Abidin every sun slipped (Zuhur time) during the month of Sha’ban and on the night of the middle of this glorious month (nisfu Sha’ban).