Since a long time ago, Ulama agreed that the law of hand shake between women and men who are not her mahram is haram.
Syaikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz explained about the law of hand shake. If the woman is including mahram and he shakes his hand to his mother, daughter, sisters, sisters form his father and his wife, then the law is allowed. But, if she is not his mahram, then it is forbidden.
Because there is a woman who reached out to the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, then he said,
“Indeed I do not shake my hand to that woman.”
Aisha Radhiyallahu anhuma said :
“For the love of Allah, the hand of Rasulullah has not hold the hand of women (who do not his mahram) at all, they only pledge with statements.”
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According to Syaikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz, the law of hand shake with an old woman who is not his mahram and she wears gloves or other obstacles is not allowed because there are many the danger of slander for every parties.
In the shahih hadith of Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, he said, “
Indeed I do not shake my hand to that woman.” For the love of Allah, the hand of Rasulullah has not hold the hand of women (who do not his mahram) at all, they only pledge with statements.”
So, based on that hadith, it does not make a difference between hand shake with an obstacle or not.
The law of hand shake with mahram women is allowed. It is based on the hadith of Abu Daud and Tirmidzi, they stated that the Prophet Muhammad saw has kissed her daughter Fatimah and Fatimah has also kissed the Prophet Muhammad if he was visiting her house.
That hadith becomes a basic for Ulama to assign the law of hand shake between mahram men or women. If touching is allowed, then hand shake is also allowed because it is a part of touch. [AdSense-B]
There are two kinds of non mahram women, they are old women and young women. Both of them has different law in the case of hand shake.
[AdSense-A] The law of hand shake with old women who are not mahram is allowed. On the condition, that woman has been not interesting and she is not attracted with the opposite sex.
Both of parties has been free from syahwat or lust. But according to madzhab Syafi’i, the law is haram.
While the law of hand shake with young women who are not mahram is haram. It has been agreed by four madzhab (Hanbali, Syafi’i, Maliki and Hanafi).
In some mosque, we often saw the activity of hand shake after doing prayer. They were standing around to hand shake each other. Based on sunnah and example of the Prophet Muhammad and companions, there is no special hand shake after doing prayer like this and there is no sunnah about that, too.
But if it is asked what that thing is a bid’ah or not, the problem cannot be made easy because Ulama have different argument about something that is not done by the Prophet Muhammad especially if it is related with worship.
Such as hand shake after doing prayer, the Prophet Muhammad saw never did that. It is narrated in a hadith,
“Keep away by you new matters because every bid’ah is really erring.” (Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Majah, Shohih)
The Virtues of Hand Shake
There are some virtues of hand shake that is done by Muslim, such as minimize enmity, strengthen love, strengthen silaturahmi between fellow Muslims and it can abort sins. But hand shake in this case is not with the opposite sex because that is haram.
There are some hadith that mention about the virtues of hand shale or mushofahah. The complete explanations are below :
The Prophet Muhammad saw,
“Do not two Muslims met then they hand shake except the sins of them will be forgiven during they have not separated.” (Narrated by Abu Dau, Shohih)
The Prophet Muhammad saw said,
“Indeed a believer if he meets other believers, he say salaam and shake his hand, then the sins of them will be falling each other as leaves.” (Narrated by Al Munziri, Shohih)
See also : How to gain forgiveness from Allah and people in Islam
From Ibn Umar “A marfu hadith”,
“Hand shake each other, then envy will lose from your heart.” (Narrated by Ibn ‘Addy, Imam Malik)
See also : prayers for those who hate you
Rasulullah saw said,
“Indeed two Muslims if they meet, shake their hand and ask condition each other, then Allah put down both of them one hundred mercies, ninety nine for the one who has more cheery, cheerful and better questions.” (Narrated by Thabrani, dha’if)
When the resident of Yaman came, The Prophet Muhammad saw said,
“The resident of Yaman has come, they are meek persons rather than you.” Anas bin Malik ra. commented about their characteristic : “They are first people who invite to hand shake.” (Narrated by Ahmad, Shahih)
Ulama have different opinions about the law of hand shake after doing prayer. Some of them argue that it is mubah and others argue that it is a makruhah matter or hated. These are some explanations about their views :
A. Ulama who are allowed
B. Ulama who are not allowed
Thus this article about the law of hand shake in Islam. It depends on your trust. If you follow Ulama who are not allowed hand shake with non mahram, then the law is haram.
While if you follow Ulama who are allowed hand shake with non mahram, then the law is mubah for you. Basically, we must follow the strongest opinion without interference that we like or dislike.
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