Islamic Law

13 Law of Holding Quran without Wudu – How to Read It Properly

In Islam, Quran is a guide book in how to live this life and save ourselves later in the Hereafter. Every little thing, all the ways of life, as well as prove of Allah’s Greatness and Existence are all written inside the Holy Quran. Indeed, it’s just more than just a book. Quran has a high position in Islam.

But there are still one thing that remains debatable between Islamic scholars: What is the law of holding Quran without Wudu’?

‘Amr ibn Hazm (may Allaah be pleased with him), stating that the Prophet (peace of be upon him) wrote to the people of Yemen: “No one should touch the Qur’aan except one who is taahir (pure).”

From the hadith above, it has made clear that only the pure can get hold of the Quran. Which means, everyone who is not in their Wudu should get their hands off of the Holy Quran as Quran is not an ordinary book, then it should be treated and taken care of in a special manner.

Here are more explanation on the law of holding Quran without Wudu.

  1. Quran is a Sacred Book

Quran is a sacred book in Islam as it contained the saying of Allah SWT and has become the revelation of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Through Quran, Allah SWT shows His Greatness and proved to the mankind of His existence. Also through the sacred book, we learn about the history of the previous Prophets before Muhammad as the last one.

Quran are high valuable until the end of the world as it also contains the way of life as well as what are allowed and forbidden by Allah SWT. Seeing that many speciality of Quran, it’s only right for Muslims treat it in a special manner as well.

Also read: Importance of Reciting Quran in Ramadan

  1. Only the Pure Can Hold It

In the hadith above, it was mentioned that the Holy Quran can only be hold by the pure. The pure here are Muslims who still have Wudu with them. Wudu is an act of purification where a Muslims is cleansing all the dirt and najs from their body. Wudu is usually performed before Salat. More than that, a Muslims should also take Wudu before holding the Quran or doing recitation of it.

So that if a Muslims no longer has Wudu or not in a pure condition (such as having menstruation and other similar condition), they are forbidden from holding the Quran.

  1. Quran Contains Allah’s Words

Quran becomes a Holy book in Islam for what it contains and the origin of it. Inside the Holy Quran, every single words is Allah’s saying that delivered to His Messenger, our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Seeing how Quran is not an ordinary book, Islam has its own law of holding the Quran without Wudu.

Those above are detailed explanation on the law of holding Quran without Wudu. Holding Quran should be done in the right way, following the Sharia.

Also read: Importance of Revelation in Islam


The Right Ways How to Read the Holy Quran

It has explained above that holding Quran without Wudu is forbidden in the Quran. So here are the right ways to read it:

  • Be in a pure state or having Wudu before start to read Quran. Cleansing ourselves before reading the Holy Quran means we are honoring the book and showing respect to it. But if someone already memorize the Quran without having to hold it, they can recite it right away.

Indeed, it is a noble Qur’an. In a Register well-protected; None touch it except the purified. (56:77-79)

  • Sit in a proper manner and appropriate place. Quran is not an ordinary book since its content were descended from Jannah. So make sure that you are in a clean place with a clean state of body. Also read: How to Improve Faith in Islam
  • Care for the Quran by not placing it directly on the floor. You better rest it on a pillow in respecting for its high status. [AdSense-C]
  • As the Prophet (peace be upon him) hasd set a good example for us in doing every good thing with the right hand, it should be applied when we are holding the Holy Quran as well.

From Aisha (RA): “The Prophet PBUH  used his right hand in applying perfume, in eating, and used his left hand in the toilet or when removing any harm.” (Abu Dawood)

  • Don’t forget to recite “Audhu Billahi mina-Shaitan-nir-Rajeem” before starting the recital. It means you are seeking for the protection of Allah so that you can give all your focus and concentration while reading the holy Quran. It also means that you are reading the Quran for Allah’s blessing and to make Him pleased. Also read: Virtues of Surah Yasin
  • Quran was written in Arabic with its own complexity. You can just read the Quran without understanding the tajweed as well. According to the Prophet (peace be upon him) a Muslim who is unable to read the Quran by the right tajweed should not be considered as a prat of Islam.

“He is not one of us who does not make his voice beautiful with the Quran.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

  • Don’t be in a rush while reading the Quran. Read it slowly while letting the words immersed and internalized in you.
  • Derive all your concentration while reading the Quran by not talking in the middle of the recital. It’s how you pay respect and recognized the high status of Quran. Also read: Benefits of Completing Reciting Quran in Islam
  • At the end of the recital, glorify Allah SWT by reciting “Sadaqa Allaahu aaleyul Azeem”.

After reading on the law of holding Quran without Wudu and understanding the etiquette of reading it the right way, let’s all now fixing our way of holding the Quran if we are still wrong. May we could become a perfect Muslim by practicing the Sharia slowly. Amin.

Indah Ariviani

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