As narrated by Jaabir, Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Among the dearest of you to me and those who will be seated closest to me on the Day of Resurrection are those of you who are best in attitude.” (Tirmidhi)
There is a saying that an attitude define who you are. As the last religion bore upon the last Messenger, Islam came to fix the bad attitude of human being in the past. So it’s only right that all Muslims should possess a good attitude and manner. But it’s too naive to wish so, because the reality doesn’t say the same. Many Muslims are showing negative attitudes here and there, creating a misconception about Islam as a religion.
So what included in the list of negative attitude in Islam? Here are some of them.
- Causing Harm to Others
Causing harm to others, by any form, is surely not a good attitude in Islam. Instead of causing harm, we should do kindness to them and become a useful human being. Allah SWT will never accept someone who love to harm others as His servants. We may lose His great blessing because of it.
“Do good to others, surely Allah loves those who do good to others.” (2:195)
- Being Arrogant
We are fully aware that every single thing on Earth belong to Allah SWT. But there are many people who seemed forget about this and act with arrogance. A good Muslim should refrain from being arrogance and always live in a modesty. Arrogance is not a characteristic of a good Muslim and will do no good to them. Also read Importance of Morality in Islam
- Mistreating Weaker People
On the first point, a Muslim should do good to everyone, so that good will come to us. Weaker people (the needy, elderly, and young children) should be treated with kindness and good.
“Allah commands you to uphold justice and to do good to others and to give to the relatives.” (16:90)
On the above verse, “justice” is equal to good, which mean we must do good to others including weaker people just how we kindly treated our family and relatives. Whoever mistreat weaker people should not call themselves a Muslim.
- Disobeying Parents
Disobeying parents and treat them harshly considered one major sin on Islam. Whoever disobey their parents will never find prosperity both in the world and in the Hereafter. All Muslims, regardless of gender and age have to show kindness to their parents, not going against their will and showing defiant behavior towards them. Also read Importance of Obeying Parents in Islam
- Get Angry Easily
While patience is a quality of a Muslim, getting angry easily must be one of the negative attitude in Islam. Anger do no good to anyone, and that is the reason why a Muslims should not vent out their anger in any situation. Difficult things and problem could only be solved through a calm attitude to get the best solution.
- Untruthful with His Words
“O you who believe, keep your duty to Allah, and be with the truthful people.” (9:119)
If there are a Muslim whose words are untrue, then they are a part of the munafiq. Islam never acknowledge a person whose words are not true as a part of it. Allah SWT has stressed this many times in the Holy Quran. Also read Importance of Morality in Islam
“Be maintainers of justice and bearers of true witness for Allah, even if it (the truth) goes against your own selves or parents or relatives or someone who is rich or poor.” (4:135)
- Selfishness in Doing Deeds
“They (the true believers) give food, out of love for Allah, to the poor, the orphan and the slave, saying: We feed you only for Allah’s pleasure – we desire from you neither reward nor thanks.” (76:8-9)
Doing deeds with selfishness means doesn’t really have a good intention upon doing deeds. As explained by the Quranic verse above, a Muslim is doing deed with selfishness when they hope for reward and thanks from others. The most important thing while doing deeds is gaining blessing from Allah SWT and nothing else.
- Impatient and Always in a Rush
“Give good news to the patient, who, when a misfortune befalls them, say: We are Allah’s and to Him do we return.” (2:155-156)
Do everything with patience, since Allah SWT stays with them. Whoever always in rush in everything may experience a misfortune. Also read Patience in Islam
- Holding Grudges and Unforgiving
“The recompense of evil is punishment like it. But whoever forgives (an evil committed against himself) and amends (matters), his reward is with Allah. . . . Whoever is patient and forgives, that is a matter of great resolution.” (42:40, 43)
Allah SWT forgives His servants even when their sins are too big and too many. While Allah SWT forgives, His servants should do the same.
- Far from Allah SWT
“He indeed is successful who purifies himself (in mind and body), and remembers the name of his Lord, then prays.” (87:14-15)
Another negative attitude in Islam in when a Muslim estranged himself from Allah SWT. Not obeying His command, committing sins without repentance and never seek for His blessing. Also read How to Improve Faith in Islam
- Taking the Rights of Others
Taking the rights of others, especially the poor, the weak, and orphans, is considered a huge sin in Islam.
“Do not swallow up your property among yourselves by false means, nor offer it as a bribe to the officials so that you may swallow up other people’s property unlawfully while you know.” (2:188)
- Excessive Behavior
“Eat and drink, but do not be immoderate.” (7:31)
Excessive behavior in everything is not suggested in Islam, whether it’s with food, love for something but Allah SWT, and even in religion. The Prophet (peace be upon him) once said,
“Religion is easy, but any one who exerts himself too much in religious devotions will get overcome by it; so you should just act rightly, and keep to the mean, and be of good cheer, and ask for Allah’s help morning, evening, and a part of the night.” (Bukhari.)
Other that what are written above, there are many more negative attitude in Islam. However, a Muslim must have a good morality and attitude, since our role model, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a perfection of a human being. We can never be exactly like him, but we have to do our best to live like him, following his sunnah, and many other things that show the true self of Islam religion.