Good Deed

13 Blessing Virtues of Scholars in Islam

The meaning of scholar according to common language is a specialist or a person who understand well and more than others about a branch of study or knowledges. Indeed in Islam we also have a scholar that stand for a person who blessed by knowledge, deeper understand that reflected in both in their mind, speak, and act.

Scholar in Al-Qur’an has an important role and it is also imply as Imam or a leader among Muslims that will give us guidance according to Al-Qur’an and hadiths.

Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:

“The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophet.” (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawed, Nasa’i, Ibn Maja, Ahmad, Ibn Hibban)

From the above hadith we could take a conclution that the scholars has a knowledge deemed beneficial by Allah and the Prophet. They are the chosen one by Allah whom He give a deep understanding (fiqh) in Islam as a religion and get the three aspect which are beliefs (iman), outword actions (islam), and spiritual excellence (ihsan). Also read : prohibition of lying in Islam

Thus the we must glorified the Islamic scholars since there are so many virtues of the in Islam.

In this article, we would like to explained what are the virtues possesed by the scholar in Islamic view :

1. As the mediator

After the Prophet Muhammad SAW leave us, the scholars takes part as a mediator or interemediary between us as a Muslim with Allah SWT as our Lord and Creator. They give us knowledge they possesed with the permission of Allah.

2. As the inheritor of Islamic though

The knowledge of Islam is a treasure for Muslims, thus because of the scholars it is always kept it purity as how it is before. We could learn about Islam nowadays, understand it, learn it, and even performing its teaching because of scholars. Therefore the dead of one among them will open up a great slander for Muslims. Also read : virtue of muharram in Islam

Rasulullah SAW from Abdullah bin ‘Amr Ibnul ‘Ash,

“Indeed Allah does not remove knowledge by depriving it from His servants. But He uprooted it with the death of the scholars so that if Allah leaves no pious man, then the people raise leaders from among the fools. Then they were asked, they also spoke without basic knowledge. They become astray and misleading.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari & Muslim)

3. The existence of scholars will give Muslims blessing from Allah SWT

A true scholars will give a good example for other Muslims that will reflected on their act and speak. Allah SWT love a person who worshiping Him sincerely. Given the knowledge in Al-Qur’an means to be give the insight and understanding of a believer.

“And those who were given knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord and (therefore) believe in it, and their hearts humbly submit to it. And indeed is Allah the Guide of those who have believed to a straight path.” (QS. Al-Haj : 54)


4. Allah SWT exalts them from other human beings

In the following verse Allah SWT said that scholars has a great degree in front of Him,

“O you who have believed, when you are told, ‘Space yourselves’ in assemblies, then make space, Allah will make space for you. And when you are told, ‘Arise’, then arise; Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is Acquainted with what you do.” (QS. Al-Mujadila : 11)

Al-Imam Abu Bakar Al-Ajurri rahimahullah said that the place of scholars is primary than other pious since they were blessed by knowledge and wisdom. Also read : benefits of brotherhood in Islam

5. A Source of knowledge 

The scholars are different from other Muslims, they given by Allah SWT a better understanding and abundance of gifts, they became a source of knowledge for every Muslims so through them we could distinguishing which halal or haram, which good or bad, and which one beneficial or not according to Islamic rule and laws.

“Is one who is devoutly obedient during periods of the night, prostrating and standing (in prayer), fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord (like on who does not)? Say, ‘Are those who know equal to those who do not know? ‘Only they will remember (who are) people of understanding.” (QS. Az-Zumar : 9)

6. They are the leader of Muslims

A scholars for Islam is equal to a leader in Islam. They seek for justice, the fight again violation, and trying to bring peace among mankind.

[AdSense-A] They will guide us from the darkness of the age of ignorance into the better age nowadays. From the scholars also we know about the Shari’a of Islam and how we practice it in our daily life.

Thus, for the lost of a scholar for Islam is a great misfortune.

7. Without them we Muslims will life misguided

From Abdullah Ibn Amr narrated that Rasulullah SAW said,

“Indeed, Allah does not withold knowledge by snatching it away from his servants, but raher he witholds knowledge by witholding scholars, until no scholar remains and people follow ignorant leaders. They are asked and they issue judgements without knowledge. Thus, they are astray and lead others astray.”

From the above hadith we should be more aware that scholars already lead us this far after the Prophet. If they were not here among us it may give us misguided knowledge and following an ignorant leaders that caused Muslims in astray or even destroying civilization and bring us another age of ignorance. Also read : how to gain respect in Islam

8. They are a noble person in Islam 

“Then we caused to inherit the Book those We have chosen of Our servants, and among them is he who wrongs himself, and among them is he who is moderate, and among them is he who is foremost in good deeds by permission of Allah. That (inheritance) is what is the great bounty. (For them are) gardens of perpetual residence which they will enter. they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments therein will be silk.” (QS. Fatir : 32-33)

This verses explained us that Allah SWT chose from His servants Muslims who will inherit the Book of Al-Qur’an, which is that inheritance is a great gift or blessing from Allah. It also explained that scholars is noble in front of Allah SWT since He will give them a reward in the Hereafter, a place we so called it heaven with its features.

The Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said :

“Should all of you glorify the scholars, for they are the heirs of the Prophets, then whoever praises them is to glorify Allah and His Messenger.” (Narrated by Al-Khatib Al Baghdadi from Jabir ra.)

9. For not honoring them is a sin

There is a hadith from Rasulullah which said that insulting a scholar will be a sin for the doer,

“It is not part of my people, someone who disrespects the elder, cares for the younger, and knows the right of the scholars.” (Narrated by Ahmad)

10. The Scholars is syafaat giver

They help us to problems that we could not handle, they give us the best way when we do not know how to solve it.

Allah SWT in An-Nahl said in the following,

“And We sent not before you except men to whom We revealed (Our message). So ask the people of the message if you do not know.

11. The Scholars is the truth teller

Asy-Syaikh Muhammad Al-Imam said in At-Tanbihul Hasan that,

“Indeed they are (the scholars) is people who constantly try to confront da’wah towards heresy and deviant thoughts. They are the ones who always convey the truth that exists in Al-Qur’an and As-Sunnah, in which the salafush salihush generations walk on it.”

12. They are the loving of all Muslims

From Anas ra. said that :

“Ulama (the scholars) as the heirs of the Prophet, they are loved by the experts of the heavens, and read aloud by the sea fish, if they die untill the Day of Resurrection.” (Narrated by Ibn An-Najar)

From the above hadith it is shown us that the scholars is loved by all the living things and loved by the experts of the heavens. Also read : reasons for the prohibition of riba in Islam

13. What they do is worship

It is said in the following hadith that even if the scholars sleep it will count as worshipping by Allah SWT.

“The sleep of a pious man is more than a fool’s worship.” (From the Book of Lubabul Hadith)

Yeni Lisiana

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