Islamic Law

Law of Swallowing Saliva During Fasting

The month of fasting is an opportunity for us to earn as much reward as by reading the Ramadan Prayer of the Prophet Muhammad, performing the final Renewal of Ramadan (Benefits of Kindness in Islam), performing the importance of Dhikr in Islam.

When fasting, we are forbidden to eat and drink or put anything into the mouth that is potentially swallowed or consumed. This is included in breaking the fast if done. However, there are also problems where we often swallow our own saliva which of course is like swallowing water.

Not only mandatory fasting but also sunnah fasting as in the implementation of Fasting Priority in the Moon Shawwal. The Fasting of the Sunna of Eid al-Adha in Islam, which has many Lessons of Sunnah Fasting if done. (Read Importance of Islamic Month)

There are concerns from some people that this can be cause of fast-breaking. Is that true of course need to be studied scientifically. Is swallowing included in the case of breaking the fasting? Surely we must know in advance what is the saliva and what the function of saliva, whether we should not swallow when fasting? This will be explained in the following article.

read also other Islamic Laws:

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Understanding and Function of Spittle Water Biologically

As God-fearing servants we are convinced that none of God’s creation is in vain in this world. Likewise God created in our bodies. There will be so many functions that we will get if  we aredeepening one by one what God has created.

Spittle water is a fluid that our body produces naturally and is acidic and contains many functions as well as benefits. Spittle water is very important because without saliva of course in eating, drinking, or consume something will be difficult to digest.

Likewise with the saliva that God created. Certainly  there are nothings in vain that God created. And these signs of God can only be understood by those who think and read reality in their lives. These are the functions of the saliva that God created in humans :

  1. Neutralize Bacteria or Virus

At any time there are only bacteria or viruses that descend upon us. If not maintained hygiene and neutrality then these bacteria and viruses can disrupt the body and cause disease. For that, bacteria or viruses can be attenuated or destroyed by saliva because it is a slightly acidic liquid.

2. Process Food

Saliva also functions to process food. In saliva there is one enzyme called ptialin or amliase enzyme that serves to destroy food. In the mouth when eating saliva serves to process or destroy the food, so that when it entered the organs and digestive function will be more smooth and easy to digest. [AdSense-B]

3. Contains electrolyte

Electrolytes have a function to maintain fluids in the body in order to avoid drought. For that saliva also serves to retain fluids in the body, not dry, and still moist or wet, especially the mucosa (mouth)

4. As the Immune System

Because there are many substances and enzymes that exist in the saliva, then this saliva also functions as an immune system. This works so that our bodies avoid all diseases. This acidic saliva will provide stability in the body. For that, saliva becomes naturally expelled and will automatically be produced within the area in our mouth.

Read also :

Swallowing Spit While Fasting According to Islam

Of this Allah says in the Qur’an,

“He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty.” (QS Al-Hajj: 78).

To that end, Islam does not want human difficulties and tormented from the rule of fasting.

Of course when fasting, God expects us to be easy to do activities in the month of Ramadan that produces reward, Practice in the month of Ramadan for women menstruation, seeking the virtue of alms in the month of Ramadhan, and of course implementing the way to not lazy pray 5 Time during Ramadhan.

This is also conveyed by a scholar named Ibn Qudamah Rahimahullah, “What is impossible to keep away from him such as swallowing does not break the fast, because keeping this can be burdensome”. For that it is difficult if humans should not swallow their spit when fasting.
And it was reclaimed by God, “Allah intends for you ease, and does not intend  for you hardship.” (Surah al-Baqara: 185)

If viewed from the explanation, then we can understand that saliva is a natural mechanism in our body. When fasting, then this mechanism of course can not be arrested or stopped. As when fasting, the body’s mechanism such as sweating, removing urine, releasing gas can not be stopped.

For that, of course swallowing when fasting is a permissible thing, as according to ijma or agreement of the scholars. This does not violate the rules of fasting because the substance or saliva is natural. Here is a more complete explanation.

1. Spit is a Natural Mechanism

Saliva is impossible not to be swallowed by us, because either intentionally or unintentionally the saliva will continue to be produced and continue to mechanize in our body. For that reason, this natural mechanism will remain. Even when we sleep or are in the unconscious then he will continue. [AdSense-C]

2. Spit has Function Against Digestion

Spit has a function for digestion. For that, if there is no saliva, then our digestion will be disturbed. For that, saliva must remain and function as usual. As our body should not lose the substances in the body, then so with the saliva. It must remain. If it does not exist, it will be difficult for the digestion to proceed as usual.

3. Body Can not Lose Saliva

From the existing explanation it can be understood that the body should not lose the saliva. Swallowing saliva is not something that should not be swallowed. Of course God does not want to complicate, if it is swallowed intentionally or not this will not break the fasting.

Spit is not something that eliminates thirst, let alone the amount that is not much, spin in the mouth area only. Therefore, the body should not lose its saliva. Saliva should remain either fasted or not. So no word should not be to swallow.

Riyani Vadilla

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