Here we go again in the, Islamic information center site. If has discussed some articles like virtues of rain in Islam, importance of muslim brotherhood, and ways on how to meditate in Islam, in this occasion, will talk about virtues of growing beard in Islam. But before we start it, don’t forget to read another articles like prohibition of lying in Islam & eating habits in Islam.
Beard (lihyah) is hair that grow on the cheeks and chin. So, all hair that grow on the chin, under the jaw, cheek and side cheek are called lihyah (beard), except moustache. (See Minal Hadin Nabawi I’faul, ‘Abdullah bin Abdul Hamid page 17)
Growing and letting beard is Shari’a in Islam and the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Let we see how is the physical of Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. From Anas bin Malik – the servant of Rasulullah saw – said,
“Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was not a man who tall and short, too. His skin was not too white and not brown, too. His hair was not curly and not straight. Allah sent him as Rasul when he was forty years old, then he left in Mecca during ten years. Then he left in Medina during ten years, too, then he was die in the end of sixty years old. In his head and his beard there were only twenty strand of hair that have been white.” (See Mukhtashor Syamail Al Muhammadiyyah, Muhammad Nashirudin Al Albani, page 13, Al Maktabah Al ISlamiyah Aman-Yordan. He said this hadith is shaheeh)
The growth of hair especially beard on every men is different. It depends on gen (testosterone) that arrange the growth of hair on men. Then, beard is a fitra for Moslem men. As the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam from Ibn Umar r.a,
“Short cut moustache and let (keep) beard.” (Narrated by Muslim number 623)
From that hadith above, the law of growing beard is sunnah. If it is done, we can get rewards, but if we leave it, it is no problem. As a Moslem, we should do it, so we can get rewards because we has done the sunnah of Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
Every commands and prohibitions of Allah Subahanhu Wa Ta’ala are sent by the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. There are many wisdoms behind them. As for growing beard, there are some virtues of growing beard in Islam that are often known by Moslem.
- Beard is a fitra
From Aisha Radhiyallahu ‘anhu from the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, “There are ten matters that are fitra, they are shortening moustache, growing beard, brushing teeth, istinsyaq (breath water into the nose), cutting nails, washing fingers, repealing hairy armpits, cutting pubic hair, insinja (wipe) with water, and gargling diligently.” (Narrated Muslim)
- As a differentiator with non-Moslem
From Ibn Umar Radhiyallahu ‘anhu said that Rasulullah Shallallhu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, “Be different with polytheist. Lengthen beard and moustache.” (Narrated by Bukhari)
From Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu ‘anhu that Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, “Shorten moustache and lengthen beard, be different from Mazdaism people.” (Narrated by Muslim)
- Follow the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Shalallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam
As a Moslem, we should do the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Although it is not a command from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, but by following Rasulullah’s sunnah, we can get rewards from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
- Cutting beard is alike the opposite sex
Cutting beard is alike the opposite sex as the word of Aisha radhiyallahu ‘anhu, “Subhanallah who beautify the face of men with beard.” Syaikh Albani rahimahullah also stated that cutting beard falls someone to tasyabbuh (like the opposite sex). While Imam Nawawi in his boook “al-Minhaj” also stated, “If a woman grows her beard. Then she must cut it.” [AdSense-B]
- Decrease the risk of Allergic
For you who are sensitive with dust, beard can filter that dust. So, it cannot enter to the lungs and disturb your activities.
- Slow down wrinkles
Beard can make your performance older. But, in fact, Beard can protect your face from sunlight directly. So, it can slow down wrinkles on your face. You will still look younger, although you have been old. Because it decreases the signs of aging and make your skin moist.
- Prevent acnes
Acne are caused by dust or dirt that stick and enter to the pores. By growing beard, that dust and dirt will be blocked by it. So, it cannot enter to the pores and cause acne.
- Prevent Asthma
This function is similar with decreasing the risk of allergic. Beard can prevent the attack of asthma because it can prevent dust and bacterial. So, they can be not breathed by nose and cause the attack of asthma.
Based on Dr. Felix Chua, the consultant of breathing system in London Clinic, said that in theory, beard can stop anything that can trigger asthma to the respiratory track.
- Moisturize face
Dr Lowe from the site of Health day edition 19th February 2013, said that beard can protect the skin of face from wind and cold air that can cause it dry. Beard can produce sebaceous gland. So, Beard can protect face and make it still moist and young. It is also a natural moisturizer
- Prevent cough
Carol Walker said hair is an insulator that keep you still warm. Because of that, long and full beard can hold cold air and increase temperature around neck. So, it can help you to attack flu and cough. It can also become a warmer when the day is cold.
- Prevent from red face and infection
Dr. Martin Wade is a dermatology consultant in London Skin and Hair Clinic, said that cutting beard with a razor can cause redness on your face. So, men get advantages from growing beard on their faces.
- Be more masculine
Thin beard can become better for men. Because they will be looked more masculine, manly and macho. It becomes a reason for women to choose a man who grow beard.
- Prevent cancer
As it is written on the healthmeup, the sun has ultraviolet. It can danger skin health and it can cause skin cancer. If you grow beard, some of your face will be closed. So it can decrease the risk of skin cancer significantly.
Thus the article about 13 virtues of growing beard in Islam – the sunnah for men. Growing beard is a sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. We should keep spirit to do this sunnah. Moreover in this era, many Moslem lose their Islamic spirit and their pride of Islam. Na’udzubillahi mindzalik. Hopefully, we are always in the way of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. Amen.