
20 Aims of Muslim Education – Purposes

Muslim education  is an important thing because human takes two important responsibility in world such as khalifah and servants of  Allah SWT. To be a great human, needed a great of personality and exist of education. The education is not about intellectual but also the figuration of personality whole and round. The important of education in Islam the verse started with the word Iqr’a, it’s command that means Read and that implies the concept of learning and exploring. Verse 96:1-5 [Al-Alaq, The Clot]

Iqr’a bismirobbikal ladzii khalaq  (1) Khalaqal insaana min ‘alaq (2) Iqr’a warabbukal akram (3) Alladzii ‘alama bilqalam (4) ‘Alammal insaana maa lam ya’lam (5) 

That means :

Read; In the name of the Lord Who create (1) Create man from a clot (2)  And thy Lord is the Most Bounteous (3) Who teaceth by the pen (4) Teach man that which he know not (5)

In Muslim education there’re aim that we should to know, an important aim that makes we be great human and personality. Those are in the below 20 aims of Muslim education :

1. Knowing the Lord Who creath

Verse 112:1-4 [Al-Ikhlas, Sincerity]
Qul huwallaahu akhad (1) Allaahushomad (2) Lam yalid walam yuulad (3) Wa lam yakullahuu kufuwan akhad(4)

Means :Say: He is Allah, the One! (1) Allah, the eternally Besought of all! (2) He begetteth not nor was begotten (4) And there is none comparable unto Him.

This verse is tells about Who is Allah SWT ? and that in this verse said Allah was the One and Allah has 99 the names of God and  there is none comparable unto Him. One of the names of God in this is Al – Wahid means The Single,The unique.

See also: Powerful Dua for Rizq

2. Knowing Pillars of Islam

There’re 5 pillars of Islam are the framework of the Muslim life. They are;

a.  Testimony of faith

La illaha ila Allah, Muhammadar Rasuulu Allah

There is no true God (deity) but God (Allah) and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God (Allah)
This testimony was called Shahada, a simple formula wihch should be said to convert to Islam. Shahada is the most important pillar in Islam.

b. Prayer

Muslims perform five obligatory prayer in a day. Prayers are performed at dawn (Shubuh), noon (Dhuhur), mid-afternoon (Ashar), sunset (Maghrib), night (Isya).

See also: Eating Habits in Islam

c. Giving Zakat

giving Zakat means giving a specified percentage on certain properties to certain classes of needy people. Usualy zakat is performed before Iedul Fitri comes. Zakat divide in two are Zakat Fitrah and Zakat Mal. Zakat Fitrah the percentage which is due on rice or other staple food refer in your country, two and a half kilograms or cash fund that have reached the amount of rice. Zakat Maal the percentage which due on gold  and cash funds that have reached the amount of about 85 grams of gold and held in possession for one lunar year is two and a half  and cash funds that have reached the amount of about 85 grams of gold and held in possession for one lunar year is two and a half percent.

d. Fasting in whole of month in Ramadhan

Every year in Ramadhan all muslim fast from dawn (Shubuh) until sun-dawn (Maghrib) abstaining from food, drink and sexual relations. The fast is best for our health also in Ramadhan it’s time to growth our spiritual life.

e. Pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca once in alifetime for those who able

Hajj to Mecca is an obligation once in a life time for those who are physically and financially able to perform it.

3. Knowing Pillars of Faith

Besides pillar of Islam we should know about pillars of faith or we call it Iman. There are 6 pillar of faith those are beliefe in Allah, believe in His Angels, believe His Messenger Prophet Muhamad, believe His Holy Quran, believe in the Last day (Qiyamah) and believe in Al-Qadar. These pillar are the ground-floor of our faith as Muslims, considering the fact that pillar is our foundation.

See also: Divorce Law in Islam


4. Knowing Qur’an

Qur’an is the holy book of every Muslims. Holy Quran once created by wahi, the wahi that accepted of our Prophet Mohammad SAW when 40 years old. The first wahi was verse 96: 1-5 [Al – Alaq/The Clot] that was we explained you in the beginning. The verse of Qur’an gave in 22 years 2 months and 22 days fit with the situation that happens. Holy Qur’an told us the thruth about the previous of holy books before Qur’an, load any histories  the Prophet before Muhammad SAW, took many lessons and shows the truth even.

If we read Qur’an we get sobriety, feel peacefully, happiness and be a medicine of all any heart-sick. Qur’an is a light and guidance for every muslim in all over the world. Also Qur’an is a biggest miracle all over history in a world.

5. Knowing Prophet Muhammad SAW

Muhammad was the founder and chief prophet of Islam and the source for the Quran. “Muhammad” whose name means “highly praised” was born in Mecca in 570 AD. His father named Abdullah died shortly before his birth and he lost her mother named Siti Aminah at the age of six. Muhammad was then raised primarily by this uncle for whom he work as a shepherd. At 12 years old he joined his uncle on caravan to Syiria, as a young man Muhammad worked as a camel driver between Syiria and Arabia.

One of his trips he met a Christian scholar and the scholar said to his uncle that he will one day do something great and I can see it because all trees, mountains and sea are in the bow in front of them. There’re some habits of our Prophet that must we know such as he encouraged the washing of hands before and after eating food. He used to mend his clothes, repair his shoes and sweep the floor as well as do the household shopping during his married life. It’s waajib to us to learn how our Prophet did in his entire life and did a sunnah Rasul we will got rewards.

See also: How to Do Istikhara in Islam

6. Knowing History of Islam

The struggle of Islam by our Prophet Muhammad SAW was great. Until even our Prophet Muhammad SAW was died, this struggle still continued by brotherhood of our Prophet Muhammad SAW. The first deputy of the Prophet of God (khalifat rasul Allah) was Abu Bakr Al-Shidiq then continued with Umar Bin Khattab R.A, Utsman bin Affan and last Ali Bin Abi Thalib. This struggle was continued after all of deputy  of Prophet of God was none. When the last deputy was died,  Hasan the grandchild of our Prophet Muhammad SAW replaced Ali bin Abi Thalib. There’re  history struggle of Islam in our Prophet Muhammad SAW era. Until now in this millennium era, Muslims in all over the world still struggle in our Islam for being Islam as a precious religion.

7. Knowing about Islamic Laws

In the Islamic Divine law the Ahkam and the legal regulations in regard to all human behavior can be divided into five categories, as follows:

a. Wajeb or Fardh

This include obligations such as daily prayer and fasting in Ramadhan, etc which are obligatory on every Muslim male or female. The Fardh are divided into two kinds; Fardhu ‘Ayn which means individual or personal duties that every Muslim is responsible to do. And Fardhu Kifaya means collective duties such as attendance at funeral prays or commanding the good and forbidding.

b. Mandoob

[AdSense-A] Mandoob is any act that is commendable but not required. While there’s no punishment for neglect of duties which are Mandoob there is reward for performing them. (See also: Anger Management in Islam)

c. Mubah

Mubah is any act that is left to the personal decision and to individual liberty. Muslims can make the decision whether or not to perform any act that is considered Mubah.

d. Makrooh

An act that avoiding its doing is preferable doing it. One such act would be divorced, for the Prophet Muhammad SAW said :

“The most abominable of permissible things in the sight of Allah is divorce.”

e. Haram

An act that is prohibited by the religion. These acts are binding by Quran and  Sunnah. For the performance of  haram there is punishment and for the avoidance of haram there is a reward.
“Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, eat up a fire into their own bodies: they will soon be enduring a blazing fire!” ( Verse 4:10)

8. Educated child from birth

Education is the birth right of every Muslim and Muslimah. Every Muslim parent is advised to raise his or her children well and properly. A happy home, comfort, care and love, providing the necessities of life and a good education are some of the responsibilities that parents are required to fulfill.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon to him) said whoever is not kind to young  people is not one of us and the best teaching that a parent can give a child is the teaching of good manners and character. Early childhood education program emphasizes the role of parents.Parents should provide an Islamic environment and an Islamic culture.It is hypocritical to do things differently and expect the child to have Islamic values.

See also: Racism and Islam

9. Educated woman

Islam also addresses exclusively woman for education. There are many verses such as Verse 62:2, 2:151, 96:1 to 5, 24:31, 33:59 etc. That explains t1, 33:59 etc. That explains the importance of education for woman with clear words. Women who are not aware of Arabic should first try to learn Arabic Language for better understanding of Islamic teaching. The holy Quran as well as sayings of Prophet Muhammad . There is no difference of opinion in any school of tought of Muslims pertaining to the obligatory acquisition of education for every man and woman.

See also: How to Do Ramadhan Fasting for the First Time

10. Kindness to parents

Islam is a religion that stresses that qualities of mercy, tolerance and respect. God has ordained the good treatment of parents and warned us against treating them with disrespect. There are several verses in the Quran where kindness to parents is even coupled with the most important aspect of Islam, worshiping God alone. This indicates that being kind to parents, honoring and respecting them is extremely important in the way of life this is Islam.

Verse 17:23

“And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a world of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour.”

God continues this verse by reminding us that parents are deserving of kindness because they raised their children with gentlenes and often made their children with gentleness and often made great sacrifices for their well-being.

Verse 17:24

“And lower unto them ehe wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: ‘My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small.’”

The love and mercy that emanates from the Most Merciful God is manifest in the kind treatment existing between parents and their children.

See also: Meditation in Islam

11. Respect teacher and elder

In Islam we must respect our elders in all situations. We must always speak to them in a kind and gentle manner. We must never hurt their feelings or make them feel sad.  Like our parents teachers have a special place. They give us a knowledge this gift brings us closer to Allah and make us better  people.  The best teachers were the prophets and Muhammad SAW was the last of these teachers.

See also: Fasting Six Days of Shawwal

12. Giving and sharing  others

Sadaqah is voluntary charity in Islam. More we give sadaqah more we increase eeman (faith) and thus expect Allah’s reward both in world and in the life here after. Giving charity out of our wealth does not decrease our wealth but instead Allah instead it.

Verse 30:39

“ That wich you give in insury for increase thourgh the property for (other) people, will have no increase with Allah : but that wich you give for charity, seeking the Countenance of Allah, (will increase); it is those who will get a recompense multiplied.”

See also: How to Pray in Islam for Beginners

13. The Virtues and Rewards of Prayer

The obligatory five daily prayers was in the pillars of Islam that is repeated five times each day and is never waived except for the woman during her  menstrual period and post-partum bleeding.The Prophet Muhammad SAW said : “Whose over prays forty days with the congregation, attending the initial (Allahu Akbar) of the prayer, will be free of two things: Hell Fire and hypocrisy.” [Ahmad]It is a sign of honesty and arrests a person from hypocrisy

14. Praise be to Allah

The one who is most deserving of thanks and praise from people is Allah, because of the great favors and blessings that He has bestowed upon His slaves in both spiritual and worldly terms. Allah has commanded us to give thanks to Him for those blessings and not to deny them.

See also:

Verse 2:152

“Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying). I will remember you and be grateful to Me (for My countless favours on you) and never be ungrateful to Me.”

15. Get Patience

There are dozens upon of verses that remind Muslims to be patient and trust in Allah during these times of trial among them. (see also: Ethical Values of Islam)

Verse 2:45

“Seek Allah’s help with patient perseverance and prayer. It is indeed hard except for those who are humble.”

Verse 40:55

“Patienly, then persevere for the Promise of Allah is true, and ask,forgiveness for your faults, and celebrate the praises of your Lord in the evening and in the morning.”

16. Get Good Manners and Behaviour

There’re two categories of scholars morality; morals in common meaning as discussed in earlier pages and morals in the particular meaning that includes good manners and Islamic behavior. The Prophet Muhammad SAW  addressing the son of Abdul Muttalib says : You can never gather people around you with your wealth, so treat them with smile face. In order to understand to the extent Islam given importance to good behavior.

See also:


17. Make good relation between brothers or sisters

In Islam, true friendships are bound by brotherhood and sisterhood, bonds that are stronger than typical friendship. The Islamic society is ideally built upon the foundation of brotherhood, as the Prophet Muhammad SAW advised :
“Believers are like a structure, parts of which support one another. The believers in their mutual friendship, mercy and affection, are like one body; if any part of it complains, the rest of the body will also stay awake in fever.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

See also:

18. Be a honest person

Honesty in words implies telling the truth in all situations and under all circumstances. Honesty also implies fulfilling the promises, whether written or given verbally, in text and spirit. Honesty also implies giving an honest opinion and the right advice to the one who asks for it. Allah SWT commands that a Muslim must be honest.

Verse 9:119 said :

“O you who believe!  Fear God, and be with those who are true (in word and deeds).”

See also:

19. Journey after life

The prophet (saw) said, “Live in this world as though you are a stranger or a traveler (passing through it).” [Muslim] We are on a journey and should know about the whole journey’s itinerary, not just one part.
Death is the one thing that we can be certain about in life. We are born to die. Every soul shall have a taste of death no matter who they are. This is confirmed for us many times in the Quran:

Verse 3:185

“Every soul shall have a taste of death: and only on the Day of Judgement shall you be paid your full recompense.” (3:185)

See also:

20. Belief in Last day (Qiyamah)

Belief in the Last Day is the most emphasized doctrine mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. No other revealed book draws such a vivid picture of Life after Death as does the Holy Qur’an. According to the Holy Qur’an, the entire universe will come to an end on the Day of Judgement. The dead will be resurrected and accounts will be taken of their deeds. People with good records will enter into heaven while those with bad records will be thrown into hell.
In the Holy Qur’an there are many signs of the coming of the Hour but its exact timing is known only to God. Following is a description of the Day of Judgement taken from Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Qariah 101: 1-11

Al qaari’ah (1) Mal qaari’ah (2) Wa mal adraaka mal qaari’ah(3) Yauma yakuunun naasu kal faraasyil mabtsuuts (4) Watakuunul jibaalukal ‘ihnil manfuussy (5) Faamma man tsalulat mawaa ziinuh (6) Fahuwa fii ‘ii syaatirraadhiyah (7) Wa amma man khaqqat mawaa ziinuh (8) Faummuhu haawiyah (9) Wa maa adraaka maa hiyah (10) Naarun haawiyah (11)

See also:

 The Meaning :

The Calamity! (1) What is the Calamity? (2) Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Calamity is!(3) A day wherein mankind will be as thickly-scattered moths(4) And the mountains will become as carded wool (5) Then, as for him whose scales are heavy (with good works) (6) He will live a pleasant life.(7)  But as for him whose scales are light,(8)  A bereft and Hungry One will be his mother(9), Ah, what will convey unto thee what she is!(10) Ranging fire(11).

Finally, those are 20 aims of Muslim Education which always give contributed to all of Muslim children all over the world in order to keep the good manners and useful ethics to conquer the world. Hope you can applied those ways to get a happy life as a Muslim.

Mesdya Ayu

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